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Once again, you confuse an effect with a process.

Ethnic cleansing was the process used to obtain the desired effect of a demographic shift.
But demographic shift does not prove ethnic cleansing. It can happen to plenty other reasons.
Right. It means 10 percent.
Awesome. Next time dont use words which u dont understand. :D

I said that the demographic shift in Palestine was the result of ethnic cleansing. I didn't say that all demographic shifts are automatic proof of ethnic cleansing.
I asked u: "what ethnic cleansing are u talking about?" and gave me demographic shit numbers. Thus you used demographic shift as a proof of ethnic cleansing. Which is another example of ur ignorance. Since now we both agree that demographic shift can happen due to plenty reasons and thus cant prove anything.

Intent makes all the difference.
Colonization is a deliberate process; it doesn't just happen by accident.

The Chinese migrants did not plan a colonial invasion of Malay lands with the intent to create a Chinese State.

Jewish migrants to Palestine did.
Again nonsense. Here the definition of colony:

* a group of people who leave their native country to form in a new land a settlement subject to, or connected with, the parent nation.

* a number of people coming from the same country, or speaking the same language, residing in a foreign country or city, or a particular section of it; enclave:

There is no any intention here. Both apply equally to Jews in Palestine and Chinese in Malaya.
But demographic shift does not prove ethnic cleansing. It can happen to plenty other reasons.

The discussion here is in the context of demographic shift in Palestine, not a general discussion about demographics shifts in the abstract.

The shift in Palestine was carried out using Zionist terror.

Awesome. Next time dont use words which u dont understand. :D

I knew the word was used to describe a massacre, named after ancient practices. Whether 1/10th are killed or 1/10 are spared is a matter of degree.

The important point -- and the context -- was to highlight the use of percentages to describe the population 'adjustment'.

I asked u: "what ethnic cleansing are u talking about?" and gave me demographic shit numbers. Thus you used demographic shift as a proof of ethnic cleansing. Which is another example of ur ignorance. Since now we both agree that demographic shift can happen due to plenty reasons and thus cant prove anything.

Wrong again..

I have always maintained, in this thread and elsewhere, that the demographic shift in Palestine was caused by an inflow of Jewish migrants through collusion with colonialist rulers, and outflow of Arabs through Jewish terror.

Again nonsense. Here the definition of colony:

* a group of people who leave their native country to form in a new land a settlement subject to, or connected with, the parent nation.

* a number of people coming from the same country, or speaking the same language, residing in a foreign country or city, or a particular section of it; enclave:

There is no any intention here. Both apply equally to Jews in Palestine and Chinese in Malaya.

Your attempts to create an imaginary equivalence with Singapore are amusing.

To analyze any action, the intent is important.

Chinese migrants who came to Singapore were ordinary workers looking for economic opportunities. They were not racist colonialists intent on conquering Malay lands for the glory of the Han race.

Jewish migrants to Palestine, on the other hand, had a very focused and very specific agenda to establish a Jewish State in that land. Most of them made economic sacrifices to move to Palestine. There was never any ambiguity about why the Jews were moving to Palestine.
The shift in Palestine was carried out using Zionist terror.
No, shift was made through migration. Arab population grew 14 times, meanwhile Jewish population grew 260 times. Thats what made a shift.

Same thing happened in Singapore, except the shift was there even much bigger.

I knew the word was used to describe a massacre, named after ancient practices. Whether 1/10th are killed or 1/10 are spared is a matter of degree.

The important point -- and the context -- was to highlight the use of percentages to describe the population 'adjustment'.
Yeah u mistake "just" 9 times. Thats what happens when u use smart word which u dont understand.

I have always maintained, in this thread and elsewhere, that the demographic shift in Palestine was caused by an inflow of Jewish migrants through collusion with colonialist rulers
Same exactly thing happened in Singapore.

and outflow of Arabs through Jewish terror.
On contrary, there was massive inflow of Arabs. Palestinian #1 Arafat was born in Egypt. Hamas spiritual father Sheikh Qassam was born in Syria.

I repeat: Arab population of Palestine grew 14 times.

Your attempts to create an imaginary equivalence with Singapore are amusing.
The outcome is exactly the same.

Chinese migrants who came to Singapore were ordinary workers looking for economic opportunities. They were not racist colonialists intent on conquering Malay lands for the glory of the Han race.
The only racist here is you, who is generalizing millions of people. When Israel established its first document said that all races and religions should be equal.

If u have mind records of all Jews and Chinese migrants plz let us know.

Jewish migrants to Palestine, on the other hand, had a very focused and very specific agenda to establish a Jewish State in that land. Most of them made economic sacrifices to move to Palestine. There was never any ambiguity about why the Jews were moving to Palestine.
Thats pure nonsense again. Wast majority of Jewish migrants to Palestine were poor people. Massive Jewish migration was result of poor economic conditions in Russia and Poland. It especially grew after USA limited migration in 1925.
He doesn't realize that he is contradicting the Zionist claims as to how many Jews lived in Palestine at the time of the British Mandate.
Another myth, debunked here:
Myths & Facts: Partition (Chapter 3) | Jewish Virtual Library

Now you are mixing up % land with % population.
Jews in the mandate area owned 6 % of total land. They were also a majority on the land they were allocated by UN partition plan.

Regardless of the percentages, the salient point, from which you keep running away, is that increase of Jewish population from the 4% figure was done under collusion with colonialist rulers. Even the land purchases you mentioned were done under colonial auspices.
Again, Jews owned only 6 % of total land during Mandate period.

Wikipedia is not a credible source...And the Barbary wars had nothing to do with Islam, it was commerce and sea ways control that was at stake...So much that you know!
Funny, troll. You can always check other sources. First American war against a foreign nation was Muslim Barbary States who were involved in piracy against American merchant ships:
Barbary Wars: How Thomas Jefferson Led America’s First “War On Terror”

I said that the demographic shift in Palestine was the result of ethnic cleansing. I didn't say that all demographic shifts are automatic proof of ethnic cleansing.
BS. You have no proofs to backup your claims. What about ethnic cleansing of Jews from Arab lands since 1948?
Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries | Jewish Virtual Library

Jewish migrants to Palestine did.
More BS without proofs.

I wish next full scale war between filthy arabs and Israel will not last for six days but only for six hours with total extinction by nuke.
Comment reported as racist.
The shift in Palestine was carried out using Zionist terror.
Proofs of your BS claims?

I have always maintained, in this thread and elsewhere, that the demographic shift in Palestine was caused by an inflow of Jewish migrants through collusion with colonialist rulers, and outflow of Arabs through Jewish terror.
Inflow of Jewish immigrants started on mass after establishment of Israel, not before. Before Israel was established, only about 600,000 Jews lived in Palestine.
Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To analyze any action, the intent is important.
And what was the intent of Arabs when they expelled almost all Jews from Muslim lands after 1948 but ethnic cleansing? :D

Jewish migrants to Palestine, on the other hand, had a very focused and very specific agenda to establish a Jewish State in that land. Most of them made economic sacrifices to move to Palestine. There was never any ambiguity about why the Jews were moving to Palestine.
Total BS. Most Jews that came to Palestine were either devoted religiously or economic problems back home.
**** em

They took the homes and lands and peace of the people of Palestine

The jews should not get peace until Palestine is free from their oppression
**** em
They took the homes and lands and peace of the people of Palestine
The jews should not get peace until Palestine is free from their oppression
O.K., so you have no sympathy for these dead Jews and Druze and every sympathy and excuse with their murderers. Now tell us why your opinion should be respected? Because I think you're old enough and have been on the internet long enough to know that your factual claims are lies. So why should your fellow Pakistanis believe in them rather than change their minds, realizing they've been snookered into supporting thieves and swindlers who now control the education and sponsor the terrorists that make Pakistani life unsafe?
Funny, troll. You can always check other sources. First American war against a foreign nation was Muslim Barbary States who were involved in piracy against American merchant ships:
Barbary Wars: How Thomas Jefferson Led America’s First “War On Terror”
My question to you still what that has to do with Islam? How is the barbary coast pirates actions led to the destruction of Islam?
Trolls have some kind of plan...You have none, just a stupid village idiot!

My question to you still what that has to do with Islam? How is the barbary coast pirates actions led to the destruction of Islam?
Trolls have some kind of plan...You have none, just a stupid village idiot!

Care to check the sources I sent you? When US was declared independent nation, it was no longer under French or British protection. Thus merchant ships on trade between US and Europe came under constant attacks by Barbary pirates. Many innocent sailors were captured as slaves, and US war hero Thomas Jefferson was sent to negotiate a deal between pirates. Here is an account of what happened:
That this might not be so easy was discovered by Jefferson and John Adams when they went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:

The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.
What Jefferson really thought about Islam.

So there you have a newly formed independent nation which has done no harm to the barbary states, suddenly go against you just because its said in the koran to fight or enslave the non-Muslims? Still nothing to do with the Koran or Islam? @LeveragedBuyout @Solomon2
Proofs of your BS claims?

Inflow of Jewish immigrants started on mass after establishment of Israel, not before. Before Israel was established, only about 600,000 Jews lived in Palestine.
Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And what was the intent of Arabs when they expelled almost all Jews from Muslim lands after 1948 but ethnic cleansing? :D

Total BS. Most Jews that came to Palestine were either devoted religiously or economic problems back home.

Just shouting BS at anything you don't like won't cut it.

The history of Jewish terror in Palestine is well documented. Read academic sources, watch BBC documentaries and read up Israeli historians. All of these have been posted on this forum several times. No spoon feeding for you, as you are used to.

You will have to take responsibility for your own education for once in your life.

The racist Jews left many countries -- Arab, European, African, American -- to colonize Palestine for the glory of the Chosen People. The population of these racist Jewish colonialists grew from about 4% to about 17-19% under collusion with colonialist rulers against the local Palestinians. At that point, the Balfour Declaration guaranteed colonial Britain's committed support for a Jewish State.

The fact that millions more racist Jews joined the colonization drive after that point is irrelevant to the discussion and does nothing to negate the above figures..

You can whitewash it with political correctness, but Zionism itself commands Jews to conquer Israel from the non-Jews for the glory of the Jewish race.
Another myth, debunked here:
Myths & Facts: Partition (Chapter 3) | Jewish Virtual Library

Jews in the mandate area owned 6 % of total land. They were also a majority on the land they were allocated by UN partition plan.

Again, Jews owned only 6 % of total land during Mandate period.

Quoting Zionist propaganda sites as 'proof' only showcases your desperation. By this logic, one can post stormfront (which is the ideological equivalent to the site you posted) to 'prove' anything one wants.

What your comment shows is your inability to differentiate between 'population'' and 'land ownership'. The ethnic cleansing of Arabs from Palestine through Jewish terror did not need to involve land purchases. Arabs were chased out of their homes by Jewish terror gangs (documented by BBC and Israeli historians).

Zionist apologist denials won't change documented history.

As for Jews being a majority in certain areas, duh!, you missed the whole point of the argument. The migration of racist colonialist Jews into Palestine to achieve that majority is precisely the issue being highlighted.

BS. You have no proofs to backup your claims. What about ethnic cleansing of Jews from Arab lands since 1948?
Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries | Jewish Virtual Library

More Jewish victimhood.

Racist colonialist Jews from all over the world answered the Zionist call to colonize Palestine for the glory of the Chosen People.
For people who want more information about ethnic cleansing of Palestine, there are some Israeli historians themselves who have written about it.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe - Google Books

The Nakba, 65 Years of Dispossession and Apartheid | IMEU irgun and lehi

"We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. [Yigal] Allon repeated his question, 'What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!'... I agreed that it was essential to drive the inhabitants out." - Former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin

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