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I am tired of defending my identity on every other thread. You can call me a Muslim Zionist, if you want. On another thread, I called myself a soft antisemite sarcastically, which made LeveragedBuyout a pro-Israel American quite angry :)

You chinese have no business interfering when people of three monotheistic abrahamic faiths are quarreling like always with their neverending contempt for each other. You can compare us with your extraordinary relations with the Japanese throughout history. This is 2014, btw. Looks like that Japanese premier sucked all happiness from your president's face like a dementor from Harry Potter :D

Clean the Arabs? So this is it? Its all about your ego that Israeli Jews were successful in making sure Arabs did not become a majority in Israel, like elsewhere in the Middle East? In that case, I will pray to Allah everyday that Israel continue to prosper in face of general Arab contempt for Israel and its people!

Do you know that China has not had any cross-border bloodshed with any of our neighbors for over 30 years?

Whereas America invaded 3 countries in the last decade, while Israel invaded Gaza, Lebanon, then Gaza again.

There is really no comparison. And as for what we are going to do, we're going to support whichever side wants to support us in our own disputes. Not to mention buying out Israeli companies (we just bought the biggest food producer in Israel) and buying oil/gas from the Arabs at the same time.

Let's see who has the long-term advantage in this conflict.
You show zero knowledge in history as usual. Arabs were cleansed from Spain, Sicily, Malta etc..
But they have hosted you for thousands of years. And even when they were pushed back to North Africa, they have saved most Jews from being cleansed.
Spain and Portugal in pursuing the Arabs have attacked North Africa with full force, two huge armies and two kings were lost in the battle of Wad Al Makhazin, and one Moroccan Sultan was mortally wounded.
Spain an Portugal never recovered from that, and stayed the weakest European nations.
That is Zero knowledge if you want but than you'll have to tell it to history, and to the hundreds of thousands of Jews saved by the Arabs, be it in Spain or in many other places.
You seem to ignore a lot of Arab history, since Mecca was the biggest trading hub of the world in those times, I can conclude from that fact alone that Arabia had to be the most peaceful place on earth for trade to flourish to that extent.
My Jewish friends on PDF can confirm or deny this but prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself had Jewish roots as Arabia at the time had frequent Jewish-Arab contacts. They even had an ancient Jewish Kingdom in present day Yemen and its king was believe or not an Arab convert to Judaism :) Many Arab tribes of the time were close allies of Jewish tribes too. It all changed after the advent of Islam:
Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Prophet Mohammed, a Jewish pseudo-Messiah
The Jewish Foundation of Islam

There is really no comparison. And as for what we are going to do, we're going to support whichever side wants to support us in our own disputes. Not to mention buying out Israeli companies (we just bought the biggest food producer in Israel) and buying oil/gas from the Arabs at the same time.
LOL. You chinese are evidently smart having an average IQ of 106! Good job. The world should learn business and politics from you guys, soon to be world's only superpower economically!
I am tired of defending my identity on every other thread. You can call me a Muslim Zionist, if you want. On another thread, I called myself a soft antisemite sarcastically, which made @LeveragedBuyout a pro-Israel American quite angry :)

You chinese have no business interfering when people of three monotheistic abrahamic faiths are quarreling like always with their neverending contempt for each other. You can compare us with your extraordinary relations with the Japanese throughout history. This is 2014, btw. Looks like that Japanese premier sucked all happiness from your president's face like a dementor from Harry Potter :D
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Clean the Arabs? So this is it? Its all about your ego that Israeli Jews were successful in making sure Arabs did not become a majority in Israel, like elsewhere in the Middle East? In that case, I will pray to Allah everyday that Israel continue to prosper in face of general Arab contempt for Israel and its people!
What Usrael Jews, you are talking about France and England and add the US on top of them. and what Ego, yours must have been seriously hurt, just by reading that no one could clean up the Arabs.
Anyways, I have just intervened briefly to clarify things. And I have no intention of having a discussion with you, since our opinions diverge too much for any constructive discussion or outcome. You lie in the face of truth, talk about prayers and praying for Usrael prosperity while using hypocrisy and an ignorance of facts of life, since most Usraelis are Atheists and will tell you to pray to America for their prosperity to continue. Yours are no attributes of seriousness but mostly of falseness.
I only see silly excuses why one case is good and another is bad although they are exactly the same.

No, they are not the same, no matter how much you try to gloss over the crucial difference.

The Zionist Jews lobbied the Brits to create a Jewish State in Palestine. The migration was part of a focused and deliberate campaign to create a Jewish state.

The migrants to Singapore were purely economic migrants; they had no ulterior plans to create anything. They did not make deals with the colonial rulers to create a Chinese State or an Indian State.

I bring u live evidences u talk about some anonymous revisionist historians.

The only revisionism at play is the Israeli line that most Arabs left voluntarily.

I repeat: Israel could easily cleans all the Arabs in 1948 and in 1967.

I am sure you know of the law of diminishing returns. To do anything 100% requires a lot of effort. Once Jewish supremacy was established, there was no need to spend the effort to cleanse 100%.

Israelis know how to play the propaganda game on the global stage, so a small percentage was allowed to remain.

No, ethnic cleansing is numbered by numbers.

The goal of ethnic cleansing is to effect a demographic change, and such changes are always measured by relative percentages.
But they have hosted you for thousands of years. And even when they were pushed back to North Africa, they have saved most Jews from being cleansed.
Thats nonsense. Jews lived in North Africa long before the Arabs. And only little percent went to North Africa.

Spain and Portugal in pursuing the Arabs have attacked North Africa with full force, two huge armies and two kings were lost in the battle of Wad Al Makhazin, and one Moroccan Sultan was mortally wounded.
Spain an Portugal never recovered from that, and stayed the weakest European nations.
Spain became a superpower after expulsion of Arabs. U are really retard.

You wanted to change a topic but instead showed more of ur ignorance.

Israel invaded Gaza, Lebanon, then Gaza again.
They attack us not the vice versa. Israel offered them peace they refuse.
No, they are not the same, no matter how much you try to gloss over the crucial difference.

The Zionist Jews lobbied the Brits to create a Jewish State in Palestine. The migration was part of a focused and deliberate campaign to create a Jewish state.

The migrants to Singapore were purely economic migrants; they had no ulterior plans to create anything. They did not make deals with the colonial rulers to create a Chinese State or an Indian State.
In Singapore Malays were 100% now they are 14% - Thats fine.
In Palestine Arabs were 95% now they are 45% - Thats ethnic cleansing.

Note. In contrast to Singapore Arabs came here as result of colonial invasion on first place.

Your double standards are pathetic. Well what else to expect from a person who lives on stolen lands of genocided people and preaches morals?
No, it wasn't "imposed" immigration but forced expulsion of Jews from Arab lands, between 800,000 and 1 million in total:
Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

More wikipedia propaganda which is, moreover, irrelevant.

The question here is the population of Jews in Palestine. That population grew from 4% (in 1800s) to 19% (in 1917) under colonial rule, by colonial diktat, against the wishes of the Palestinians, and due to lobbying by Zionist groups. In 1917, at just 19% of the population, the colonial Brits declared Palestine to be the site of a future Jewish State.

As to Jews leaving Arab lands, may Jews voluntarily left because they were answering the racist call of Zionists to colonize Palestine. The same way many Jews in Russia, Europe, and the Americas left voluntarily to colonize Palestine.

It was legitimate resistance to Arab terrorist attacks against Jewish communities of the Mandate Era:

Just quoting wikipedia won't cut it. Independent historians, including British and Israeli historians and Israel's own intelligence officers confirm that it was Jews who started terrorism in the Middle East, both against British and Arab civilians. I have posted video clips in other threads with direct, first hand confirmation from Israeli officers.

They fled during 1947-1948 war of independence. Their descendants who are born elsewhere have no attachment to this land, so why should they return? If someone can prove they were born inside Israel proper before 1948, of course Israel should allow their return as its justice. Nothing to do with 'Jewish' nature as those Palestinian Arabs who remained inside Israel proper received equal Israeli citizenship!

Just because the Zionists got away with theft doesn't mean their children should get to keep the spoils. The Palestinians have a legitimate right to reclaim what was stolen from them.

SO why you keep saying Israelis are invaders?

Because the vast majority of Israeli Jews are invaders. Jews made up 4% of the population, not 80%.

What part of natural population growth and immigration do you have trouble understanding?

Again, you have trouble understanding the concept that demographic trends are always measured in relative percentages, not absolute numbers.
My Jewish friends on PDF can confirm or deny this but prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself had Jewish roots as Arabia at the time had frequent Jewish-Arab contacts. They even had an ancient Jewish Kingdom in present day Yemen and its king was believe or not an Arab convert to Judaism :) Many Arab tribes of the time were close allies of Jewish tribes too. It all changed after the advent of Islam:
Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Prophet Mohammed, a Jewish pseudo-Messiah
The Jewish Foundation of Islam
We have the real history of our prophet Mohammad SAW. And it does not say that.
The arabs of that time were quite honest, and would have kept it memorized or otherwise. Some Arabs embraced Judaism and Christianity, but the Hebrews were different tribes than the Arabs, they were mostly Jews..
I have read extensively on the subject and found out that those were false claims, with no facts to prove them, so mainly some speculations. The Arab tradition of keeping records either memorized or by writings contradicts all these speculations. Prophet Mohammad SAW came from one of the oldest Arab families and the only relations they had with Jewish tribes were trade related ones.
In fact the roots of Islam as stated in the Koran go back to prophet Abraham PBUH.
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In Singapore Malays were 100% now they are 14% - Thats fine.
In Palestine Arabs were 95% now they are 45% - Thats ethnic cleansing.

I never said what the Brits did in Singapore was right. Where did I ever claim that?

My comment is that you can't blame the Singaporean Chinese for what the Brits did because they did not collude with the colonialists to create a Chinese State.

The situation in Israel is that the colonialist Jews colluded with the colonialist Brits to steal land from the locals and create a Jewish State.

Intent makes all the difference.
I never said what the Brits did in Singapore was right. Where did I ever claim that?

My comment is that you can't blame the Singaporean Chinese for what the Brits did because they did not collude with the colonialists to create a Chinese State.

The situation in Israel is that the colonialist Jews colluded with the colonialist Brits to steal land from the locals and create a Jewish State.

Intent makes all the difference.
1) You claimed that Arabs were ethnically cleansed.
2) I replied that number of Arabs in Palestine actually INCREASED about 14 times since the beginning of Zionism.
3) You said that numbers dont matter, percents prove that there was cleansing even if they grow 14 times. :D
4) I brought then Singapore where percent shift was even much bigger than in Palestine.
5) Then u came with new silly excuse: what is important is what they were thinking while they migrate. :rofl: :D Although the final result is exactly the same: Singapore is ruled by Chinese and Israel by Jews.
The situation in Israel is that the colonialist Jews colluded with the colonialist Brits to steal land from the locals and create a Jewish State.
Hogwash! When UN proposed partition plan for the establishment of a Jewish and Arab state on Mandate region, Jewish communities didn't make up more than 6 % of total mandate area:

The rest was either state land or public land. Some antisemites argue that Zionists received "too much" land by the UN and that's why Arabs rejected partition. For their info, Zionists received even less land 10 years prior in 1937 before WW2 and those tragic events of the Holocaust, an offer Palestinian Arabs rejected outright:
1) You claimed that Arabs were ethnically cleansed.
2) I replied that number of Arabs in Palestine actually INCREASED about 14 times since the beginning of Zionism.
3) You said that numbers dont matter, percents prove that there was cleansing even if they grow 14 times. :D
4) I brought then Singapore where percent shift was even much bigger than in Palestine.
5) Then u came with new silly excuse: what is important is what they were thinking while they migrate. :rofl: :D Although the final result is exactly the same: Singapore is ruled by Chinese and Israel by Jews.
@500 its useless debating with words of fact. Its better to present him with historical maps to clear up his antisemitic mind :D
Thats nonsense. Jews lived in North Africa long before the Arabs. And only little percent went to North Africa.

Spain became a superpower after expulsion of Arabs. U are really retard.

You wanted to change a topic but instead showed more of ur ignorance.

They attack us not the vice versa. Israel offered them peace they refuse.
You show your confusion about history, The first Jews of north Africa were Yemeni Jews who came with Amazight Yemeni tribes to north Africa, they were the Berbers (some branch of Arabs). And that was way before Islam. I was talking about the Arab Muslims of Spain. But your twisted mind got the better of you again.
A superpower Spain, from where did you pull this, from their looting of south America that resembles exactly what usraelis did in Palestine, so you must think you are a super power now.
Spanish armada could not cross the Mediterranean, nor the Brits when the ottomans decided that.
These are the facts, that you keep calling ignorance, displaying your own ignorance and some mental illness i have talked to you about before.

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