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Is America the greatest country in the world?

It is a section of a series yes but a section that has not been able to be refuted....

When did I say any of what you claim?
Why dont you preach the same to yourself and your fellows when they point the OBVIOUS bad about Pakistan? Or is that reserved for you lot ONLY?

I am sorry to hear about your negative brain....Hope you get well and reach something positive soon! We have enough negatives in Pakistan...adding another is just a burden!

I've noticed fauj has a funny bone which tickles whenever something negative is said about that nation that armed terrorists in 1980's by giving them all sorts of weapons, training and ammunition.
I've noticed fauj has a funny bone which tickles whenever something negative is said about that nation that armed terrorists in 1980's by giving them all sorts of weapons, training and ammunition.
Not just a him a handful :agree:
Not just a him a handful :agree:

Its amazing isn't it, though. Whoever goes there is singing their songs and writing their chronicles. Americans sure win over a lot of people who come to their land. They support them and have given many of their people equal rights. These people you are talking about are away from Pakistan's and close to America's outlook, mostly because they have lived there and seen the freedom they are provided.

I surely wish we could exert such influence on our people. We are a divided nation, ethnically, politically and even on sectarian lines.
Its amazing isn't it, though. Whoever goes there is singing their songs and writing their chronicles. Americans sure win over a lot of people who come to their land. They support them and have given many of their people equal rights. These people you are talking about are away from Pakistan's and close to America's outlook, mostly because they have lived there and seen the freedom they are provided.
Hun I havent lived in Pakistan since I was 2 yrs old....

I have seen both sides of the coin (maybe not American coin) but yea...anyway, at least I acknowledge both sides and dont turn a blind eye to the bad!

Mind you I also acknowledge the good but I dont make it feel like the land of the angels! I clearly remember @Syed.Ali.Haider 's post on a thread I opened once upon a time...He was shocked I opened a positive thread about America....cant recall the thread but yea...

I surely wish we could exert such influence on our people. We are a divided nation, ethnically, politically and even on sectarian lines.
I agree...and I mostly open these kind of threads to show people what WE need to work on but get trolls singing THEIR PRAISES :tsk:
Not really. Polarization of opinion based on whether Abortion is a legal practice may still be considered legitimate..but polarization on whether global warming is caused by our own pollution and not by Gay marriage is not. There is a general rise in "stupid" happening in American society.. and ironically as the opening video demonstrates.. has a LOT to do with the falling values in reporting honesty within American society.
On and off the topic.. this TV series is a great example of what is wrong with the American Media today.

How about we revisit the points that you raise after you have spent some time here and see things for yourself?
Its amazing isn't it, though. Whoever goes there is singing their songs and writing their chronicles. Americans sure win over a lot of people who come to their land. They support them and have given many of their people equal rights. These people you are talking about are away from Pakistan's and close to America's outlook, mostly because they have lived there and seen the freedom they are provided.

I surely wish we could exert such influence on our people. We are a divided nation, ethnically, politically and even on sectarian lines.

Every nation is divided.

you will know this if you travel and talk to ordinary people.

Pakistan is no exception.

nations are successful if they are dominated by merit oriented hard working people.

The only problem with Pakistan so far is that Islamo-socialist baboos and media and college professors, have been dominating for most of our existence. .
I live in the greatest country on Earth and from our vantage point i have one criticism of USA - there's not enough socialism, not enough care for the less fortunate.

A man could starve and die on the streets of USA and there would have been no intervention. Unlike the UK, where some service or other would be involved to help.
Greed Sir Greed....from foreign policies to regional policies...american govt is slave to big corporations. Today's "capitalism" is destroying morals that once made america great and i m afraid there will be no u-turn.

Morals did not make USA, nor do they make or break any country. Hard work, creativity and discipline matter.
I live in the greatest country on Earth and from our vantage point i have one criticism of USA - there's not enough socialism, not enough care for the less fortunate.

A man could starve and die on the streets of USA and there would have been no intervention. Unlike the UK, where some service or other would be involved to help.

Haha!! We have more socialism than China!
People can live in a free apartment with free utilities, get free money for food AND have free healthcare! Ask anybody who has brought their elderly parents over.
With all its shortcomings, USA is still a great country. I cant wait my present tenure to be completed and going back to States.
Haha!! We have more socialism than China!
People can live in a free apartment with free utilities, get free money for food AND have free healthcare! Ask anybody who has brought their elderly parents over.

I'm aware you CAN get a free apartment, free money for food but you are really on your own to push these things through. The state doesn't come and find you like it does in the uk.

Honestly till you experience it you will not appreciate the insecurity of losing it. Eg in the uk, every aspect of our healthcare is covered equally for everyone. If you don't have insurance in USA, the health service is awful.

On the other hand I love the openness of the USA. Anyone can make it if they really want and there are not as many artificial barriers. The UK has more barriers because it is more of an 'involved' society I suppose.

I always say the UK won't let you climb too high but it won't let you drop too far either. The USA is not like that - for good or bad. In every other respect I love America.
Honestly till you experience it you will not appreciate the insecurity of losing it. Eg in the uk, every aspect of our healthcare is covered equally for everyone. If you don't have insurance in USA, the health service is awful..

If you are poor and don't have health insurance your health service is better than a premium health insurance plan...because it will be free.

I know somebody who flew in from China with their son with obviously no health insurance and had a kidney operation done for free using robotic surgery at Children's Hospital. This was no special case charity exception by the hospital. It was paid in full by the government.

How can you beat that?
USA is the most powerful country in the world. No doubt about that. But greatest? No way!!
Esp to
@Syed.Ali.Haider please pop one of them beta blockers before you press play dont want you ending up in the hospital :pop:

Rest of you who keep preaching the first thing to do is recognize the problem...Well lets welcome recognition! :p:

For the current time, it is. China and Japan are progressing to become the greatest and most powerful country and according to my calculations with the current growth rate China will be the Super Power in 2025. China Purchasing Power Parity is No.1 in the world and US is on second number.

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