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Pakistan's ASFC conducts training launch of Shaheen-II MRBM Nov 13, 2014

Pakistan already lost the opportunity on the day when India tested ICBM. Pakistan had an opportunity on the next day of that test to give answer, unfortunately Pakistan didn't take the advantage and now doing such test will create more pressure from the US. India has answer of her test "China to max range". Pakistan current WMD arsenal is enough to circle India. So if Pakistan will conduct ICBM test, it will create another + point for US to ask for whom Pakistan tested ICBM? Pakistan must declare its enemy for whom they tested ICBM so what will be the answer from Pakistan side ?

Israel ? US or what ?
Sir we are not at war that we would do tit for tat right now but yes for Israel we would have to develop Missile and for now I think SHAHEEN III will be tested soon
What solution? Solution needs large R&D and industry!!!


Let your ABM get deployed...and we'll talk.

Mark my comment, and come back and see it again by 2020- 2025(the time when your ABM cover will go full online)

How its favors Pakistan? And above all there is no status quo!!! The balance was always heavily on our side. thanks to industry, economy and R&D.

HAHAHA!! Stop acting like a little kid.

Doesn't matter if balance is "tilted" or whatever.

As long as there exists a strategic balance..and india remains unable to launch any misadventure against Pakistan...we are happy and it favors us since we have successfully contained a much larger nation.

The balance has worked in 2001/02 and 2008.

We want to keep it that way ;)
Ghauri was like a nightmare for hindus thats why they hate Ghari

Ghauri is was a looter and he looted mostly present day Pakistan. Praise the one who looted your forefather. lol Now Hindus are looting you. You are always looted, is it?
[QUTE="Kinetic, post: 6428842, member: 24028"]Ghauri is was a looter and he looted mostly present day Pakistan. Praise the one who looted your forefather. lol Now Hindus are looting you. You are always looted, is it?[/QUOTE]
WTH you are talking about, you should read history written by neutral person not your Indian biased writers.
@The Deterrent I have one question I was wondering why missiles like Trident 1-2, Russian (Satan) All ICBMs have such small frames compared to our missiles and they seem to travel much further and are more potent, is it because they use different motor technology or because of fuel ? and will we be ever able to achieve that?

Thanks in Advance
Could you explain that incident a bit? Or maybe provide some source? Many thanks

India had quoted Pakistani missile's test's reange upto an accuracy of 1 decimal in KM. The article is there on PDF.
@The Deterrent I have one question I was wondering why missiles like Trident 1-2, Russian (Satan) All ICBMs have such small frames compared to our missiles and they seem to travel much further and are more potent, is it because they use different motor technology or because of fuel ? and will we be ever able to achieve that?

Thanks in Advance
They "look" small, but they are huge in real. For example Trident-II is 13m tall but 2m wide, and SS-18 Satan is a staggering 32m tall and 3m wide. Compared to them, Shaheen-II is 17m tall and 1.4m wide.

Yes they are very "compact" systems, because of the top-notch technology used. For example Trident-II uses all-composite motor casings which reduce overall weight and High-ISP fuel grains which increase thrust. We are working towards that, but do understand that developing this much advanced technology needs resources, which we do not have at the moment. Also, the currently deployed and in-development systems are enough to meet our deterrence needs, so there is no need to go for the best.
and what do we want to target on those islands? tactical palm trees?

India also has islands in the Indian Ocean and those naval bases should also be within reach. For strategic depth if missiles are fired from Pakistan's western areas then it should be able to reach as far as Indian Suchel Island.
Wasn't shaheen-2 first tested in 2004, and its range was advertised as 2000+Kms?? After 10 years, the maximum range of pakistani missiles has gone down by 25%. On the other hand, indian missile range has gone from 1000+Kms. To over 7000Kms range in the same period..
Wasn't shaheen-2 first tested in 2004, and its range was advertised as 2000+Kms?? After 10 years, the maximum range of pakistani missiles has gone down by 25%. On the other hand, indian missile range has gone from 1000+Kms. To over 7000Kms range in the same period..

It was a training launch dumbo.

1500km is the range they fired the missile at.

Shaheen II's range is 2000km solid with one-ton warhead (and can be increased to 2500km by decreasing the payload).

Shaheen-II series cover entire indian mainland and all the strategic targets of india, all major cities, strategic ports, and so on.
It was a training launch dumbo.

1500km is the range they fired the missile at.

Shaheen II's range is 2000km solid with one-ton warhead (and can be increased to 2500km by decreasing the payload).

Shaheen-II series cover entire indian mainland and all the strategic targets of india, all major cities, strategic ports, and so on.
I understand your frustration, but there is no need to call names mate..
Why does the news report call it a test of the missile?

India's Prithvi-2 itself is enough to cover 85% of Pakistan..
I understand your frustration,

Yeah, I usually get frustrated when I see ignorant kids making retarded comments and making fool out of themselves..but whatever mate.

Why does the news report call it a test of the missile?

Media people aren't well-versed in military affairs...specially in subcontinent.

Don't be a jackass. You should already know it.

It was a training launch. Go to first page, it says right there.

India's Prithvi-2 itself is enough to cover 85% of Pakistan..

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