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Vietnam police arrest 6 for selling 147 women to...

Vietnamese police have broken up a six-member ring that sold 147 Vietnamese women to China as future wives for men there for up to $13,080 per woman

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It's sad that you broke this news and not one of our Viet members. It seems you and I care more about Vietnam than any of our ethnic Vietnamese PDF members. How shameful. :disagree:
It's sad that you broke this news and not one of our Viet members. It seems you and I care more about Vietnam than any of our ethnic Vietnamese PDF members. How shameful. :disagree:
thanks for your feeling for our people.
how about chinese girls go to taiwan and make money by selling sex? any feel of shame?



It's sad that you broke this news and not one of our Viet members. It seems you and I care more about Vietnam than any of our ethnic Vietnamese PDF members. How shameful. :disagree:
THAT...is a good joke.
Maybe these Vietnam women like to be a Chinese wife living in China city more than in Vietnam village ... every girl/woman has right to own a better life for herself and her child, it's very normal in this world & don't blame them.

When a Chinese man willing to buy a Vietnamese woman as his wife, it means he will treat her as a real wife with him not sexy slave. Does Vietnamese hear any news Chinese husband maltreat her Vietnamese wife ? Ur Vietnamese women wanna change their poor life from poor Vietnam, one option is marrage to China.

In China there'r marriage requires, then some Vietnamese 'help' ur girl/woman into China and earn some dirty money.
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Maybe these Vietnam women like to be a Chinese wife living in China city more than in Vietnam village ... every girl/woman has right to own a better life for herself and her child, it's very normal in this world & don't blame them.

When a Chinese man willing to buy a Vietnamese woman as his wife, it means he will treat her as a real wife with him not sexy slave. Does Vietnamese hear any news Chinese husband maltreat her Vietnamese wife ? Ur Vietnamese women wanna change their poor life from poor Vietnam, one option is marrage to China.

In China there'r marriage requires, then some Vietnamese 'help' ur girl/woman into China.
LOL, now you want some fun, leio !?
Many girls, women in Southern Vietnam (we call "Miền Tây" - Western) went to China, Taiwan, Korean through some agency sources ... but most returned their home (or trying to do that) was from China and Taiwan.

Want to know why !? Bad treatment, even more poor life, some become sex slave ... because they're poor and didn't understand about their "maybe" future life.
LOL, now you want some fun, leio !?
Many girls, women in Southern Vietnam (we call "Miền Tây" - Western) went to China, Taiwan, Korean through some agency sources ... but most returned their home (or trying to do that) was from China and Taiwan.

Want to know why !? Bad treatment, even more poor life, some become sex slave ... because they're poor and didn't understand about their "maybe" future life.
Even u r right, still many Vietnamese girls/women will follow this way to China/Korea/TaiWan etc, guess Why ? Whatever they wanna earn money or marry to a good foreign family in above nations, in China/Korea/TaiWan there's still better living situation to attract them leaving Vietnam.

So do u wanna tell me next years there no Vietnamese girls/women marry to China ? or no more Vietnamese to 'help' them into China ? Such story will continue ... unless Vietnam become more developed & rich.
Even u r right, still many Vietnamese girls/women will follow this way to China/Korea/TaiWan etc, guess Why ? Whatever they wanna earn money or marry to a good foreign family in above nations, in China/Korea/TaiWan there's still better living situation to attract them leaving Vietnam.

So do u wanna tell me next years there no Vietnamese girls/women marry to China ? or no more Vietnamese to 'help' them into China ? This story will continue ... unless Vietnam become more developed & rich.

This's depend on many things like: living situation, "the needs" from China, understanding, knowledge of local women ... or simple they find a good and rich man and want to have a more good life (compare to their life at home).
So it'll not stop anyway.

But the cases was reduced after 2010, because they know more about issue that they can face off if they chose it.
Most of them was poor, believe on agency's promise, and go. But when they return, they realize the fact they can have a good living if they trying hard in any where.
This's depend on many things like: living situation, "the needs" from China, understanding, knowledge of local women ... or simple they find a good and rich man and want to have a more good life (compare to their life at home).
So it'll not stop anyway.

But the cases was reduced after 2010, because they know more about issue that they can face off if they chose it.
Most of them was poor, believe on agency's promise, and go. But when they return, they realize the fact they can have a good living if they trying hard in any where.
It's good for Vietnam. Anyway how to save ur girl/woman to stay in Vietnam and not go outside, it's ur government's problem. Especially Vietnam is so close to China border, it's easy to reach China. If ur girl/woman still think foreign nation better than poor Vietnam and has more chance to earn money outside, they will try many ways to go outside.
It's good for Vietnam. Anyway how to save ur girl/woman to stay in Vietnam and not go outside, it's ur government's problem. Especially Vietnam is so close to China border, it's easy to reach China. If ur girl/woman still think foreign nation better than poor Vietnam and has more chance to earn money outside, they will try many ways to go outside.
That case 's same for China, right !? (I mean Chinese women even see money more important, right !?)

Ah, i forgot, many Viet women come to US, and they got better life, don't like women go to China.
But, this thread was made for troll, so I don't want to go futher.
That case 's same for China, right !? (I mean Chinese women even see money more important, right !?)

Ah, i forgot, many Viet women come to US, and they got better life, don't like women go to China.
But, this thread was made for troll, so I don't want to go futher.
Compared with China, do u know how many Chinese women marry to Vietnam ? or news reported selling Chinese women into Vietnam before ?

Few Chinese women go outside, most stay inside China coz here they can rich and enjoy high-standard living situation in China cities, even in richer villages of East China. Compared with 30 years ago, now i rarely hear news about many Chinese women marry to foreign.

Do u understand what high-standard living situation i said in China ?
1. having a house.
2. having a car
3. travel from one China city to another city.
Now this such living situation is easily come ture in China, so most Chinese man & woman enjoy lifes in China not go outside.
Compared with China, do u know how many Chinese women marry to Vietnam ? or news reported selling Chinese women into Vietnam before ?
Nah, you take it so serious, I mean about mind of Chinese girls ( I read some stupid and funny case on net), not about "Chinese women marry to Vietnamese men" :partay:

P/S: About your 1,2,3 living standard, you mean even in country side !? or entire Chinese in Big city or city can easily get that standard !?
at $13k a pop I can own a handful of these below average looking Viet girls.

thanks for your feeling for our people.
how about chinese girls go to taiwan and make money by selling sex? any feel of shame?




Hookers do not exist in Vietnam? That's not what I experienced in Wu Chi Ming city.
Nah, you take it so serious, I mean about mind of Chinese girls ( I read some stupid and funny case on net), not about "Chinese women marry to Vietnamese men" :partay:

P/S: About your 1,2,3 living standard, you mean even in country side !? or entire Chinese in Big city or city can easily get that standard !?
This is i said now living standard in China city, and China has hundred cities like that. Compared with Vietnam it's Bigger and Stronger, so ask ur girl/woman Do they wanna live in such city and country ? If yes, no doubt future many ur girl/woman will corss through Sino-Vietnam border to find their dreams or husbands in China.

When u have chance to visit China cities, it will scare u !







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This is i said now living standard in China city, and China has hundred cities like that. Compared with Vietnam it's Bigger and Stronger, so ask ur girl/woman Do they wanna live in such city and country ? If yes, no doubt future many ur girl/woman will corss Sino-Vietnam border to find their dreams or husbands in China.

When u have chance visit to China, it will scare u !

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errr ... I don't need you show that (to scare me, and I don't scare) ... but if every Chinese in big city can have your 1,2,3 living standard, so PRC gdp per capita should equal to Korean or even Japan !????
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