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Will separating the North East be better for everyone?

India did not share the prejudices that Americans did about Chinese. So there were no slur words for the Chinese. If anything looking like a Chinese or a Japanese was a compliment in India. It was considered a sign of beauty, doll like.

Some English speaking Indians have adopted the American slangs to just rile the Chinese when we butthead, but there is no inherent racism or ethnic hatred as such for the Chinese.
So according to your logic, if we call Indians, black, hairy, smelly and curry munchers, they won't feel offended right? Since, these words are English which we have adopted from other countries. Also, why is the word "Chinki" officially banned in India if it wasn't taken as racism?
NE separatism is not driven by racism! If that is true then what is driving one group against the other? Truth is that even if the IA vacates the space, these groups who claim to be fighting for the rights of their people won't stop bleeding the NE, they will simply start cutting each others' throats (they are already doing that). Tribalism is not very different from racism, it is racism at cave-man's time and scale.

They cry about racism, but any outsider who has ever visited NE will tell a different story, anobody who looks different is treated differently. Racism is a bigger problem in NE than places like Delhi or Bangalore.
As if you're better than us tribals and cave men.
Balls?The Indian soldiers certainly lost theirs and ran all the way to assam and mainland in 62 thrashing.It was funny I tell you,your soldiers came all gung ho about how they will teach a lesson to the short,yellow ones again and got massacred in return.The retreat was amazing however..they ran off as if the devil was after them.All scared and jumpy to get out of entire NE before the reds came.
My ancestors never knew people could run back so fast!
Again you are running around in circles with bravado stories of your chini daddys. Did your chini daddys gain anything is a point to ponder upon. Did they annex AP, if not then so what are the reasons to believe they could do so in future.They mounted a surprise attack outnumbering Indian forces 8:1 but still had to retreat when reinforcements were called. So take a chill pill , no one can take AP away from India ;)
Again you are running around in circles with bravado stories of your chini daddys. Did your chini daddys gain anything is a point to ponder upon. Did they annex AP, if not then so what are the reasons to believe they could do so in future.They mounted a surprise attack outnumbering Indian forces 8:1 but still had to retreat when reinforcements were called. So take a chill pill , no one can take AP away from India ;)

You don't even know your own history.

In 1962, despite being in the middle of the worst famine in our history (Great leap forward which also dropped our GDP by 1/3 and made us significantly poorer than India at that time) we still managed to defeat India on BOTH fronts, in fact the Indian Army collapsed far faster in AP than it did in the Aksai Chin sector.

You never defended AP with your army, even Indian historians don't say that. Your Army lost.

China withdrew unilaterally, to give India another chance at Zhou Enlai's 1960 offer (to swap recognition of AP for Aksai Chin). But of course, India refused again, just like before. But this time at least they did not try another Forward Policy.
So according to your logic, if we call Indians, black, hairy, smelly and curry munchers, they won't feel offended right? Since, these words are English which we have adopted from other countries. Also, why is the word "Chinki" officially banned in India if it wasn't taken as racism?

I do not think Indians have a problem being called black, though we will point out we are mostly brown. Curry munchers, do not know what is so offensive about it, though to be frank I have not seen people munching curries. They mix the curry as gravy with rice and eat it. Now smelly is an offensive word, just like you would not like to be called a turd, Indians wont like to be called smelly.

Your logic fails you. I said there is no inherent bias in Indians about Chinese. Indians do not consider themselves superior to the Chinese and neither inferior. So while yes for being rude a few Indians who know the connotations of slurs against Chinese may use it in a moment of heated argument to rile them, but do they believe in those slurs themselves? No, they do not.

Chinki is officially banned in India because we had dunderheads as policy makers who assumed that cultural prejudices travel with the adoption of foreign cultures and languages and that Indians have assumed the same prejudices as whites have against oriental people. Whereas this is not true at all. Indians are neither familiar with American and European slangs nor their idioms nor the history of their biases against any other race of people other than Indians.
You don't even know your own history.

In 1962, despite being in the middle of the worst famine in our history (Great leap forward which also dropped our GDP by 1/3 and made us significantly poorer than India at that time) we still managed to defeat India on BOTH fronts, in fact the Indian Army collapsed far faster in AP than it did in the Aksai Chin sector.

You never defended AP with your army, even Indian historians don't say that. Your Army lost.

China withdrew unilaterally, to give India another chance at Zhou Enlai's 1960 offer (to swap recognition of AP for Aksai Chin). But of course, India refused again, just like before. But this time at least they did not try another Forward Policy.
Before 1962 we had minimal defence budget, Nehru was a peacenick who believed war was not a solution to any problem so he never really cared for defence forces and their requirements. Doesn't matter what India's GDP was back then compared to China's, China was much better prepared for a war. Meanwhile India is much better poised and equipped to face China now in a border conflict than it was in 1962.

I never said our army defended AP, but yours couldn't have defended it either after over running it with huge numerical advantage when reinforcements would start arriving. If you could have you would have done it.

China's withdrawal had more to do with inconcievabilty of holding onto AP and maintaining supply chain against harsh weather conditions than to give India any chance. You don't negotiate for something you already have.
Meanwhile India is much better poised and equipped to face China now in a border conflict than it was in 1962.

Extremely doubtful. :lol:

You attacked us while we were in the middle of the worst famine in our history, when most people thought the Chinese state was surely going to collapse. Not to mention that we were significantly poorer than India at that time as well.

Today, China's GDP is over $9.2 trillion, compared to $1.7 trillion for India. Hell our currency reserves alone are over $4 trillion, more than double the entire Indian GDP. We have the world's largest manufacturing base that can produce essentially infinite numbers of our own weapons platforms, such as our rocket artillery which can hit New Delhi without even leaving our own borders (New Delhi is only 300 km from the border, and the range of our rocket artillery is 350-400 km).

We have vastly superior border infrastructure, which means we can bring an overwhelming "force concentration" to any point along the LAC with lightning speed, with enough troops and weapons platforms to outnumber India at any point along the LAC, and the gap is not small either, it is huge.

Even the Indian Army itself has already admitted that "India cannot match China by any conventional or non-conventional means, and the gap is growing larger every day".

Now don't tell me you know more than the Indian Army itself. :P
Extremely doubtful. :lol:

You attacked us while we were in the middle of the worst famine in our history, when most people thought the Chinese state was surely going to collapse. Not to mention that we were significantly poorer than India at that time as well.

Today, China's GDP is over $9.2 trillion, compared to $1.7 trillion for India. Hell our currency reserves alone are over $4 trillion, more than double the entire Indian GDP. We have the world's largest manufacturing base that can produce essentially infinite numbers of our own weapons platforms, such as our rocket artillery which can hit New Delhi without even leaving our own borders (New Delhi is only 300 km from the border, and the range of our rocket artillery is 350-400 km).

We have vastly superior border infrastructure, which means we can bring an overwhelming "force concentration" to any point along the LAC with lightning speed, with enough troops and weapons platforms to outnumber India at any point along the LAC, and the gap is not small either, it is huge.

Even the Indian Army itself has already admitted that "India cannot match China by any conventional or non-conventional means, and the gap is growing larger every day".

Now don't tell me you know more than the Indian Army itself. :P

You can try your luck if you find it extremely doubtful. ;) Our army has never said they can't protect our territory against China. We don't have to match you to protect our territory against you. As I said back then we had no defences against you doesn't matter what our GDPs were. Now we have two mountain brigades deployed for the Chinese frontier itself. Our deployments at any point of time are sufficient to deter any surprise attack by the Chinese and we certainly don't live in the utopia like Nehru that Chinese would never attack us .
You can try your luck if you find it extremely doubtful. ;) Our army has never said they can't protect our territory against China. We don't have to match you to protect our territory against you. As I said back then we had no defences against you doesn't matter what our GDPs were. Now we have two mountain brigades deployed for the Chinese frontier itself. Our deployments at any point of time are sufficient to deter any surprise attack by the Chinese and we certainly don't live in the utopia like Nehru that Chinese would never attack us .

Actually, according to India's internal military report (Henderson-Brooks report), it was India that attacked China, while we were in the middle of the worst famine in our history:

It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war - The Times of India
Actually, according to India's internal military report (Henderson-Brooks report), it was India that attacked China, while we were in the middle of the worst famine in our history:

It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war - The Times of India

India had to take aggressive posture after the Chinese had begun a land grabbing spree starting with Tibet. Although Nehru was an idiot for not contemplating the repercussions of such posturing. Saying that India declared war on China is ludicrous though forward policy can be said to be one of its reasons, though there were reasons for India's actions , anyway this thread is not for discussing 1962 war , what matters most is India is much better prepared to face any Chinese aggression today than we were back in the day.
Again you are running around in circles with bravado stories of your chini daddys. Did your chini daddys gain anything is a point to ponder upon. Did they annex AP, if not then so what are the reasons to believe they could do so in future.They mounted a surprise attack outnumbering Indian forces 8:1 but still had to retreat when reinforcements were called. So take a chill pill , no one can take AP away from India ;)
Lol.Is that how you guys salvage your hurt pride over 62?Don't worry,next time PLA will come permanently and your soldiers will...well run back even faster than 62:rofl:
So as I expected, this thread has been allowed to run for 20 pages so far, just because the topic pleases the staff. Although the fact is that outside PDF, in the real world, nobody says anything about seperating India's NE from India. Ah well, I suppose all wet dreams need an outlet; and PDF serves as such an outlet for many.

Could somebody start a thread about seperating South India from "mainland India" (whatever that means)? It would be fun to see another multi page discussion, no matter how ridiculous the proposition.
So as I expected, this thread has been allowed to run for 20 pages so far, just because the topic pleases the staff. Although the fact is that outside PDF, in the real world, nobody says anything about seperating India's NE from India. Ah well, I suppose all wet dreams need an outlet; and PDF serves as such an outlet for many.

Could somebody start a thread about seperating South India from "mainland India" (whatever that means)? It would be fun to see another multi page discussion, no matter how ridiculous the proposition.
I've already requested OP to open a thread for discussion about malluland but alas he seems to be only concerned about his fellow NEans :/
I dont think NE people (primitive) can administer itself. It will be chaotic. It would be better to merge itself with its cultural and racial keen Burma.
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