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Lest we forget

My dear i know that too, but lets talk constructively. This everyday India vs Pakistan game is getting quite boring. :cheers:

Agreed, I wish others had your thinking and attitude. However there is always a start.:D
Agreed, I wish others had your thinking and attitude. However there is always a start.:D

A journey of thousand miles starts with one step brother, we take step and people will surely follow. You right people need to get over all this India vs Pakistan rhetoric, i was fun 10 years ago lol

P.s. If I offended you in any way from my previous post, please accept my apology.
A journey of thousand miles starts with one step brother, we take step and people will surely follow. You right people need to get over all this India vs Pakistan rhetoric, i was fun 10 years ago lol

P.s. If I offended you in any way from my previous post, please accept my apology.

Feeling is mutual friend. A healthy argument can prove beneficial to the knowledge, after such you move on to the next day.
We are merely armchair Generals, what we say, demand, argue or judge seldom makes any difference in power corridors.
However no offence taken and non intended. REGARDS.
No not even Sonia, she's catholic :)

Your constitution discriminates, so much for respect and what was that other word!

Doesn't secular mean all races of society.
At least Pakistan doesn't make such tall claims.
However for your depleted knowledge, it's worth pointing out that only two countries in the world were created purposely, Pakistan for Muslims and Israel for the Jews.
Feeling is mutual friend. A healthy argument can prove beneficial to the knowledge, after such you move on to the next day.
We are merely armchair Generals, what we say, demand, argue or judge seldom makes any difference in power corridors.
However no offence taken and non intended. REGARDS.

Ohh it makes a difference brother, once we get the hate out of our hearts only then will society move towards a more positive future. We must introspect ourselves before we go to change the world.
Doesn't secular mean all races of society.
At least Pakistan doesn't make such tall claims.
However for your depleted knowledge, it's worth pointing out that only two countries in the world were created purposely, Pakistan for Muslims and Israel for the Jews.

Windjammer common buddy forget it, all this argument gets us nowhere. No one is making tall claims, its all in our heads.
Doesn't secular mean all races of society.
At least Pakistan doesn't make such tall claims.
However for your depleted knowledge, it's worth pointing out that only two countries in the world were created purposely, Pakistan for Muslims and Israel for the Jews.

This was YOUR claim on this very thread where I challenged you, and now you wish to end this by saying you don't make tall claims :) Thats just pitiable.

Pakistan only follows the motive of respect and self determination

Be consistent with what you say, will help you get some credibility.
This was YOUR claim on this very thread where I challenged you, and now you wish to end this by saying you don't make tall claims :) Thats just pitiable.

Be consistent with what you say, will help you get some credibility.

Firstly you only challenge some one to something only and when you practice and deliver it your self.

Respect and self determination are two different ball games. You may give self determination out of respect only if other party is seeking it.
Hence stop implying such values to which your own credibility is open to question.
Firstly your knowledge of air war fare is nothing to be desired as Atlantique is basically a martime security platform, one wonders what Indian ships would have been in those marshlands and the Indian military personal running helter skelter to salvage parts of the aircrafts to display as a trophy proves the fact that the aircraft was flying inside Pakistan territory. Care to enlighten us as to the cause of the MIG crash and why the pilots escape system malfunctioned.:victory:

^^^Well why dont you question the noobs on your side of the border who sent a Maritime surveillance/Anti-Sub aircraft for a land mission.....LOL!!

I dont understand what it is that has been so hard for you to comprehend.....Whether the aircraft was naval, land reconnaissance, fighter jet or a UFO....as long as it was an enemy aircraft that crossed our borders....it is deemed a threat if it refuses to follow protocol of being escorted to the nearest base until cleared to return....

Please see below for a similar incident that happened recently where our "ally" the US was faced with a similar situation but followed protocol....


And what is an even more desperate attempt is the incident that followed right after where Pakistani armed forces tried to shoot an IAF chopper carrying journalists to prevent them from reporting to the world about the blatant disregard for an international border/ rules that your armed forces/navy displayed through this infiltration......clear attempt at trying to cover the doo-doo stains....

Now unless you have some evidence that proves otherwise.....quit beating the same drum....

The rest of your post has nothing to do with the topic...
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