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Will IK and PTI be able to find the courage of "Go Altaf Go" and "Oay Altaf" in Karachi?

if you recall it was only PTI that has confronted MQM head on and put a dent on their vote bank in Karachi
so the answer is yes. they have paid the price with blood of their leaders and workers.

no other mainstream party has openly confronted MQM like PTI has ..this dare is pointless and diverting attention
the issue is the Caliphate of Raiwand and its plundering of the state of Pakistan through fake mandate.
lets stay focused

"Confronted" as in 'past' tense. So then why then be timid now, especially after 'price with blood'? Is that because, at that time, PTI had the backing of NS and the top judiciary against the Musharraf allied MQM? A true leader would never sell away the blood of its 'leaders and workers'. Now, I realize that politics required 'accommodation' but then please don't place Imran Khan on a pedestal. His personal incorruptibility doesn't make him a good leader or even a good politician; frankly, he is stupid.

As to your other charge about the 'fake mandate', I posted an article by Babar Sattar today. You may want to ponder that.
How Imran deals with Nawaz

How Imran deals with Altaf
As to your other charge about the 'fake mandate', I posted an article by Babar Sattar today. You may want to ponder that.
Read ECP report that admits how people's mandate was stolen by their own gross incompetence:
ECP report admits shortcomings in last elections

In other words, ECP allowed former tax evaders, loan defaulters from PPP, PMLN to contest in elections thus granting their victory and theft of people's mandate. LOL.
Read ECP report that admits how people's mandate was stolen by their own gross incompetence:
ECP report admits shortcomings in last elections

In other words, ECP allowed former tax evaders, loan defaulters from PPP, PMLN to contest in elections thus granting their victory and theft of people's mandate. LOL.
Just a simple example. this is the Tax record of PTI candidate in my constituency....PLus I have made a thread about tax details of MNAs, you can see there how different PTI turned out to be in paying taxes :D
Untitled Page
I wish he would have killed all the terrorists in karachi, 18,000 is just too small number, I hope with new DG ISI appointed they should kill all MQM terrorists with speed of rocket.

Its too late. The new generation of Urdu Speaking youths are much more well trained. Racist behaviour by idiots like you make MQM stronger. Even the Urdu speaking people who hate MQM have no choice but to support it.
Its too late. The new generation of Urdu Speaking youths are much more well trained. Racist behaviour by idiots like you make MQM stronger. Even the Urdu speaking people who hate MQM have no choice but to support it.
Seems correct.
The singling out and trial of Musharraf is certainly being noticed. There is anger in my family members over that. Even my mother--who is quite old and is not political--was saying a few weeks ago: 'We just have no one to rely upon except MQM'. In the current scenario, a good part of anti-NS sentiments in Karachi is his treatment of Musharraf. So when IK came to Karachi yesterday my mother was very joyous but I know why: She sees IK agitation as a means to get Musharraf released.
Its too late. The new generation of Urdu Speaking youths are much more well trained. Racist behaviour by idiots like you make MQM stronger. Even the Urdu speaking people who hate MQM have no choice but to support it.

There is no special behaviour from my side in this case, I have the same formula for the terrorists all over the country irrespective of whether they are political terrorist or religious terrorist, also does not matter which ethnicity or province they belong to.
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Seems correct.
The singling out and trial of Musharraf is certainly being noticed. There is anger in my family members over that. Even my mother--who is quite old and is not political--was saying a few weeks ago: 'We just have no one to rely upon except MQM'. In the current scenario, a good part of anti-NS sentiments in Karachi is his treatment of Musharraf. So when IK came to Karachi yesterday my mother was very joyous but I know why: She sees IK agitation as a means to get Musharraf released.

PTI+Talli+Chds+TUQ+MQM+APML=Natural Alliance
PTI+Talli+Chds+TUQ+MQM+APML=Natural Alliance
But why needle the Army over Musharraf? He is not a political threat to anyone. It must be NS's personal and stupid vengeance for 1999. IF we must go the route of 'accountability' then I'd say let's start from 1977--and that date is important because before that Zia had thoroughly brutalized PPP. There can't be accountability of Musharraf only. Besides, it will give another Martyr Bugti to Pakistan except this time it will be the Urdu speakers who will alienate.
To the best of my knowledge, I have never explicitly said the IK is Establishment's man. The closest I came to that the when the army expressed its neutrality after the 30 December marching of the state institutions. I (and Dawn's editorial for that incident) implied that the army could not be neutral in light of such thuggery. I am a cautious person.

Anyway, there is no legal way NS can be removed unless he resigns or faces a No Confidence Motion. I am dead set against NS to resign in face of the thuggery against him. So let Imran Khan and TuQ exercise their constitutional rights and do their Jalsas and Juloos without hindrance for however long they want to provided they don't interrupt the constitution rights of other citizens and provided they don't (again) march on private or state properties bearing gas masks and sticks with nailed-ends.

Please read this article:

Dangerous contradictions - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

But why needle the Army over Musharraf? He is not a political threat to anyone. It must be NS's personal and stupid vengeance for 1999. IF we must go the route of 'accountability' then I'd say let's start from 1977--and that date is important because before that Zia had thoroughly brutalized PPP. There can't be accountability of Musharraf only. Besides, it will give another Martyr Bugti to Pakistan except this time it will be the Urdu speakers who will alienate.

It would be fair that ALL previous CsOAS who declared Martial Law should be tried and convicted, with privileges revoked in absentia and posthumously as applicable.
Please read this article:

Dangerous contradictions - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

It would be fair that ALL previous CsOAS who declared Martial Law should be tried and convicted, with privileges revoked in absentia and posthumously as applicable.

It was me who had started a new thread today with the Dawn Babar Sattar article but I don't see how that article implicates the 'Deep State'? Sure, according to Sattar, what IK is doing is illegal: Judge, jury and executioner but no blaming the Deep State?

Also, not just COAS--why not those judges, without whose complicity, there wouldn't be the 'legal cover'?

I thought and still think the 2013 election results gave something to all major stake holders. I want a fresh start based upon that--and that does include not singling out Musharraf for his acts of omissions and commissions.
That is the simplest recipe to invite a new and real martial law much more brutal than ever before.

Yes, how dare anybody prove that the Army is NOT above the law?

It was me who had started a new thread today with the Dawn Babar Sattar article but I don't see how that article implicates the 'Deep State'? Sure, according to Sattar, what IK is doing is illegal: Judge, jury and executioner but no blaming the Deep State?

Also, not just COAS--why not those judges, without whose complicity, there wouldn't be the 'legal cover'?

I thought and still think the 2013 election results gave something to all major stake holders. I want a fresh start based upon that--and that does include not singling out Musharraf for his acts of omissions and commissions.

No blaming the Deep State? Why, he must want to remain in one piece. :D

A fresh start is good, but it will never be possible until and unless Pakistan exorcises this demon from its past and present once and for all by doing what I have suggested. The judges were arm twisted, just like the rest of the nation by these criminals.
Bhai to phir Bhai hai na. Youthiyan burgers will be eaten by the bhai log without ketchup if they mess with MQM.

Haha. Youthian be like "saari balls naheen khelni hoteen" now. And lol at the messiah demi-god thanking bhai for his "hospitality".
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