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No it Isn't Imran Khan!!!

If everyone had seriously demanded electoral reforms there would never have been an excuse or this dharna drama to take place. Its easy saying to me living in this country to wait a decade or two to get this ball rolling. I do not have the luxury of footing my hard earned money into corrupt practices just to keep afloat another second. I have had it, that is what this mass agitation is about. The reforms need to happen right now or its time for me to join you guys in a western country as well. Atleast I wont be coming on a Pakistani site sprouting advices that will never affect me once I leave. Or I hope they wont.
Are you really going to attack me, instead of my points? Seriously? You think what is happening in Pakistan doesn't affect me? Are you really that self centered? Boo hoo, poor you. Get off your high horse. There are intelligent people who're in your position that support PMLN, you don't hear them being the self-pitying type.

What I have stated is the truth, it may be bitter, but you cannot ignore the truth just because you don't agree with it. I never said the journey would be easy. If this was easy, people wouldn't be angry. I've said this before, things are going to get worse before they get better, that is how the world works.

Until entire election is fully audited there would be no determination who won or who lost.
Yeah, that's total crap, and has no basis in reality. There is a clear consensus that PMLN won the elections, the only thing PTI has a problem with is how much.
I think we should go for mid term election soon. This is the only way to end this crisis
I think we should go for mid term election soon. This is the only way to end this crisis
No. If PMLN loses then it will accuse the 'agencies' and bring a large crowd to Islamabad. And thus the cycle continues.

The 2013 elections were largely free and fair within the constraints of 3rd world standards. The pre-poll surveys were confirmed by the outcome; If there was rigging then IK and PMLN both benefited from the pre-poll rigging because the Talibans ensured ANP and PPP could not even run their campaigns.

And this 'crisis' is a tempest in a tea cup. It doesn't enjoy mass appeal. The media too eventually will get tire of the show and move on. Mr. Imran Khan can keep sacrificing goats outside his container till 2018 so long as there is no disruption of lives and living.
I personally believe IK will bring Pakistan down. Don't ask me how or why but I can see it happening. all this so call (change) or (Naya Pakistan) sounds fishy too me.
mussolini was a fascist IK isnt
so why this comparision

The overthrowing of an elected government seems pretty facist to me.

LOL. What ousting of unelected government that was elected illegally in the first place through rigging?

Rigging demands audit and recount where needed, and if it's really bad and completely altered the result (which is not true), then a re-election is in order. But, since the rigging is not to the extent where the result would change much, and the fact that stability in Pakistan is non-existent and that we are in a state of war, it is NOT the best time to be throwing out elected representatives by force.

PMLN got a clear mandate, rigging or no rigging.

Best course of action is to press ECP reforms, and follow up on rigging allegations wherever they apply.

If this is the methodology for Naya Pakistan, then no thanks, I'm happy with my old and beaten Pakistan.
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But, since the rigging is not to the extent where the result would change much,
how sure are we? Many of the polls are still waiting to be reopened....and a huge chunk of rigging videos, documents and everything has been in the media for a while now.....Only god knows how much more was "buried"
how sure are we? Many of the polls are still waiting to be reopened....and a huge chunk of rigging videos, documents and everything has been in the media for a while now.....Only god knows how much more was "buried"

Rigging was widespread. But, I haven't changed my mind since election day and even if it was fair, PMLN would still have the majority vote overall, with a few seats adjusted in favour of PTI.

No real difference in the long run.

The real difference is reform and pushing those allegations so that you can have better elections the next time. A few petty seat grabs won't save Pakistan.
reform and pushing those allegations
pushing mein hi phassay way thay for months...aur kiya kerain? Just like for yrs VVIP treatment mein hi phassay way thay until someone stepped up and said no more!
pushing mein hi phassay way thay for months...aur kiya kerain? Just like for yrs VVIP treatment mein hi phassay way thay until someone stepped up and said no more!

Right, but there's a time, place and method I don't agree with. Undoubtedly in my mind, the worst factor about PTI's course of action is the TuQ+TuQ's hooligans connection. It badly damages PTI too.

edit: watching that video now.
@Jungibaaz I say its good that people are learning to question rather than live in fear....Even if IK fails, he thought the nation a new thing....Dont accept blindly but question.....

Dekhain jub senator hi khud insaaf nai dala sakta (since mths) against 1 case (VVIP)...aam admi kiya keray? This alone shows how deep rooted corruption has become and scratching each other's flea back has become a norm:

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@Jungibaaz I say its good that people are learning to question rather than live in fear....Even if IK fails, he thought the nation a new thing....Dont accept blindly but question.....

Dekhain jub senator hi khud insaaf nai dala sakta (since mths) against 1 case (VVIP)...aam admi kiya keray? This alone shows how deep rooted corruption has become and scratching each other's flea back has become a norm:

This I agree with, Imran Khan as a role model for change has been a great force for Pakistan, his mere presence and the presence of his effort I think has bought about a bit of life in the future of Pakistan, in it's youth. He's been good at that.

But there was a time where ZAB and BB too were considered revolutionaries like IK is considered now.

I support people like him and his followers in their idea that people power and individual effort is the way. The details I disagree with and the specific methodology is where I have problems.
Total BS. There is no such consensus at all.
Oh really? Then how come the only parties protesting are PTI and PAT? Even IK doesn't dispute that NS won, he just disputes how much NS won by.

You can continue to live in ignorance, it doesn't bother me any. You disagreeing with facts doesn't change anything.
Are you really going to attack me, instead of my points? Seriously? You think what is happening in Pakistan doesn't affect me? Are you really that self centered? Boo hoo, poor you. Get off your high horse. There are intelligent people who're in your position that support PMLN, you don't hear them being the self-pitying type.

What I have stated is the truth, it may be bitter, but you cannot ignore the truth just because you don't agree with it. I never said the journey would be easy. If this was easy, people wouldn't be angry. I've said this before, things are going to get worse before they get better, that is how the world works.

You feel attacked for other reasons. Its a feeling of lying to yourself about how the situation where I live affects you. How could any of that translate in me being self centered? I hope I was not disagreeing to all sorts of intelligent people like Ishaq Dar not being part of PMLN. Someone who tells us to celebrate when we receive an IMF loan. Its funny after the "Kashkol toor du" speech by his boss. Just because some people support PMLN does not translate to them being smart or vice versa. Everyone has an angle, direct personal benefit and loss is one way people choose who to support.

If you had read any of my previous posts you wouldn't have come to this conclusion that I am being bitter. I have lived in this country for close to 6 years and you explaining me whats true and how the world works is mind numbing and extremely shortsighted of you. You have no idea what I do and interestingly how I have to do them. I thrive in a little bit of anarchy and what direction this country and economy has taken has scared even the hardened of us. Either way not that I am here to convince you because lord knows its not important at all to have intelligent people overseas giving us directions on waiting for a corrupt system to painfully disappear with large amounts of time magically. We have to find avenues to fix things with hard work in as little amount of time as possible. Sitting around and screaming "Allah challa raha hai" chants are the main reasons the most evil of us have been successful in taking over positions of power, and now they are transferring those to their children. If those children make it to the seat then the children living in this country have no future. I forgot to say long story short.
Right, but there's a time, place and method I don't agree with. Undoubtedly in my mind, the worst factor about PTI's course of action is the TuQ+TuQ's hooligans connection. It badly damages PTI too.


Place and method is a problem see post 41 constitutional method employed by a senator kept him "busy" to no avail...for MONTHS and still no news....

Yes the TUQ factor needs to be flushed out..... :(

Somehow :unsure:

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