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No it Isn't Imran Khan!!!

Can anybody remember the end of Mussolini? His and his girl friend 's (Clara) dead bodies were hung upside down on meat hook from the roof of an gas station . People came and pee on their dead body one by one. One leady belted the skirt of Clara.
can you tell me the relation of election reforms and PM's resignation?

Sure. Cases like these are impossible to get justice because of impartial authorities that have been placed all through the system. Every seat is occupied by the incumbent rulers without merit and the size of this problem is such that it would be impossible to get a fair judgement. What is happening is the call for a complete overhaul of this system which would even make PTI a target from places it is being accused of ballot fraud. Its for the good of Pakistan as a whole, this dharna drama was done after every possible avenue to get this system to not repeat after these 5 years are over. Even if Nawaz Sharif signs an executive order to put in place this system "Today", it will take more than 4 years to actually implement this system in its proper form. Its a very difficult and complicated task for the resources this country has and the feet dragging by the government proved it was not ready to give the people of Pakistan its right. I am sure you are a part of this country and this should be your #1 priority to support whoever is asking for giving you this basic right.
I would like to know if Imran has said that if the election were free and fair that he would be Prime Minister and rule the country. He has no way to get the required seats to do that and if he thinks that he would be delusional at best. The thing he has been pushing for this past year is "Electoral reforms" which I back him 100% on. The elected officials of this parliament dragging on this issue for the past year are now sworn enemies of a fair system. We can not let this system keep festering to correct itself one day. Even if you disagree with "how" he is going about bringing his demands to fruition you can not be against what his original demand is.
No one is against his original demand of electoral reform, everyone has demanded it, but you cannot deny that his methods are poorly thought out. We can and we must let the system correct itself over time, democracy cannot be achieved over a few years, it takes decades, and not even western nations have perfected it yet. It took hundreds of years for many of them to get to the level they're at right now.

Imran's demands of resignations are completely out of line, and must not be taken seriously. He knows, and you know, that if his demands are met, it will set a dangerous precedent for the future of Pakistan's civilian rule. It won't be the military whom the civilian leadership will have to worry about ousting an elected government illegally, it will be opposition leaders who do so.
can you tell me the relation of election reforms and PM's resignation?
I tell you. Imran think he and his MNAs/MPAs are the only honest loyal Pakistani who will bring change in all institutions of Pakistan overnight whether judiciary,Ecp,police , Government etc. How? Magic? Since these ptians leaders were born as infallible and were descended from heaven so when they will be in rule then there will be no curruption. No one deserve to rule beside Imran even if he dont get the votes of those pakistan whom ptians considered as slaves/patwaris/jahils/nooras etc because they dont consider imran as their promised messiah. Democracy is not real democracy if it dont bring frista sift insaan imran in power..samjey?
LOL. What ousting of unelected government that was elected illegally in the first place through rigging?
I've said it before and I'll say it again. PTI only has a problem with 4 constituencies, that is all they're asking. Even if all 4 of those constituencies were to go to PTI, what would change? Absolutely nothing, which is why I think IK's demand of a resignation is simply ludicrous. Remember, it was not PMLN that PTI was taking seats from in the elections, PTI was taking seats from PPP.

Like it or not, NS won a clear victory, and even if every single allegation of rigging is proven, it still wouldn't change the fact that NS won enough seats legitimately to become PM.

This is something that PTI supporters continue to ignore, or downright attack anyone who even says this. No one from PTI has shown any evidence that PMLN would have lost the last elections, not one person. Not Imran, not Qurashi, not anyone. My older brother, who's a smart man with a successful business of his own, and a PTI supporter, even he has not been able to answer this simple point.
No one deserve to rule beside Imran even if he dont get the votes of those pakistan whom ptians considered as slaves/patwaris/jahils/nooras etc because they dont consider imran as their promised messiah. Democracy is not real democracy if it dont bring frista sift insaan imran in power..samjey?
Who said this dharna was about to bring IK's rule to power? If IK wanted to rule Pakistan with his supporters, all he had to do was to storm the parliament, pm house, ptv and take over like Mussolini fascist did. Yet he held himself to his container raising awareness of public for the past 30+ days while government police routinely crackdown his supporters?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. PTI only has a problem with 4 constituencies, that is all they're asking. Even if all 4 of those constituencies were to go to PTI, what would change? Absolutely nothing, which is why I think IK's demand of a resignation is simply ludicrous. Remember, it was not PMLN that PTI was taking seats from in the elections, PTI was taking seats from PPP.
If massive rigging is found in all 4 constituencies, then more will be opened until a tipping point is reached and new elections would eventually be called. You seriously believe its completely fine to steal people's mandate through rigging and sit in parliament for 5 years? LOL!

Like it or not, NS won a clear victory, and even if every single allegation of rigging is proven, it still wouldn't change the fact that NS won enough seats legitimately to become PM.
What? I didn't catch your above Noora logic. You mean if rigging was found in every constituency, NS still won? Are you naive or just pretend to be?

This is something that PTI supporters continue to ignore, or downright attack anyone who even says this. No one from PTI has shown any evidence that PMLN would have lost the last elections, not one person.
We can never reach the truth until all accused constituencies are opened. All 18 polling stations that are opened to this date have documented cases of pre-poll, post-poll rigging.
Who said this dharna was about to bring IK's rule to power? If IK wanted to rule Pakistan with his supporters, all he had to do was to storm the parliament, pm house, ptv and take over like Mussolini fascist did. Yet he held himself to his container raising awareness of public for the past 30+ days while government police routinely crackdown his supporters?

If massive rigging is found in all 4 constituencies, then more will be opened until a tipping point is reached and new elections would eventually be called. You seriously believe its completely fine to steal people's mandate through rigging and sit in parliament for 5 years? LOL!

What? I didn't catch your above Noora logic. You mean if rigging was found in every constituency, NS still won? Are you naive or just pretend to be?

We can never reach the truth until all accused constituencies are opened. All 18 polling stations that are opened to this date have documented cases of pre-poll, post-poll rigging.
Are you really just going to ignore my entire comment and completely make up words and put them into my mouth? I guess you are. Next thing you'll probably do is say that you're from mars and are here on earth to take it over.

Seriously, all you've done is prove my point. Instead of proving me wrong, all you've done is use straw-man arguments, and insult me. This is why most people don't take PTI supporters seriously anymore.

Like it or not, NS won the last elections, even if you threw out all the fake votes, he still won. No one disputes that fact, hell, not even Imran Khan has disputed that fact.
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Like it or not, NS won the last elections, even if you threw out all the fake votes, he still won. No one disputes that fact, hell, not even Imran Khan has disputed that fact.
Until entire election is fully audited there would be no determination who won or who lost.
No one is against his original demand of electoral reform, everyone has demanded it, but you cannot deny that his methods are poorly thought out. We can and we must let the system correct itself over time, democracy cannot be achieved over a few years, it takes decades, and not even western nations have perfected it yet. It took hundreds of years for many of them to get to the level they're at right now.

Imran's demands of resignations are completely out of line, and must not be taken seriously. He knows, and you know, that if his demands are met, it will set a dangerous precedent for the future of Pakistan's civilian rule. It won't be the military whom the civilian leadership will have to worry about ousting an elected government illegally, it will be opposition leaders who do so.

If everyone had seriously demanded electoral reforms there would never have been an excuse or this dharna drama to take place. Its easy saying to me living in this country to wait a decade or two to get this ball rolling. I do not have the luxury of footing my hard earned money into corrupt practices just to keep afloat another second. I have had it, that is what this mass agitation is about. The reforms need to happen right now or its time for me to join you guys in a western country as well. Atleast I wont be coming on a Pakistani site sprouting advices that will never affect me once I leave. Or I hope they wont.
Either you people are in favour of this Dharna or not, One thing is cleared. NS and his party are badly exposed.
I have not doubt about Imran's sincerity. But I still wouldn't compare IK with Mussolini. Please watch 'Bennitto' (sp?) starring Antonio Banderas and see Mussolini's struggles. He was a towering intellectual COMPARED with IK, he worked hard, and he suffered a lot. IK, on the other hand, has had a life of so much easy, immunity and protection that IK has never grown politically mature enough. IK is a dwarf in every sense except physical height when compared with Mussolini.

His mistake was siding with Hitler's lost cause.
Wonder Mussolini used to start his speeches with "Oyeeeee Luigi Facta". :D

I saw an IK interview given to a reporter in his bunker yesterday. IK seemed considerably careful in choosing his words. I have a strong feeling IK has been advised to watch his mouth because it has turned away a lot of people from IK. IK's dirty language has attracted a lot of negative attention. He has been outright uncouth and vulgar even by Pakistan's standards.

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