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Tension in Kerala village as school serves pork


Feb 19, 2013
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Muslims in Erumeli village in Kerala are outraged over a local high school run by Catholic management serving pork during Ramzan.

On Friday, a day after the school served pork curry, several Muslims stormed St Thomas Higher Secondary School in Kottayam district. The mob blocked the road for three hours, damaged school furniture and assaulted two teachers.
Tension mounted as people from other regions rushed to the school, but the mob dispersed after the education department suspended headmaster Thomas Varghese and teacher Rajeev Joseph, who served the dish. Joseph has also been taken into police custody. The local Jamaat Council has called for a protest meeting on July 30.

The pork curry was prepared for a party held in the school for about 60 staffers, most of whom are Catholic.
Around the same time, 91 students belonging to the National Cadet Corps (NCC) were training for a parade.

“Since food was left over after the teachers’ party, staff member Rajeev Joseph, in charge of the NCC, called the students to finish it. He announced there was pork curry on the menu and Muslims students should not consume it. For those who did not eat pork, there was fish curry and pickle,” he said.
The school NCC has 67 boys and 33 girls. Nine were absent on Thursday. Of the 100, 27 are Muslims. Of the 1,003 students in the school, 40 per cent are Muslims.

On Thursday night, a Muslim student reportedly told his parents pork was served in the school. The parents took up the matter with the local Jamaat Council the next day, following which protests broke out.

Council secretary P A Irshad said all Muslim outfits are united on the issue. “The school management should not have selected the month of Ramzan to serve pork. Our religious sentiments are hurt,” he said.

Deputy director of education (Kottayam district) Jessy Joseph said suspending the teacher and the headmaster was the only way to pacify the mob. “It would have been better for teachers to dispose the pork curry instead of giving it to students,” Jessy Joseph said.

Tension in Kerala village as school serves pork | The Indian Express

@Koovie @nair @gslv mk3 @Echo_419 @Ammyy @sreekumar @WAR-rior
Secularism Kerala style....:hitwall::hitwall:
The teacher already warned Muslim students about pork....Then why such a big issue..?
Is India an islamic state....???

Why medias are ignoring this news..?
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However let us take another looks at the information presented here.

1. high school run by Catholic management

2. 60 staffers, most of whom are Catholic.

Why does the school in a state with 55 % Hindus have a majority Catholic staff ? :cheesy:

That too is "secularism" kerala style. :lol:

Looks like a bunch of "secular" christians got their *** whooped by a bunch of "secular" muslims.
Remember the christian professor's hand being chopped off by Muslims? No was forcing them to eat pork. But its good these Mallus deserve this.

Yes I do.Yes ,thats what I said.never heard statement like-'The school management should not have selected the month of Ramzan to serve pork. Our religious sentiments are hurt'
-'The school management should not have selected the month of Ramzan to serve pork. Our religious sentiments are hurt'
I hope these Kerala Muslims become worse than ISIS or Taliban. Personally I can't wait to see these Kerala leftist being skinned alive by their own Mallu Muslim brethren. Wouldn't even shed a tear.

They deserve it.
They have some very strong 'organisations'

It is an aided management school,not a government run institution.

:lol: ....thank you for admitting religious bigotry in hiring staff.

I can see that your "secular" sensibilities are not offended. LOL. All the best.
wow! How ridiculous is that? No muslim student was force-fed like in Maharashtra, nor were they kept in the dark about the dish being made of pork. Even then, a fracas ensures and two seemingly innocent men are punished. It's incidents like these that sow deep doubt about the direction taken by many of our Muslim communities.
They have some very strong 'organisations'

It is an aided management school,not a government run institution.

That is what i am afraid of Religious Orgs becoming More Powerful than Govt Machinery,the sooner this Wahabi scum is crushed the better it is

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