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Hoisting of national flag upsets militant group

Just like the mainstream has now rejected the Talibans and their medieval agenda, the locals in FATA have now realised these scum are no benefit for Muslims.....the tide has turned.

It's good, by hoisting the black flags, these idiots are actually revealing their positions. Boom. :D
This will only remain like that if we implement Shariah their other wise after some time they will get the support back
uzbek bastards... somebody nuke uzbekistan ... they only produce steers n queers... the shitty kind...
This will only remain like that if we implement Shariah their other wise after some time they will get the support back
I think people have had enough with each and everyone preaching and trying to implement their own version of Islam.
Because of these self declared Thekedars of Islam, people of FATA have suffered more than anyone else.
I think they would rather prefer normalcy and get on with their lives.
MIRAMSHAH: Irked by hoisting of national flag by tribesmen in Miramshah and Mirali as a proof of their allegiance to the state in order to escape bombings, the banned militant group Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan has said that it is responding by hoisting black flags.

People in Miramshah, the headquarters of North Waziristan, said on Friday that sale of the national flag had increased as more and more people in the town, adjoining villages and Mirali wanted to hoist it to demonstrate their allegiance to the state and escape bombing.

“The sale of Pakistani flag has increased and we also have hoisted one on our rooftop,” a resident said. “Big flags on high masts can be seen everywhere,” he said.

But the move has irked the militant group which criticised what it called “weak-hearted Muslims” for using flags as a “defence” to ward off bombing and vowed to counter it with black flags with the Kalma inscribed on it, terming it a “battle of the flags”.

In a message posted on a militant website, IMU’s Abu Ibrahim said local tribesmen frightened by army attacks and bombings by military planes and helicopters and artillery had begun hoisting the national flag on roofs of their houses.

“We still have not understood how effective this ‘defence system’ is against bombs and rockets,” he said.

The IMU, comprising militants from Uzbekistan and of Turkic origin, has its main base in the town of Mirali.

It has released statements and videos on the aftermath of military action in the town’s main bazaar and nearby areas.

The action prompted local tribal people to leave for other places, while others who could not do so started hoisting Pakistani flag to ward off air strikes.

He even took a swipe at a “commander of the local people in Taliban clothing” for suggesting to the IMU to remove the black flags from the market.

Seeing as they hoisting black flags it should be easier for us to hit them. Evacuate any tribal people from them and then hit with these:


Fuel air weapons. I want the people as far as Sind to smell their burning flesh.

That useless idiot Nawaz Sharif went to India he could have at least picked up some Salt Water Crocodiles so we could feed these Uzbek terrorists to. Until we use such brutal methods these ba*tards will reside on our land.

I can't believe this filth of the world is on our sacred land and allowed to do what not. How dare they. None should be spared.
Can we bomb uzbeks also? Another useless nation.

Sure , why not.

Anyone can bomb anybody provided the ' anyone' can withstand what comes back in return from ' everybody".

On a serious note, is bombing another nation an answer to your own problems ? If it were possible, US wouldnt have had any probs left after it bombed Iraq & Af.
MIRAMSHAH: Irked by hoisting of national flag by tribesmen in Miramshah and Mirali as a proof of their allegiance to the state in order to escape bombings, the banned militant group Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan has said that it is responding by hoisting black flags.

People in Miramshah, the headquarters of North Waziristan, said on Friday that sale of the national flag had increased as more and more people in the town, adjoining villages and Mirali wanted to hoist it to demonstrate their allegiance to the state and escape bombing.

“The sale of Pakistani flag has increased and we also have hoisted one on our rooftop,” a resident said. “Big flags on high masts can be seen everywhere,” he said.

But the move has irked the militant group which criticised what it called “weak-hearted Muslims” for using flags as a “defence” to ward off bombing and vowed to counter it with black flags with the Kalma inscribed on it, terming it a “battle of the flags”.

In a message posted on a militant website, IMU’s Abu Ibrahim said local tribesmen frightened by army attacks and bombings by military planes and helicopters and artillery had begun hoisting the national flag on roofs of their houses.

“We still have not understood how effective this ‘defence system’ is against bombs and rockets,” he said.

The IMU, comprising militants from Uzbekistan and of Turkic origin, has its main base in the town of Mirali.

It has released statements and videos on the aftermath of military action in the town’s main bazaar and nearby areas.

The action prompted local tribal people to leave for other places, while others who could not do so started hoisting Pakistani flag to ward off air strikes.

He even took a swipe at a “commander of the local people in Taliban clothing” for suggesting to the IMU to remove the black flags from the market.
Why don't these dogs go and fight in Uzbekistan, they themselves are weak Muslims n I can bet that they will find refuge behind the Green flag.
I think people have had enough with each and everyone preaching and trying to implement their own version of Islam.
Because of these self declared Thekedars of Islam, people of FATA have suffered more than anyone else.
I think they would rather prefer normalcy and get on with their lives.
No sir it will never this issue will keep coming and war will continue until and unless governments starts implementing shariah laws other wise war will never end
The IMU, comprising militants from Uzbekistan and of Turkic origin, has its main base in the town of Mirali.

So we know where the base is why is that area not leveled yet?
Zarvan=No sir it will never this issue will keep coming and war will continue until and unless governments starts implementing shariah laws other wise war will never end

Give the people what they want and they will get what they deserve.
clearly the tribesmen have shown who's side they are.
my problem is with these over weight, middle class Ipod , I pad jihadists who not only eat shit themselves but add their own flavor and distribute the shit around praising and justifying TTP and showing them as some noble mojhaideen
Desperate tribals are trying to save their lives from indescriminate air strikes by hoisting national flags on their houses. Tribals were never separatist to begin with, i bet no other region would stay loyal to pakistan if subjected to military operations for even few weeks while tribals are enduring military operations for a decade. It should be take into account that rest of pakistanis are calling names to tribals, yet it doesnt affect them like it did bengalis.
Lets be honest, Pakistan armed forces wont spare these houses with flags, the air strikes are never that precise and limited in destruction to begin with. It is also possible that some taliban might also be using this trick, in hope of escaping aerial bombardments.

booby trapping bodies and also Holy Quran as well. this takfiri filth will go to any depths to further its cause and in the end these claim to do everything in the name of Islam. I am sure their claims are repulsive to the God.
Tell me some thing bareilwi, why is that in every pakistani air strikes and shellings, mosques are destroyed and you know that mosques have Qurans. If pakistani bombing is so precise, why mosques are getting destroyed?. There is rumour in our areas that pak army is dominated by shias and they are destroying mosques on purpose. Is there any specific reason for bombing mosques? Do taliban hide in mosques or what?
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thank goodness that @Pak-one has been prevented from spreading more poison and propaganda.
its a height of hypocrisy and shameless lying that he chooses to blame military for mosques destruction whereas throughout Pakistan including FATA, the taliban have not spared mosques, churches, shrines and temples and have killed thousands over thousands of people while they were praying,

no wonder people of Sawat rejected them and so have the people of FATA
foreign Terrorists are pissed off over the show of allegiance of tribesmen to Pakistani state

this news is a big slap on the face of chronic army haters like Hamid Mir and Najan Sathi etc. also the nawaz league goons will see it allegiance to Pakistan army.
@Pak-one this is an in your face kind of a story istnt it? despite the false propaganda of Pashton genocide the tribesmen have stood with the truth.

@Windjammer @Abu Zolfiqar before we celebrate we will have to watch out the doctors pictures used as a false propaganda against the Pak army where US drone stikes, Iraqi and Afghan footage has been used against Pakistan army claiming the victims were from FATA and the attackers were PAF and Pakistan military.

I wont be surprised if this Uzbekistan terrorists attack the tribesmen themselves and then use the same footage of the devastation as the result of PAF bombing. in the past TTP has not shied away from attacking Friday prayers, mosques, tombs, shrines and tribal gatherings,. the Punjabi taliban are the bost resourceful because of the backing of Nawaz league and direct link to Saudi donors and they are the ones who upload all the graphic and pro terrorist content on the net. I recall an instance where a chronic liar and Taliban supporter used Falujah victims pictures for Lal masjid operations and claimed that these victims were burned by SSG phosphorus bombing... and the gullible and dimwit people eagerly ate his shit and when I challenged him with posting the original pictures he backed off saying the reason to post those pictures was to show them as an "example" how SSG infidels killed innocent Lal Masjid students.. I ridiculed him and cursed him for misleading and lying but no body checked later posts and his doctored Photoshoped pictures had gone viral.

@Icarus our enemy is not only vicious but a chronic liar and manipulative and feeds our conspiracy hungry public what it thinks, what doesnt help is having minsters like, Abid Sher Ali, Kh Asif, Saad Rafique and Pervaiz Rashid who have their own axes to grind against our armed forces and in the process hurt their own government by hurting state of Pakistan.

I've seen Serbian massacring Bosnians and even some African executions labeled as infidel Napak army killing Muslims..Swat ski resort destroyed by talibitches blamed on PAF air strikes .. Killing of a kid blamed on fc when it was done by bla .. N other retarded shit.
No sir it will never this issue will keep coming and war will continue until and unless governments starts implementing shariah laws other wise war will never end
Enemy within!
lagta hai Jf-17 aur F-16's ko yaad ker rahe hai yeh kale flag wale :butcher:
IMU can go eat shit in U-stan, these are the cruelest and most vile of takfiri - basically animals in human form, and that is insulting poor animals.
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