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What is being done with Islam……!!!!!

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But my Request to Mods is "Don't close this thread"
They must be given answers
^^^Sister im talking about the first post on this thread i i told webby and mod's but i was ignored and now look where it's going. Now you try giving them answers as much as you want. We have been doing this for 3 years but nothing changes instead more threads are opened and more hate is created.
I have requested to close this thread a while ago because it was put to shame Islam. But our MODs on this forum are so blind to see where this thread is going. I request again to close this thread because it is only deviating the thread and making it open criticism on Islam and Pakistan, Funny part is none of this hold a weigh. I believe in criticism but for good and this thread is started from USA NY and made a trip to Pakistan muqta mai

No one is criticizing islam and no one is criticizing pakistan. People are criticizing the mistreatment of muslim women, by muslim men who misinterpret the teachings of islam to justify there attacks on women.
No one is criticizing islam and no one is criticizing pakistan. People are criticizing the mistreatment of muslim women, by muslim men who misinterpret the teachings of islam to justify there attacks on women.
well buddy What Islam has to do with this???? In the west it happens in east it happens everywhere it happens. What Islam has to do with this? What about chatolic women? Hindu women? jewish women? Christen women? ..... Any Senseable person knows that religion has nothing to do with this. It's bad people....
Why the hell every discussion regarding Islam is at last diverted towards, Sex, Adultery, Woman abuse,Rape & all stuff related to it
This shows how much of our minds are polluted & every one who knows a little bit about Islam, singles out a verse & starts the rant, without knowing what the real perspective of that verse is, What is before that verse & after that verse
all right i m not denying that there is zero rape & zero problems, but look around thes things exist in each & every society, Tell me single example where there is zero rape, zero harassing, zero woman abuse, I will go to that place, there are cases where FATHERS yes FATHERS have been accused of raping their own fcuking daughters
No one is saying non-muslim countries are perfect. The issue here is frequency of an issue. Plus...The example you cited is uncommon and it shocked not only the local community but just about everyone who read it.
No one is criticizing islam and no one is criticizing pakistan. People are criticizing the mistreatment of muslim women, by muslim men who misinterpret the teachings of islam to justify there attacks on women.

yes but before that you need to clear your stance and make yourself pure of all.

simply you need to clarify that " Who are you to justify what is right and what is wrong?" and then we will proceed.

A very tiny Little example of Mistreatment of Women in so called " free and modren society""...

People in the small Austrian town of Amstetten are reeling in shock as details emerge of a woman's two-decade imprisonment and rape at the hands of her father, a crime the Austrian interior minister called "unfathomable."

Man admits to imprisoning daughter for 24 years, fathering her 7 children."A 73-year-old man confessed he built a dungeon in the basement of the family's home in downtown Amstetten. He says he kept his own daughter locked up for almost 24 years in order to prevent her having access to the local drug scene," Austrian prosecutor Gerhard Sedlacek told ABC News.

At a press conference today with local law enforcement officials and medical staff present, Sedlacek called the case "a unique crime of such proportion I haven't seen in 32 years of my career, a terrible crime, which is beyond imagination."

Elisabeth Fritzl, who was reported missing in 1984 when she was 18, was found by police last weekend and told investigators her father, Josef Fritzl, had held her captive for almost 24 years in a small space in the basement of the family home in downtown Amstetten.

He repeatedly raped her and fathered her seven children, three of whom were never allowed outside of the basement, according to police.

At the time of Elisabeth's disappearance, her father told acquaintances and relatives that she had joined a cult.

"The woman, now 42 years old, clearly shows signs of her unspeakable martyrdom," Franz Polzer, head of the Lower Austrian Bureau of Criminal Affairs, told reporters.

"She's never been outside of her prison, and she was never allowed to see the light of day since her father abducted her. She's very pale and she looks a lot older then she is. The woman and her children are now in psychiatric care along with the grandmother of the children, who is said to know nothing of the terrible crime."

Sedlacek confirmed that Josef Fritzl, who was arrested Sunday on suspicion of incest and abduction, has admitted partly to the crime and is now said to be cooperating with investigators, who are still trying to piece together the full details of this horrendous crime.

I hope you will put some Light from a new point of view.

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well buddy What Islam has to do with this???? In the west it happens in east it happens everywhere it happens. What Islam has to do with this? What about chatolic women? Hindu women? jewish women? Christen women? ..... Any Senseable person knows that religion has nothing to do with this. It's bad people....

If you actually read any other posts you would understand what islam has to do with this. In this whole discussion we all have been talking about how womens rights are abused when men force them to cover up, when men force them to have sex. Many muslim men who commit these acts say it's in the quran that they are allowed to force there wives to have sex with them or they can beat them. The Abuse of the human rights of muslim women is rife in the middle east. In Egypt there are 20,000 reported sexual assaults against women, and those are just the ones reported, i can not imagine the amount of unreported assaults. The women would obviously be too scared to report it because of the fear of what will happen to them. In Saudi Arabia, a women was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for saying her husband forced her to have sex with him. This is not just one incident. This discussion is on the mis treatment of muslim women, this is not about any other religion, feel free to make a topic about another religion in another place.

yes but before that you need to clear your stance and make yourself pure of all.

simply you need to clarify that " Who are you to justify what i right and what is wrong?" and then we will proceed.

Who am i to justify what is right and what is wrong you ask? EVERYONE in the world knows it's wrong and illegal to abuse peoples human rights. Go to the united nations and look for there charter on human rights. Abusing human rights is wrong fullstop.
simply you need to clarify that " Who are you to justify what i right and what is wrong?" and then we will proceed.
Who am i to justify what is right and what is wrong you ask? EVERYONE in the world knows it's wrong and illegal to abuse peoples human rights. Go to the united nations and look for there charter on human rights. Abusing human rights is wrong fullstop.
The more appropriate question would be: "What is the moral foundation that I am standing upon that would give ME the justification to make a judgement?" For the muslim, that moral foundation is Islam. For the Catholic, that moral foundation is Christianity. And so on...

Whether a believer correctly interpret his holy text or not is not the believer's responsibilities to decide, rather, it is the responsibility of the religious community from which he claim identification that could either support or deny his interpretation. No one live his life in a moral and intellectual vacuum. For the non-believer who hears such and such act is sanctioned by a religion and when he is revolted by such act, he will stand upon HIS moral foundation and speak his mind regarding such act.
The more appropriate question would be: "What is the moral foundation that I am standing upon that would give ME the justification to make a judgement?" For the muslim, that moral foundation is Islam. For the Catholic, that moral foundation is Christianity. And so on...

You forgot one, for humans the moral foundation is humanity. I am not religious and the worlds morales is not built around 1 religion. The united nations has no religion, it's charters are not build around a religion. Human rights are the rights of humans. Human rights surpass religion rights.

Take a look at this http://www.un.org/en/rights/

and this http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ Educate yourself.

So your argument of "it's islams morals" is invalid. Just because islam may allow these kinds of things, doesn't make it right.
No one is criticizing islam and no one is criticizing pakistan. People are criticizing the mistreatment of muslim women, by muslim men who misinterpret the teachings of islam to justify there attacks on women.

Islam give protection to women. If all the women change themselves according to the teachings of Islam, no one can even think to do mistreatment with them.

If we talk genarically we will this happen in all over the world but what I don't understand is

Ammazing one religion give full protection to a woman and people always point out only females from that specific religion.
You forgot one, for humans the moral foundation is humanity. I am not religious and the worlds morales is not built around 1 religion. The united nations has no religion, it's charters are not build around a religion. Human rights are the rights of humans. Human rights surpass religion rights.

Take a look at this http://www.un.org/en/rights/

and this http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ Educate yourself.
But the rights contained inside have their origins in the many religions. What you call 'humanity' is very much a moral foundation that just happened to be an amalgamation of many elements from many religions, Islam included.

So your argument of "it's islams morals" is invalid. Just because islam may allow these kinds of things, doesn't make it right.
Incorrect...For the muslim, his religion is very much a validation of his existence.
Islam give protection to women. If all the women change themselves according to the teachings of Islam, no one can even think to do mistreatment with them.
So you are saying that the mistreatment muslimahs receive at the hands of muslim men are because the women failed to adhere to Islamic principles? Blaming the victim?
Islam give protection to women. If all the women change themselves according to the teachings of Islam, no one can even think to do mistreatment with them.

If we talk genarically we will this happen in all over the world but what I don't understand is

Ammazing one religion give full protection to a woman and people always point out only females from that specific religion.

We are not talking about any women from any other religion because this topic is about islamic women! If a topic was made about christian women we would be talking about them!

You say that islam gives women protection from abuse, this is down right wrong. Have you totally ignored all the posts of people providing evidence that the human rights of muslim are abused all the time? in egypt, 20,000 women a year are sexually abused, most of them by there husband, force to have sex with them when they don't want to.
You forgot one, for humans the moral foundation is humanity. I am not religious and the worlds morales is not built around 1 religion. The united nations has no religion, it's charters are not build around a religion. Human rights are the rights of humans. Human rights surpass religion rights.

So your argument of "it's islams morals" is invalid. Just because islam may allow these kinds of things, doesn't make it right.

Ok lets Talk about YOU now Australia ( no Religion). Just explain the Below report

Rape reports increase by more than double
David Mark reported this story on Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:38:00

ELEANOR HALL: The New South Wales Rape Crisis Centre says the number of rapes reported in the state has more than doubled in four years. But the Centre's manager Karen Willis says she doesn't think this increase is due to a surge in attacks.

A significant number of reports, roughly one in six, are being made by adults revealing childhood rapes.

David Mark asked Karen Willis about the 130 per cent increase in the numbers.

KAREN WILLIS: It's actually an increase in people contacting our organisation. We don't think it equals an increase in sexual assault on a per capita basis.

But what it does equal is an increase in people who've experienced sexual violence making a decision to seek support from services such as ours in their recovery and also increasingly women are interested in information about reporting to police.

How we think, where we think this is coming from is that there are community attitudinal changes going on out there. People no longer anywhere near as much as they did in the past, judging women who've been sexually assaulted.

In fact we're calling those women heroines and brave for coming forward which means they'll seek that support service instead of feeling they need to be shamed and silenced.( Answer to your talk about KSA and Eygpt where women do not speak:agree:)

DAVID MARK: You're reporting 130 per cent increase over the past four years. How do you explain such a massive jump in such a short time?

KAREN WILLIS: I think over the last, probably the last five to 10 years there's been quite an increase in media coverage and community debate around sexual assault.

We've had some fairly high profile and pretty horrific gang rapes in Sydney that have been extensively reported and we've also had some very brave young women as a result of those who have spoken to media both publicly and not so publicly about their experiences. And all of those things have led to increased information across the board.

What that is saying to people out there who might experience sexual violence is: no this is not your fault; the responsibility for the behaviour lies totally and utterly with the offender; that sexual violence is a crime and you have a right to consider accessing a responsive criminal justice system.

It's a community attitudinal change we're seeing. We've still got a long way to go but we're starting to see a bit of a shift.

DAVID MARK: You're also beginning to see adult women reporting rapes that occurred in their childhood. How much has that increased?

KAREN WILLIS: Look I don't have the exact figures for that but we do know that when children were assaulted you know 20, 30 years ago often they were not believed or they were kept silent for the sake of the family or all those sorts of things.

And then what happens is that a woman becomes an adult, she's still suffering all the terrible trauma impacts, going through depression, suicidal feelings, maybe using drug and alcohol to manage the pain, having problems with trust, having further domestic violence relationships, experience further assaults.

And at some stage they say look, I'm actually worth more than this. And it's putting all of that together and realising it was actually the violence they experienced as a child. And by dealing with the violence from a child and processing that trauma they can actually then manage and resolve some of the other impacts on their lives.

DAVID MARK: This dramatic jump that we've talked about, there are still 6,700 people coming to your service every year. Is that a good thing? Is it a good thing that the number has increased so much?

KAREN WILLIS: Absolutely. The Australian Bureau of Statistics tells us that only 15 per cent of people who've been sexually assaulted seek help so there's still 85 per cent of people out there who don't seek support.

Now for some of those good support from family and friends is all that they need and they're okay. Not everybody who's been sexually assaulted will need intensive therapy to recover.

But we do know that there's a good proportion who do need those support services and we know that there is an increased willingness on behalf of people to come forward and there's an increased support in the general community for that to happen.

A good proportion of our callers are from men who are concerned about friends, wives, partners, girlfriends, mums, sisters, daughters who've been assaulted. So that support from men is also helping women to make that really brave step.

DAVID MARK: These figures are for New South Wales. Is there any evidence that this is also happening nationally; that more women around Australia are reporting rapes?

KAREN WILLIS: Yes. Certainly every state, all the sexual assault services and the domestic violence services across the country are experiencing an increase in women coming forward.

The 15 per cent reporting rate is a national figure and we know that in police services, domestic violence services, sexual assault services, the increase in demand is quite high.

So what we're seeing in New South Wales is indicative of the rest of the country and it's good.

My point is still the same " Are you the best in Human rights? dont you have all types of crimes? if you have then what moral stance do you seek to blame others ? why do you wish to reveal someone else's bad for only covering your own BUTT?

Apologies for any thing caused bad feelings so far but its nothing personal , i know ausiees love and appreciate healthy debate.:tup:

You forgot one, for humans the moral foundation is humanity. I am not religious and the worlds morales is not built around 1 religion. The united nations has no religion, it's charters are not build around a religion. Human rights are the rights of humans. Human rights surpass religion rights.

Take a look at this http://www.un.org/en/rights/

and this http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ Educate yourself.

So your argument of "it's islams morals" is invalid. Just because islam may allow these kinds of things, doesn't make it right.

OO come on XDrive talk on rational things. For ur information Islam is the only religion which give maximum rights to human other than Muslims. A very Simple example
"Allah Almighty Says: I can forgive a person who is not completing my rights (Salah, Fasting etc) BUT a person who is unable to fulfill rights of any living being (not only human, it includes all the animals) will not be forgiven"

Just give one example about UNO? Its 64 years to kashmir and many years to palistine. What it is doing??????????
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