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Afghanistan Presidential Elections: Aftermath

I hope afghanistan is overtaken by taliban once USA and NATO forces withdraw, then tajiks, hazaras and uzbeks will face the music again

Brother how would you feel if the TTP took over any areas in Pakistan? You do know the TTP have the full help of the Afghan Talibs right?

I'm surprised at your comments. No point bringing the Pakhtun thing into this, as the most popular candidate is an ethnic Pakhtun.

MashAllah that' a great thing you did there, in many areas of Samagan province people can't get water from wells dug by them even up to 100 meters.

Jazakallah brother. You see, I wouldn't know any of this apart from the pictures I have, and now with talking to you I know a great deal more.
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Simply amazing. 60% turnout amid warnings from Taliban is Itself saying everything and people's determination to defeat Taliban. Congratulations Afganistan.
So who is the favorite? Abdullah Abdullah?
Simply amazing. 60% turnout amid warnings from Taliban is Itself saying everything and people's determination to defeat Taliban. Congratulations Afganistan.

And that just the beginning, it is expected to hit 70% or so. :)
UN envoy congratulates Afghan voters for taking part in 'historic' elections


5 April 2014 – As voters across Afghanistan braved inclement weather and security threats to cast their ballots in Saturday's presidential and provincial council elections, the top United Nations official there congratulated them for participating in this “historic moment” for the country.

“We are receiving reports that many people are showing their wish to vote; they are queuing in places all around the country,” the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Afghanistan, Ján Kubiš, told journalists while on a visit to a polling centre in the capital, Kabul.

Afghans thronged to polling stations, which opened their doors at 7:00 a.m. today, to cast their ballots for a successor to President Hamid Karzai and members of 34 provincial councils. The polls will result in the first transfer of power from one democratically-elected leader to another in the country.

Shukria, a resident of Kabul, expressed her hopes for the country's next leader. “I want my next president to improve security, creating a better environment for us to live in, as well as bring a higher standard of education to the country.”

According to Afghanistan's Independent Election Commission (IEC), polling took place in 6,218 polling centres across the country, while a further 205 polling centres – that were originally scheduled to be kept open – were closed down due to the failure to dispatch necessary polling materials in light of adverse security developments.

“I am hopeful for the future – I have lots of children and I vote for the future of my children,” said 70-year-old Haji Awlia Qul, in the north-eastern province of Kunduz. “It doesn't matter even if I die for this. The important thing is the bright future of my children. I vote for their better future and for the well-being of my grandchildren.”

Unlike the countries previous elections, which were conducted jointly by the Afghan authorities and the UN, the world body does not formally have a role in these polls, leaving Afghan authorities to organize and manage the entire electoral process.

The UN – primarily through the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) – ¬has been advising on election-related matters and providing capacity building and technical support.

“I hope that everything will work well,” said Mr. Kubiš, who is also head of UNAMA. “I hope that people will come and will vote for their candidates – whoever that is, and candidates for the provincial council – in good numbers. And I hope that at the end of the day, we will be able to say this is really a historic moment, opening a totally new chapter for the country.”

United Nations News Centre - UN envoy congratulates Afghan voters for taking part in &#39historic&#39 elections
Brother how would you feel if the TTP took over any areas in Pakistan? You do know the TTP have the full help of the Afghan Talibs right?

I'm surprised at your comments. No point brining the Pakhtun thing into this as the most popular candidate is an ethnic Pakhtun.

Jazakallah brother. You see, I wouldn't know any of this apart from the pictures I have and now with talking to you I know a great deal more.

I am not your "brother", do not call me brother. Smart people cause damage only to "others" not to themselves and are not stupid to think oh what will happen if the same thing happen to me, this is losers thinking
I am not your "brother", do not call me brother. Smart people cause damage only to "others" not to themselves and are not stupid to think oh what will happen if the same thing happen to me, this is losers thinking

It is not smart to wish civilians dead, that's called stupidity.
That explains burger bacha personality and lack of knowledge about Taliban.

Burger bacha only in your dreams , I do not like Taliban but I will not mind if the taliban cause damage to the enemies of pakistan within afghanistan.
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