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Caste composition of Indian members!

What is your caste ?

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Caste were distributed depending upon the job people do. The most incompetent one who cant fight, who were dumb a$$ were termed as shudras who were not good enough for anything but tribial tasks. Even now they rely on haram/khairat(reservations) and that goes very well with there incompetency. Respect is earned and that is earned with potential- potential of achieving not the potential of begging.

Its not that your ancestors were done injustice to, they were as useless as all reservation seekers of today.

Yadav are the $hittiest of all. Has spoiled the state of UP....all chor and gundas of UP belong to yadav caste.

Recently in an interview with akhilesh yadav he was asked to comment on Modi's remark that it takes 56 inch chest to make UP as successful as Gujrat. The moron said, "Modiji ko pata nahi hai ki UP mai 1 rajya hai jaha 56 inch ka hi milta hai" He was refering to 56 inch rampuri chaku. That is the idiocy of there leader that he is proud of something like this. Loser class.
u r not my nephew,ur mom is not my sister in law.

just refer to me normally.

brahmins are as great as everyone.every caste in india is equivalent but there are differences between castes.

PS: But as long as reservation exists,we ll be greater than others.

So if reservation doesn't exist then will you consider there are no caste?

Caste were distributed depending upon the job people do. The most incompetent one who cant fight, who were dumb a$$ were termed as shudras who were not good enough for anything but tribial tasks. Even now they rely on haram/khairat(reservations) and that goes very well with there incompetency. Respect is earned and that is earned with potential- potential of achieving not the potential of begging.

Its not that your ancestors were done injustice to, they were as useless as all reservation seekers of today.

Yadav are the $hittiest of all. Has spoiled the state of UP....all chor and gundas of UP belong to yadav caste.

Recently in an interview with akhilesh yadav he was asked to comment on Modi's remark that it takes 56 inch chest to make UP as successful as Gujrat. The moron said, "Modiji ko pata nahi hai ki UP mai 1 rajya hai jaha 56 inch ka hi milta hai" He was refering to 56 inch rampuri chaku. That is the idiocy of there leader that he is proud of something like this. Loser class.

Santhana dharma states a person's caste is determined by his job and deeds not by his birth. Anyone can be of any caste based on his acts during life time. But some people mis-interrupted for their own sake and made it by birth phenomena.
@bronxbull @Indischer

This is what I wrote in the thread " One in four Americans 'doesn't know the Earth orbits the Sun' and only half believe in evolution" where I am banned now and there are people there calling me a liar. :o: Now was I lying?

"LOL. It does not work that way. Being a Dalit was not all that bad in India. Just some parts they were marginalized, not enslaved mind you. Most of the time they lived in forests or where just floating population. No one tells them they have to "obey" upper caste.

The caste system was designed such that no group would appropriate all means of power.

Top most was Brahmin -- they had authority over religious scriptures and could work as teachers, priests, advisors. They were not to accumulate wealth or own land or own weapon. Only knowledge. Brahmins were meant to live off food given by general people like monks. Their survival depended on the goodwill of the people.

Second in line were Kshatriyas (warriors/administrators/rulers) --- They could wield weapon and administor but were not to own land or be the authority on knowledge. They were to seek advise from the Brahmins and never hurt a civilian. They lived off a salary paid by taxes.

Third were the Vaishnavas (traders) -- They had access to wealth but not weapons or knowledge.

Fourth were the Shudras (farmers, artisans, skilled workers) -- They owned land, did agriculture and all other assorted skilled works. Were guaranteed protection by the Kshatriyas.

Outside the caste system come the Dalits or non permanent population of a town, tribals, forest dwellers: Small traders or skilled workers. Free as a bird without any obligations to anyone. Could work or just wander about. They had their own villages, their own land whatever but outside the main societal structure."
@bronxbull @Indischer

This is what I wrote in the thread " One in four Americans 'doesn't know the Earth orbits the Sun' and only half believe in evolution" where I am banned now and there are people there calling me a liar. :o: Now was I lying?

"LOL. It does not work that way. Being a Dalit was not all that bad in India. Just some parts they were marginalized, not enslaved mind you. Most of the time they lived in forests or where just floating population. No one tells them they have to "obey" upper caste.

The caste system was designed such that no group would appropriate all means of power.

Top most was Brahmin -- they had authority over religious scriptures and could work as teachers, priests, advisors. They were not to accumulate wealth or own land or own weapon. Only knowledge. Brahmins were meant to live off food given by general people like monks. Their survival depended on the goodwill of the people.

Second in line were Kshatriyas (warriors/administrators/rulers) --- They could wield weapon and administor but were not to own land or be the authority on knowledge. They were to seek advise from the Brahmins and never hurt a civilian. They lived off a salary paid by taxes.

Third were the Vaishnavas (traders) -- They had access to wealth but not weapons or knowledge.

Fourth were the Shudras (farmers, artisans, skilled workers) -- They owned land, did agriculture and all other assorted skilled works. Were guaranteed protection by the Kshatriyas.

Outside the caste system come the Dalits or non permanent population of a town, tribals, forest dwellers: Small traders or skilled workers. Free as a bird without any obligations to anyone. Could work or just wander about. They had their own villages, their own land whatever but outside the main societal structure."
The problem is that the system itself wasn't uniform in all parts of India. What you say was right in some parts, while what others say, that Dalits were totally trampled upon, is also right in some areas.

I'll give you the example of our own community. We've been landowners for a long long time in the hills of the Western Ghats. At least 300 years. And there are many other Brahmin communities like ours in many parts of India. The crux is the lack of uniformity, not one of interpretation.
The problem is that the system itself wasn't uniform in all parts of India. What you say was right in some parts, while what others say, that Dalits were totally trampled upon, is also right in some areas.

I'll give you the example of our own community. We've been landowners for a long long time in the hills of the Western Ghats. At least 300 years. And there are many other Brahmin communities like ours in many parts of India. The crux is the lack of uniformity, not one of interpretation.

That is true the system got distorted in many many areas, especially in the last 1000 years. My point was more about why the caste system was set up.

Once the Brahmins were killed en mass up North and feudal system came in, the entire societal structure got corrupted. Then people started being given grants of lands regardless of their caste, but for services rendered.

97% of India was poor when the British left. It is not that only 3% of our people were upper caste. So it is wrong to say Brahmins were exploitative by nature or they set up the caste system to exploit the lower caste. This narrative has been fed by the socialist/marxist.

A huge part of India was forest land, up to 50% maybe and all the tribals and lower castes practically had a free run of these areas.

What these guys try to do is transfer the inhumanity of slavery done in other countries to India by equating caste system with slavery when there was no actual equivalence. Except for the case of bonded labors which was again isolated cases and not widespread, there was no enslaving of people or taking away of their freedom.

I have argued with some Dalits when they rant about oppression, and what it has boiled down to now for them is that in arranged marriages Brahmins are not seeking alliance with Dalits. This from mostly NRI lower castes or Dalits. This according to them is oppression.
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