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14 Iranian border guards killed by terrorists in Iran-Pak cross border attack

Forget about Pakistan, many countries blame Iran for supporting terrorism. So whole world is liar & only you are correct? I don't say Iran support terrorists that killed Frontier Core paramilitary personal but may be some one in Iran's secret agency took money from someone involved in Chahbahar. Just like you are putting your imaginations on Pakistan's ISI/Military.

There was a short rebellion with few tribes which remained between 2005 upto mid 2008. It is no more after that. Please read the facts before f@rting. The 3 tribes start fighting because Musharraf was in power & they believe he killed one of their tribal elder, many other tribes stood with Pakistan even in that period. After that time period democratic govt had deal with much of it & in this year it has come to a dead except BLA terrorism in few areas. I' am sure you are mature enough & will not mix the terrorism of BLA with rebellion. Today there is even no P.A in the Balochistan province.

First of all stop talking as if you are some (Nauzubillah) Godly creature. Second build capability to take care of yourself then dream of taking care of others. Neither Pakistan asked you nor you got capability to take care of Pakistan.

Reports say Iran is supporting some militant wings in Pakistan. Tehreek Nifaz-e-Fiqah-e-Jafriya. (TNFJ) & Sipah-e-Muhammad. (SMP) are some most known violent groups supported by Iran. Both Iran & Saudis are trying to spread their ideologies in Pakistan. It is better for you to do some research before opening your mouth.

There is open terrorism from Irani side. Few days ago a teenage girl was killed in Pakistani border town with Iran when someone fired rockets & now this FC personal got martyred. As i said you need to do some research.

There used to be a trust deficit between US & UK too during WW2 so does that mean they were not ally? What a logic. Yes there is a trust deficit between Pakistan & US but they officially mention each other as ally.

In 2001 Afghanistan govt was doing some stupid activities & also spreading their stupidity in Pakistan. Pakistan had to acted against it. It was in Pakistan's interest at that time. You calling it client state is like if someone start calling you beggar for selling your oil.

We can call it client state relation ship as Irani govt attitude changed after India was involved in Chahbahar project. India even voted against Iran recently on several occasions.

Just like your rhetoric is like a dumb ignorant arrogant troll. History shows that any country that had try to harm Pakistan has been given the taste back. Alot of examples are in front of you. Take Afghanistan for example it acted as launchpad for Indian sponsored BLA/TTP against Pakistan & Pakistan hit India back in Afghanistan. So as i said as long as the donkey dance remains inside your borders it is Ok but any ill activity against Pakistan won't be taken lightly. That is common sense nothing to do with foreign policy making.

Lol...built one? What does that mean? More than 99% of border have no wall/fence.

We don't care what those officials lie. They first need to stop their activities in Pakistan's Sind, Punjab, the Indus region.

Is your brain covered with fats? Post a source saying Pakistan is the largest source of illegal immigrants around the world as you had said earlier.
Ladies and gentlemen, i rest my case!

This "American" Pakistani guy is an utter idiot! :woot: Amazing!

Dont waste my time anymore.

You have failed to address anything put forward to you, instead, you have replied back with more puffery, conspiracy and just sheer stupidity.

If you want my reply to each of your responses, then see my previous post. <- click.

I am not going to repeat myself again.
Ladies and gentlemen, i rest my case!

Thanks for blessing PDF bandwidth with your nonsense propaganda posts.

This "American" Pakistani guy is an utter idiot! :woot: Amazing!

That is personal insult but i won't report as you did it first time. Next time be careful.

You have failed to address anything put forward to you, instead, you have replied back with more puffery, conspiracy and just sheer stupidity.

I show you the mirror. It is better not to f@rt nonsense propaganda.

If you want my reply to each of your responses, then see my previous post. <- click.

I am not going to repeat myself again.

Why would i read your propaganda again & again?

Any ways...:wave:
Iran Makes Protest to Pakistan over Abduction of Border Guards

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran has conveyed its protest to the Pakistani government over the abduction and transferring of 5 Iranian border guards to Pakistan by a terrorist group.

Iran’s Police Chief Brigadier General Esmail Ahmadi Moqaddam made the remark on Sunday, adding that the border guards were abducted on the borderlines between Iran and Pakistan and taken to the Pakistani territory.
The two countries’ border security officers are said to have begun their search for the guards after the incident occurred on Friday.

No armed conflict is reported to have occurred between the Iranian border guards and the assailants.

The Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group has reportedly claimed responsibility for the abduction of the guards in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan.

Jaish-ul-Adl, which is widely believed to be a Saudi-backed ultraconservative Salafi group, has posted photos of the abductees on twitter.

The same group had killed 14 Iranian border guards and wounded three others in the city of Saravan in Sistan and Baluchestan Province last October.

In February 2013, Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement which requires both sides to take strict measures to combat terrorism, human and drug trafficking.

Iran complaints to Pakistan on abduction of five border guards

TEHRAN – The Iranian police have complained to Pakistan’s border police over the abduction of five Iranian border guards, who were reportedly taken to Pakistan last week.

Speaking to reporters in Tehran on Sunday, National Police Chief Esmaeil Ahmadi-Moqaddam said, “The Iranian police will pursue the matter seriously.”

Jaish al-Adl, a little known rebel group, posted photos of the five men on twitter, claiming responsibility for the seizure.

Jaish al-Adl’s name was raised for the first time in October when they killed 14 Iranian border guards in an ambush near the city of Saravan in the southeastern Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan.

The group claimed the responsibly for the attack and said it was in retaliation for the alleged role of Iran in the Syrian crisis and the purported unfair treatment of Sunnis in Iran.

Can someone tell me why they are stationing police officers/border guards there instead of the real army?
this shit aint gonna end unless we send our special forces to borders with pakistan or at least the army !

POLICE cant do anything against these animal terrorists .......

WTF is going on in pakistan ? have they lost total control over their country ?

the issue is becoming big enough for iran to send our saberin forces , like we did with PJAK in the west and we ENDED them once forever .

if pakistan is going to let these bastards lurk around in their land , so be it !

our special forces will put an end to it
this shit aint gonna end unless we send our special forces to borders with pakistan or at least the army !

POLICE cant do anything against these animal terrorists .......

WTF is going on in pakistan ? have they lost total control over their country ?

the issue is becoming big enough for iran to send our saberin forces , like we did with PJAK in the west and we ENDED them once forever .

if pakistan is going to let these bastards lurk around in their land , so be it !

our special forces will put an end to it

Sure You aree free to try it :D :D
this shit aint gonna end unless we send our special forces to borders with pakistan or at least the army !

POLICE cant do anything against these animal terrorists .......

WTF is going on in pakistan ? have they lost total control over their country ?

the issue is becoming big enough for iran to send our saberin forces , like we did with PJAK in the west and we ENDED them once forever .

if pakistan is going to let these bastards lurk around in their land , so be it !

our special forces will put an end to it


That phrase, special forces, made me lose it..Sorry lol

How can police not do anything against them? Do they just get handed weapons to them with no training? Who else will do it? cheerleaders? I wonder sometimes, even at our side why do people trained to defend with their lives surrender to these clowns. In most cases these savages torture and then kill them slowly and painfully.

If you gotta die, drag some of these lunatics along to the after world. Atleast you'll die with honor, world may not hear the heroic tales but you know you faced the enemy you swore to defend against.

If you have a family to look after, want to die of old age, this job is prolly not for you.
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Than have the balls big enough to complain to KSA.
You're the ones whoring yourselves to saudi and Iranian money.

Anyway, Pakistan is a worse version of the old Wild West. These things will go on till extreme measures are implemented.How many border crossings do we have with Pakistan? Cut it down to one. One major border crossing is easier to control obviously. Turn that single border crossing into a fortress. Have a shoot on sight policy if direct orders aren't followed, if there are any suspicious activities etc...
You're the ones whoring yourselves to saudi and Iranian money.

stop being such a bitch.
Pakistanis send charity and Zakat to Iran, instead of paying it in Pakistan. Is this what you call Iranian money?
If working in Saudi Arabia is whoring than many Pakistani Shia also work in all over middleast.
stop being such a bitch.
Pakistanis send charity and Zakat to Iran, instead of paying it in Pakistan. Is this what you call Iranian money?
If working in Saudi Arabia is whoring than many Pakistani Shia also work in all over middleast.
That's what I mean by whoring yourselves to Iranians and saudis. You personally, you're the biggest arab lover on the planet.
You're an arab lover. There are million of Iran lovers too.

On top of that, the country is a free for all. You can be a terrorist scum and cross borders, kill, destroy, whatever, and nothing will happen to you. That's pakistan today.
this shit aint gonna end unless we send our special forces to borders with pakistan or at least the army !

POLICE cant do anything against these animal terrorists .......

WTF is going on in pakistan ? have they lost total control over their country ?

the issue is becoming big enough for iran to send our saberin forces , like we did with PJAK in the west and we ENDED them once forever .

if pakistan is going to let these bastards lurk around in their land , so be it !

our special forces will put an end to it
They're not part of the police force, they're conscripts on their sarbazi. Conscripts are not trained or equipped for border defence duties.

For the time being, the border crossing should be closed and a buffer zone created within the Iranian side along the border. People that traverse this area should be made aware that they will be detained and interrogated, and risk being shot at or killed.
this shit aint gonna end unless we send our special forces to borders with pakistan or at least the army !

POLICE cant do anything against these animal terrorists .......

WTF is going on in pakistan ? have they lost total control over their country ?

the issue is becoming big enough for iran to send our saberin forces , like we did with PJAK in the west and we ENDED them once forever .

if pakistan is going to let these bastards lurk around in their land , so be it !

our special forces will put an end to it

In the region mess around with anyone you want be it SA/Israel/India/Iraq. But Pakistan is the country that you dont wanna mess around with trust me on this.

Will just give you a simple straightforward example.
If Pakistan is falling, Pakistan will grab Iran and land on top of it. Both will fall but Iran will take the hit and will regret it for decades to come.

Now go and sleep on that thought,No exaggeration whatsoever just My "logic".:lol:

Pakistan is this and Pakistan is that, we will agree on some points however your way is not the right way of going about this. Cooperation and communication is the key.
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On top of that, the country is a free for all. You can be a terrorist scum and cross borders, kill, destroy, whatever, and nothing will happen to you. That's pakistan today.

Heh, I'd like your input on Iran today once the T-virus hits your backyard. Lets see what your army/ nation can do. Too easy to type insults, hard to act.

For the time being, the border crossing should be closed and a buffer zone created within the Iranian side along the border.

Agree to that.

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