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33 Uzbeks, 3 Germans among the 40 killed in Airstrikes in N.Waziristan.

Khul ke baithe ho tu sab bajaige .Uzbek are paid missionery for black water highly trained
Yet again the Uzbek terrorists.

Islam Karimov, the president of Uzbekistan knows how to deal with these savages. They tore them apart in cells and I mean literally. One arm tied to a tank and the other to a tank and rip....
they were not germans. They were foreigners with a german passport. I'm sick of refugee coming to germany, getting a passport, then leave to those war areas and then its said it were germans.

Yes very true Markus my friend.

These vermin are not ethnic germanic people but scum with passports. The Germans should strip any would be terrorist of their citizenship and throw the ba*tard back where he belongs.

German my foot!
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Yes very true Markus my friend.

These vermin are not ethnic germanic people but scum with passports. The Germans should strip any would be terrorist if their citizenship and throw the ba*tard back where he belongs.

German my foot!

100% agree. Its an insult for our country and europe as whole. When you read stories like:german fighter killed in pakistan and then read his name: mustafa sahiri or whatever...or italian fighter killed in syria...and his name abdullah bla bla bla. I give you a hint: none of those are real europeans. The title of this topic is misleading.
Disclaimer: This is not Off-topic. Improve your tunnel-vision if anyone thinks so.

First let me lay down a little foundation for my argument to come:-
(In old times they did not have SSG-style commandos...)

During some of the Ghazawat of the Prophet a woman was found killed. Allah's messenger disapproved the killing of women and children.

Malik mauta:21:10:
..."I advise you ten things, (even during a war) Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person. Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees. Do not destroy an inhabited place. Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly."(Air-bombing instead of precision-raid IS cowardly)


I have a question to sahab-bahadur(s). What exactly SSG (Commandos) are for???
Kia unhain Gernaeloon naay apni baitiyoon koo jahaiz mai dainaay key liyay rakhaa hoa haay???!!!

Shouldn't this raid have been carried out by SSG?
Pardon my ignorance, I really want to improve my understanding of what the heck these pets are for? Inn kat'tooon(bull) (كٹوں) koo kss liyay paalaaa hoaa haay.? Doosray janam mai istamaal kernaa haay...? They set up a GREAT show-off training with Chinese forces too, they said they were training to tackle terrorist hide-outs... Many other times too they stage a GREAT show of smoke grenades & simulated commando raids, while Prime minister claps for their pleasing performance... What's the outcome of of all that training & expenditure??? Why they used air-force to attack terrorists instead of PRECISION RAID using commando operation??? Enlighten me.

Why haven't they put this so-called training to work???





Yeh saraa show-off tax-payers money koo oraanaay key liyay thaa...? Why haven't they put this so-called training to work???

And by-the-way, I don't buy these numbers given by officials. The always lie about civilian causalities. A single innocent child killed just because they air-bombed instead of a precision raid makes them murderers in my sight.

And for those ecstatic ones who barvo killing of 5 innocent family members(yes there are some who do) or are apathic towards collateral damage resulting from JAHILAANAA Air-bombing, I wish from core of my heart that ur relatives especially ur children DIE just like that one day. & that YOU survive to feel the pain. Aameeen. Some ppl learn the hard way only.


My answer to my own questions asked above is "our generals are incompetent & pathetically unprofessional"....
I might be wrong. So Lets hear YOUR answer?
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they were not germans. They were foreigners with a german passport. I'm sick of refugee coming to germany, getting a passport, then leave to those war areas and then its said it were germans.

Sorry MarkusS, do not agree with you here. Europe has a history of giving refuge to all scoundrels from everywhere. All terrorists in India and Pakistan were given refuge there in the name of humanitarianism. It was painted by European agencies like they were persecuted victimized people. Now that they are resorting to the same bad behavior there, you want to disown them. Not done. They are Germans if they are holding German passport.
Sorry MarkusS, do not agree with you here. Europe has a history of giving refuge to all scoundrels from everywhere. All terrorists in India and Pakistan were given refuge there in the name of humanitarianism. It was painted by European agencies like they were persecuted victimized people. Now that they are resorting to the same bad behavior there, you want to disown them. Not done. They are Germans if they are holding German passport.
I agree. When a foreigner does something good for them, they hail them as one of their own, but then when stuff like this happens, they come up with "they are not European" BS.
'Germans among the dead' in Pakistan air raid on extremists


Sources from the Pakistan military said on Tuesday that Germans had been killed in a military air strike on the country's northwest Waziristan region, a stronghold of the Taliban in Pakistan. They were reportedly extremists with links to al Qaeda.

"Most of the terrorists killed [in the air strike] were foreign fighters, including three Germans," a military source told news agency AFP.

More than 40 Islamist extremists - the majority of which hailed from Uzbekistan - were killed in the Tuesday attack.

Deaths not confirmed

Germany's Ministry of Foreign Affairs could not confirm the deaths. However, one of its spokespeople told the DPA news agency: "The German embassy in Islamabad is in contact with local authorities and is working diligently to find out more."

Pakistan's air force launched a large-scale raid on the northwest Waziristan in retaliation for recent Taliban attacks, which left more than 30 military personnel dead.

The Taliban has stepped up attacks on Pakistan's military following the deaths of its leader Hakimullah Mesud and deputly Waliur Rehman, both of whom were killed in US drone attacks at the end of last year. Those deaths also prompted the militant group to refuse to enter into negotiations with Pakistan's new government under Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who was accused by the militants of supporting the US attack.

AFP reported on Monday that Taliban spokesperson Shahid had said the movement was "ready for meaningful negotiations despite facing huge leadership losses if the government proves its authority and sincerity" by following through with promises to bring an end to drone attacks and its military presence in tribal areas.

The Pakistani military has been fighting for years in the tribal areas against militants who want to overthrow the government and establish an ultraconservative Islamic state across Pakistan.

kms/ipj (AFP, dpa)

'Germans among the dead' in Pakistan air raid on extremists | News | DW.DE | 22.01.2014
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Sorry MarkusS, do not agree with you here. Europe has a history of giving refuge to all scoundrels from everywhere. All terrorists in India and Pakistan were given refuge there in the name of humanitarianism. It was painted by European agencies like they were persecuted victimized people. Now that they are resorting to the same bad behavior there, you want to disown them. Not done. They are Germans if they are holding German passport.

they are not seen as germans in germany, thats all what matters. You can only be german if st least one of your parents is german by blood.
they are not seen as germans in germany, thats all what matters. You can only be german if st least one of your parents is german by blood.

They are Germans as their passport claims and that is what will be reported. They have been nurtured by the German soil and ideas allowed by German constitution.
Keep it up PA, keep those sorties pumping. Demoralize, dominate and finish off these ghadars.

Most are all foreign fighters there, mercenaries, hired guns.

They come in from Kunar in Afghanistan, PA must bomb this area next.

Afghanistan are colluding with these fighters, put an end to it once and for all.
They are Germans as their passport claims and that is what will be reported. They have been nurtured by the German soil and ideas allowed by German constitution.

How do you know they have been "nurtured" by the soil? No one knows anything about them, not even their names. Someone claiming asylum or a recent migrant who has obtained German citizenship after several years is not really representative of the German state is it? If they were born and raised there then you have a point.
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