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China: Al-Qaeda urges holy war to defend Muslims

It is good in some sense if Al-Qaeda do something bad to China because China will then have a very good reason to flex its military muscle abroad and expand its military and political influence there, just like what the american did. And in this case nobody will say anything about "China threat" since China just follows the footstep of the US.
It is good in some sense if Al-Qaeda do something bad to China because China will then have a very good reason to flex its military muscle abroad and expand its military and political influence there, just like what the american did. And in this case nobody will say anything about "China threat" since China just follows the footstep of the US.

china have no interest there if US is not there......maybe we will build a pipeline through Afghanistan someday,but the precondition is that all the terrorists must be eradicated,US will never win this war ,cos they are not just killing terrorists there
It is good in some sense if Al-Qaeda do something bad to China because China will then have a very good reason to flex its military muscle abroad and expand its military and political influence there, just like what the american did. And in this case nobody will say anything about "China threat" since China just follows the footstep of the US.

It's better to let the Muslim world to confront this problem rather than China should get involved.

I knew there are quite some Taiwanese with hidden agenda against China. When they did something in Pakistan, Pakistan government believes its best to send them back rather than deal with them directly, because certain issues are sensitive and could backfire. I personally certainly don't have any problems if criminals are prosecuted in Pakistan according to Pak's law regardless of their ethnicity as long as its a fair trial. All visitors should observe local laws.

Also, I am not aware any Muslim country which is hostile to China. So better leave the matter to the Islamic countries. As these issues are senstive.
china should march into Afhganistan if any incidence of terrorism happens in China. and throw out US along with all good bad , ugly taliban
Then if needed ..March into tribal areas of Pakistan and do the combing operation with Pakistan help. Hope Pakistan people will not mind it. Best solution i see from Pakistanis perspective.
china should march into Afhganistan if any incidence of terrorism happens in China. and throw out US along with all good bad , ugly taliban

It's that easy, huh?
Many of them are just poor kids recruited by Taliban in their teens. Besides, Afghanistan is a sovereign country. Also, it's not operational, you can't find any enemy there. Because there is none. The best way to neutralize Tablian is to leave Afghanistan alone.
china should march into if any incidence of terrorism happens in China. and throw out US along with all good bad , ugly taliban

then it will screw china's bright future, we believe PLA can ensure our safety without sending one soldier there ,but if there are any UN peacekeeping operations in Afghanistan,PLA are willing to participate
I completely agree, For my own opinion, I say, "The only true friend Pakistanis (& Muslims alike) will ever have is China, if this was not so, how could Islam have existed in China ever since the Prophet PBUH's time, how could Muslim Zeng He ever be the great Chinese Admiral, and on on, and how could Muslims in Xinjian have been treated so well all these centuries!!!!.


You can't be serious right? China is "friend" of Pakistan only for its interests. Pray tell me why hasn't China, which buys billions of dollars in US treasury bills has come to Pakistan's aid now when it is in dire need to prop up its current account deficit. On the other hand its the US and IMF that are giving Pakistan's economy the crutch even though US is going through a recession while China has a 7% growth rate.

And China is the only major country in the world where people don't have full freedom of religion. A person who declares himself as a Muslim can't even be a member of the CPC let alone head any ministries or important post in China. Uighurs haven't revolted for no reason you know. Use your head, not your heart. China is helping Pakistan for its interests, its as simple as that.

China is not afraid of these puppet's pf the west, but it should be cautious. Please dont think that Muslims are anti China, they arent, but the west through money and influence has many puppet dogs like Aal kay daa!. May kay daa go to hell. :angry:

Al Qaeda is a reality, it definitely an aberration and perversion that intiated with the Afghan war in the 80s, but if they want to attack China, they don't need a "green signal" from US. The Uzbeks have always been a strong contigent in AQ-led alliance and its quite possible they may move to central asia as things continue to heat up in Afghanistan and Pakistan and they have less and less places to hide.
You can't be serious right? China is "friend" of Pakistan only for its interests. Pray tell me why hasn't China, which buys billions of dollars in US treasury bills has come to Pakistan's aid now when it is in dire need to prop up its current account deficit. On the other hand its the US and IMF that are giving Pakistan's economy the crutch even though US is going through a recession while China has a 7% growth rate.

And China is the only major country in the world where people don't have full freedom of religion. A person who declares himself as a Muslim can't even be a member of the CPC let alone head any ministries or important post in China. Uighurs haven't revolted for no reason you know. Use your head, not your heart. China is helping Pakistan for its interests, its as simple as that.

I will only give you this,

The whole world knows Pak/China is close, but no third party knows how close they are. :cheesy:
I will only give you this,

The whole world knows Pak/China is close, but no third party knows how close they are. :cheesy:

Im not saying they are not close with Pakistan, of course they are, but lets not delude ourselves that China is "friends" with muslims.
I'm saying that China has strong interests with Pakistan and that is the reason they are close. Nothing wrong in that really
Im not saying they are not close with Pakistan, of course they are, but lets not delude ourselves that China is "friends" with muslims.
I'm saying that China has strong interests with Pakistan and that is the reason they are close. Nothing wrong in that really

I don't know what to say. China is not a natural friend with Muslims. It just so happenned that China becomes friendly with many Muslim countries and they become friendly with China. We don't make friends with Muslim countries simply because they are Muslims, we cultivate our friendship with any country, be it Muslim country, Christian country, or African countries on a human bases. We will reach out to anyone with a friendly open hand. And sometimes, we may forgot the fact that they are Muslims, they are just friends. I have a good Muslim friend in College in China, we use to go out for dinner, most of the time, I simply sit down with him and order some plates, only until I saw hes frowning at certain items before I realize something is "wrong". :cheesy: And I continue making that mistakes, whether hes Muslim or not is not that important to me, what's important is hes my friend.

Pak/China starts when Pak helped China reached out to the west, and after 62 Pak saw China as a strong ally (against you :cheesy:). Everyone knows the history. But it didn't stop there. The friendship has evolved, Pak/China is not a relationship based on cold blooded calculations.

And I don't think you need to `edcuate' Pakistani like they are not capable of their own strategic thinking. :angry:
You can't be serious right? China is "friend" of Pakistan only for its interests. Pray tell me why hasn't China, which buys billions of dollars in US treasury bills has come to Pakistan's aid now when it is in dire need to prop up its current account deficit. On the other hand its the US and IMF that are giving Pakistan's economy the crutch even though US is going through a recession while China has a 7% growth rate.

And China is the only major country in the world where people don't have full freedom of religion. A person who declares himself as a Muslim can't even be a member of the CPC let alone head any ministries or important post in China. Uighurs haven't revolted for no reason you know. Use your head, not your heart. China is helping Pakistan for its interests, its as simple as that.

Uighurs revolted or rioters revolte?why did a 81 years old Uighur save 18 hans with his body?why did rioters have to force praying muslims joining their massacre with machete ?why did dozens of dead body find in the lanes only with neck cutting and head injuries?I guess you never heard these stories in western or india media. similar “revolt” happen everyday in india,what's their reason for killing.you should feel luck CPC or US congress are not funding them like india govt support tibet separatists, muslim can't be a member of CPC,neither can any other religion,that's how politicians treat every religions equally.chinese and pakistani know what both side did for each other over the last 60 years,so i would rather save my spit defending other parts of your crap
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china should march into Afhganistan if any incidence of terrorism happens in China. and throw out US along with all good bad , ugly taliban

how do u know Afghanistan must be the roots of any threat to china ? china don't fear anyone meanwhile don't unreasonably accuse any country for terrorism without a solid proof.

to be dragged into afgan war like george w bush is stupid.
Im not saying they are not close with Pakistan, of course they are, but lets not delude ourselves that China is "friends" with muslims.
I'm saying that China has strong interests with Pakistan and that is the reason they are close. Nothing wrong in that really

China has no problems with any Muslim country unlike U.S. Israel and your Bharat.

When did you ever hear of China's flag being burned in any Muslim nation. :no:

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