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China: Al-Qaeda urges holy war to defend Muslims


Oct 17, 2008
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China: Al-Qaeda urges holy war to defend Muslims


Rome, 7 October (AKI) - A leading Al-Qaeda militant on Wednesday called on Muslims worldwide to defend Uighurs in China's restive northwestern region of Xinjiang. He told Uighurs to prepare for a holy war or Jihad and urged a "vast media campaign" to raise awareness of their fate at the hands of "oppressive" China.

In the video posted to jihadist websites, Abu Yahya al-Libi appeared to launch a frontal assault against China.

"This massacre is not being carried out by criminal Crusaders or evil Jews who have committed crimes against our nation," al-Libi stated.

"Today, a new massacre is being carried out by Buddhist nationalists and communists against the Muslim population in eastern Turkestan," said al-Libi.

Islamists call Xinjiang East Turkestan. Uighurs are Muslims native to Xinjiang province, and have cultural ties to Turkic peoples in Central Asia.

"There is no way to remove injustice and oppression without a true return to their (Uighurs) religion and ... serious preparation for Jihad in the path of God the Almighty and to carry weapons in the face of those (Chinese) invaders," he said.

"It is a duty for Muslims today to stand by their wounded and oppressed brothers in East Turkestan ... and support them with all they can," al-Libi added.

Al-Libi claims terrible crimes are being perpetrated in Xinjiang "which nobody can see," urging a media campaign to give these crimes the same visibility as those "carried out by westerners against Muslims."

He also accused China of using "satanic ways" to oppress Muslims in the province and replace them with other ethnicities while "looting their wealth and undermining their culture and religion."

"Tens of thousand of people have been silently killed to prevent a revolt. The communist Chinese government has tried to eliminate all links between eastern Turkestan and the Islamic nation by sending colonisers to constantly reduce the number of Muslims," he stated.

Another tactic China is using to exterminate Muslims is calling the province Xinjiang instead of eastern Turkestan, just as Palestine's name as been changed to Israel, al-Libi argued.

He described China's presence in Xinjiang as an "occupation" and claimed the colonisation of the province has made the Muslim population a minority.

"The Chinese have closed all the Islamic schools, forbidding the study of the Muslim religion. They have arrested and killed all the Muslim leaders," he said.

Xinjiang is also the province where China is carrying out the largest number of nuclear experiments, al-Libi alleged.

"Thousands of people have died from the radiation emitted by the many nuclear missiles that have been launched and the experiments carried out in the area," al-Libi concluded.

Uighurs make up 8 million people out of Xinjiang's population of 20 million. It covers one-sixth of the country and is relatively sparsely populated.

A total of 197 people were killed over several days of unrest in Xinjiang in July and rioting in the capital Urumqi. Most of those who died were from the Han Chinese majority.
China: Al-Qaeda urges holy war to defend Muslims - Adnkronos Security
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I find that Al Qaeda members don't know where is the gate of hell!

Come on, we Chinese are not sickmen of East Asia.

American fear you, but we don't!

You must be totally extinguished!
Mr Zbig brzezinski the father of Al-qaeeda says that radical Islam is our Bulwark against Russia and China the only two powers seriously capable of undermining the US and NATO. No wonder the Mosavi Faction of Iran is also chanting anti russia anti china slogans.

Muslims are not terrorist. Najdi extremists are terrorist. No wonder whenever US wants to intervine somewhere these paid agents come to there rescue by issuing threats so that the US can justify her misdeeds.

Pakistan and China are friends and these so called US backed Jihadis cannot undermine our special relationship.:pakistan::china:
it's a US machination , all of musilim should stay awake
USA agenda. What complete BS. have you even a scintilla of evidence that the USA supports al Qaeda in China? NO, of course not. Your posts are just typical anti-American tripe.
In this way al qaeda is discrediting the west' attempt to connect China with terrorism, you can't expect the us to stop shaking hands with Chinese seperatist but it will make them look bad when they play double standard again
Al Qaeda vs China?

Al Qaeda has 2 consequences:

1. Al Qaeda go to hell.

2. China sends Al Qaeda go to hell.

That's all!

God (Allah by Al Qaeda) must not forgive the silly!
Mr Zbig brzezinski the father of Al-qaeeda says that radical Islam is our Bulwark against Russia and China the only two powers seriously capable of undermining the US and NATO.

I completely agree, there are numerous interviews of him and written work where he openly, brazenly accepts this, Muslims and Chinese should not fall into their Evil Devilish plan, They are the Church of Satan.

it's a US machination , all of musilim should stay awake

I completely agree, For my own opinion, I say, "The only true friend Pakistanis (& Muslims alike) will ever have is China, if this was not so, how could Islam have existed in China ever since the Prophet PBUH's time, how could Muslim Zeng He ever be the great Chinese Admiral, and on on, and how could Muslims in Xinjian have been treated so well all these centuries!!!!.


What's the aim of the thread?

I don't think China's scared of any threat.

Chinese people are dertermined on safeguarding its territory completion.

China is not afraid of these puppet's pf the west, but it should be cautious. Please dont think that Muslims are anti China, they arent, but the west through money and influence has many puppet dogs like Aal kay daa!. May kay daa go to hell. :angry:

Its Indian or American propoganda.

Most definitely the latter and also probably with some contribution from the former, since India unfortunately cannot digest Pakistan's time tested good friendship with China :disagree:

a joke from china:
Osama bin Laden ordered the bomb attack in the center of Beijing. the killer set out early in a morning, but big jam in the 4th ring road, he couldnot reach the 3rd ring until night. and then Laden send killers to bomb Shanghai and go to the Bund found detonators had been stolen. after that,he sent a killer blow to the HenanProvincial Party Committee, the killer come up against policies who were driven "petition persons", get caught directly. to send killers to shenzhen, all of them are robbed coz a carjacking. Last sent killers to bomb coal mine, hundreds people was killed, then took a month have not seen any Chinese media reported that .
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after extremist muslims attacked china and if russia also, who in the world will tolerate their existence...so, they had better not to dig their own grave by making more obvious and visible enemies by threatening with terror attack, it will be wise for their survival

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