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New Iranian Persian nationalist organization

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Dec 26, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Heres my idea for a political nationalist party:

First thing that you need to realize about the Parthianshots organization is that it includes membership, supporters are just not enough. Our final goal is to have millions upon millions of educated and physically fit members who are in every province, city and streets of Iran protecting the people and society from drug smugglers, traffickers, foriegners (Whether troublesome tourists or immigrants) and encouraging the Persian way of life through education. Basically the people representing the people. We do not want harrasment of any sort towards others, whether foriegners or Iranians. This isn't a gang, but a nationalist organization to serve and educate the people with influence. We want this organization to intergrate into all aspects of Iranian/Persian society through the will of the people, NEVER EVER forced, because people are the party and the party represents the people. Without members and the support of the people, the organization is useless and will fail. Now, here are basic laws. we are also going to be writing a book that covers everything from culture, sports, boxing, to social behaviours and identity for Persians and members. A website is supposed to come out also.

1. Establish a nationalist government in Iran.

2. Convert all those (who want to be converted) ethnic groups into one ethnicity (Persian ethnicity). under one identity, goal, ideology, and banner of flag... which is Iranian/Persian nationalism.

3. Close down all borders. Throw all foriegners out. In terms of migration, only let in either allies of Iran, Iranians abroad, ethnic Persians (sub-groups included), or other Iranics (limited ammount) through out the world if they choose that they want to live in Iran.... Tourism should be availabe to all foriegners.

4. Spread Persian/Iranian nationalism amongst Iranians by encouraging it in schools, the Media, newspapers, and everyday life.

5. Establish a political Party (Parthianshots). Establish and spread the party into Iran as well as countries that have an Iranian population. I suggest starting abroad first and then slowly taking our influence into Iranian streets.

6. Change the name of Iran back to Persia. In the west it will be Known only as Persia, and in Iran it will be known either as Iran or Persia/Parsa.

7. Create a personal Military force (Imperial guards) that is only loyal to the Party, ideology, Iran and the people.

8. Encourage value, tradition, and honor IMMENSLY amongst the average Iranian family.

9. Make the Persian language 100% Persian again by putting more old Persian (middle Pahlavi Persian) words in and taking out any foriegn words in Persian. Bring back the old Achaemenid Persian alphabet.

10. Make a Persian union with other Persian countries (Tajikestan, Northern Afghanistan and ethnic Persians in Persian Gulf states) this union will be based on Military, economy, culture, history, and identity.

11. Establish an Iranic union. This union will be based around Economy, culture, and identity.... This union compared to the "Persian union" will not be as strong, because the party (Parthianshots) will not want it to be as strong. The brotherhood amongst Persians should be kept stronger than any other Union Iran/Persia will ever have.

12. Don't let some Iranians migrate to certain countries because it will cause probelms.

13. Encourage Iranians abroad to come back home to Iran through nationalism (especially the succesful and rich Iranians).

14. When it comes to economic plans, do business with absolutely everyone, whether Arabs, Americans, or whoever.

15. When it comes to politics, mind our own business and tell others to do the same. We don't want to become a regional power, cause we'll only recieve hate and blame on our people from everyone. We respect people who respect us and only retaliate (With extremely brutal force if need be) if they attack or provok us. The use of brutal force depends on the enemy.

Our logo for the organization is the Imperial Persian pheonix and the moon.

Again, the book I'm writing will explain more about the rules of the organization and its role in politics, society etc.. when I have finished. Consider yourself a member if you like what you read

Btw, before you write you cant convert to another ethnicity, yes you can. Take a look at the arabs and turks, around 70% today are probably not original arabs or turks (talking about turkish people and azeris), but converts. Ethnic conversion has taken place through out history multiple times. Keep in mind that ethnicity is not the same as race.
Somehow I get the feeling you are not an Iranian.
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Good idea, good luck with your plan.
Holy sh!t now we have the Parthianshot here in defence pk, next thing you know is that the Parham(Serkan) will become a member too!
The purity of race is obsolete Idea. The Unicultural society is also obsolete Idea.

Today the world is global village.

Can't you see the status of Pakistan which is trying to become sunni-only state?
Ultra-Nationalist governments usually bring about the demise of a country....
we don't need a new one, a few already exists, MKO, Pejak, koomleh, jundullah, kurdistan democrat , Padeshahi Iran, khalgh Azarbaijan, khalgh arab alahvaz, Hell even Jeish-OL-Adl.

since American's budget is shrinking each year, I suggest to do not waste your money for a new one and keep supporting your previous groups.
Utra-Nationalist governments usually bring about the demise of a country....

If you have stupid leaders, then yes. Otherwise thats like saying feeding, taking care of, and putting your family first instead of the neighbors brings the demise of your own family.

Furthermore,, nothing I stated up there is extreme. There are nations who uphold these laws, and they are doing fine and well, like saudi arabia for example, whether you think theyre barbaric is another issue. They are doing fine and putting their people first, thats all that counts at the end of the day.

we don't need a new one, a few already exists, MKO, Pejak, koomleh, jundullah, kurdistan democrat , Padeshahi Iran, khalgh Azarbaijan, khalgh arab alahvaz, Hell even Jeish-OL-Adl.

since American's budget is shrinking each year, I suggest to do not waste your money for a new one and keep supporting your previous groups.
Yea, come back and tell me that when you can pay salaries to your own government workers, lol. None of the ones you mentioned are nationalist, either islamo communists or seperatists.

America doesnt even fund the nationalist groups, at all. They diff want a liberal governmrnt that pushes westernization and americanization in power.
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Yea, come back and tell me that when you can pay salaries to your own government workers, lol. None of the ones you mentioned are nationalist, either islamo communists or seperatists.

America doesnt even fund the nationalist groups, at all. They diff want a liberal governmrnt that pushes westernization and americanization in power.
the whole nationalism is a racism Idea.
in a multi race country like Iran, nationalist = separatist
Holy sh!t now we have the Parthianshot here in defence pk, next thing you know is that the Parham(Serkan) will become a member too!

oh fck !!!

cant believe this !! seems that all atheists are becoming more and more interested in this forum !!!

seems that we have to do it our way , if u know what i mean !

Btw, before you write you cant convert to another ethnicity, yes you can. Take a look at the arabs and turks, around 70% today are probably not original arabs or turks (talking about turkish people and azeris), but converts. Ethnic conversion has taken place through out history multiple times. Keep in mind that ethnicity is not the same as race.

and p.s :

you are disgustingly racist !!! as an azeri iranian azeri i love my country much more than u do .

i love iran so much that i will give my breath for it every second if needed . you are just a racist wannabe iranian
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