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Karzai calls India an 'all-weather friend' as he argues for closer cooperation in confronting terror

Bhai, plz dont get racist. Even if Pakis dont want to believe, they are of Indian Origin. And I assume if you respect Indians even a little, please respect our Race. Our Subcontinent has to rise against color and Race.
Sorry Sir.

You have my deepest apologies, i regret it.

But these Pakistanis can really piss one off.

THREE visits in the span of a year?!

Yeah our Relationship is getting pretty serious these days.
@RescueRanger There are many many more unregistered Pakistani laborers working in hotels/restaurants/construction sector etc. Isn't it ironic that you assume Afghans should be thankful for the support they got in the past while you admit to have earned money thanks to my country?

The information from SIGAR that you posted, only shows problems with the way Americans have awarded contracts. The Afghan gov has always talked about the corruption and money being wasted when the foreigners spend the money directly and not through the gov.

@Yzd Khalifa Look who is talking, a saudi whose country is ready to go to war with another Islamic country assisted by evil Jews, you wahabis are pathetic!. How is your Alqaeda friends doing in Syria? NDF treating them well?
Sorry Sir.

You have my deepest apologies, i regret it.

But these Pakistani can really piss one off.
Thanks for the gesture Bro. Its just we all have differences but we have a right to stand for ourselves and our true friends. Pakistan is Afganistan's enemy due to their policies and has nothing to do with race superiority. Infact, so many in Pakistan are pushtoons who are your race.

I understand we tend to get racist when pissed off but if u see our subcontinent ppl are biggest hypocrits. We Indians get racist within our country against lower caste, south Indians, etc but cry when victimised in West.

Pakistanis blabber about their race against Black Indians but end up acting like Indians when *** whipped in Western Countries.

Afganis get victimised by Whites in name of Arab.

Hence, we all have to come out of Race thing even if you wanna abuse someone. :cheers:
I just don't get it why the hell we pakistanis think Afghan-india friendship in anycase is bad for us

A developed Afghanistan with higher literacy rate is always better for Pakistan

Afghanistan should accept whatever it get from any foriegn country and India today is willing to do everything for Afghanistan.
@Yzd Khalifa Look who is talking, a saudi whose country is ready to go to war with another Islamic country assisted by evil Jews, you wahabis are pathetic!. How is your Alqaeda friends doing in Syria? NDF treating them well?


To begin with, I'm not religious at all, put the " Wahhabi " card back inside your pocket.

Speaking of the situation in Syria, the Israelis should be the least to assist the Free Syrian Army, after all they saw nothing but a big talk, just like your own president, he talks and talks, and does nothing.

As for my friends, yes, I do happen to have " Syrian Freedom Fighters " friends. We are helping them in the same way we - Saudis and Pakistanis - came along to save your country.

Cheers :wave:
When i visited Afghan sites and fb they say YAH ALLAH YE NAPAK ................,UNKO.......... and
then **** came and say we r all muslims and brothers and this is all india/usa conspiracy bla bla bla
then whole afghans jump that poor guy and thrash him like any thing

*Fill in the Blanks with as much as abusive/racist words as possible :rofl::rofl:

But most of the afghans hate ISI backing talibans,if pak stop supporting them afg & FATA will become more peaceful and they wont brothers but not enemies :smitten:
Thanks for the gesture Bro. Its just we all have differences but we have a right to stand for ourselves and our true friends. Pakistan is Afganistan's enemy due to their policies and has nothing to do with race superiority. Infact, so many in Pakistan are pushtoons who are your race.

I understand we tend to get racist when pissed off but if u see our subcontinent ppl are biggest hypocrits. We Indians get racist within our country against lower caste, south Indians, etc but cry when victimised in West.

Pakistanis blabber about their race against Black Indians but end up acting like Indians when *** whipped in Western Countries.

Afganis get victimised by Whites in name of Arab.

Hence, we all have to come out of Race thing even if you wanna abuse someone. :cheers:

Except teens i have not seen any mature pakistani calling indian as black when in reality Majority of the pakistanis are also black/brown themselves

What i don't understand is why is Afghanistan still after the durrand line?
Even they Know Pakistani pashtun are now way too much integrated into Pakistan society and the pashtun nationalism is long dead.

If afghanistan would have recognizied the durrand line as international border decades before.I am 100% sure ISI or Pakistan army would have never interfered in Afghanistan Internal problems,

Pakistan only got into Afghanistan was to kill the pashtun nationalism and certainly they had accomplished the mission aswell.
Pakistan only got into Afghanistan was to kill the pashtun nationalism and certainly they had accomplished the mission aswell.

I do not agree, your country may have been succesful in some way, but the dream is still alive in every Afghan.

At the end of the day, a Pashtun state with respect to its minorities can not be avoided.
The Questions is for how long, will it be that way.

Still no proper English, uneducated ****.

Whore? it is your country which has always been occupied by us, so you are absolutely talking about your own population.

It is a matter of time before you will get raped again, bitch.

your time as nomadic looters , just like the mongols , came and now its gone .. gone forever .. its not going to come back in your lifetime or the lifetime of your children or their chidlren's chidlren lifetime , in other words its never going to come back .. you can chew on the bones of your dead ancestors from morning till night from here on we can kick you to death whenever we want and you will have to come to terms with this new reality sooner rather than later.
Karzai is known for his Puppi jappi tactics

Here is what he said about Pakistan 2 years back in India

Pak twin brother, India a great friend: Karzai - Indian Express

India a great friend, Pakistan twin brother: Karzai - DAWN.COM

Pak 'twin brother', India 'great friend': Hamid Karzai - Economic Times

But this comment doesnt mean i don't support India's development in Afghanistan.I support them

I do not agree, your country may have been succesful in some way, but the dream is still alive in every Afghan.

At the end of the day, a Pashtun state with respect to its minorities can not be avoided.

well certainly can't believe a tajik like you will accept 35million more pashtun into afghanistan
Don't you think this will sum up the pashtun population to more like 70% of Total Afghanistan

because as far as i have talk to the tajik,they want the border to be declared as International border

anyway believe me Durrand line declared as international border will always be in favour of Afghanistan.
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