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Pakistani mega hit film ‘'Waar'’ | Reviews & Discussions.

indian amy only killed those who supports terrorism.. and the reason of this unrest is pakistan military... if pakistan
doesn't support terrorism then kashmir will be a peaceful state like other states in india.

those are freedom fighters ..just a few decades back we were struggling against britians .. were nehru, gandhi and jinnah was terrorist .. when u occpied their land and killed innocent civilans .. when they start up against them u lable them as terrosit
This is an another example of Indian delusions and denial. In India, Gujarat genocide of Muslims take place, and the person behind such genocide is running for the prime minister of India! This is how much institutionalized and rampet genocide in India is.

Their genocide master mind, is not even allowed near USA.

This is how much delusionally retarded Indians are.

Anyways, this thread is about a Pakistani movie Waar, not about broken sewerage India and your schizophrenic delusions.

the case of communal rot in Gujarat has be in the court and those are responsible for the rot will be punished... the NaMo was not behind the rot. if he was then he had been in the jail now...the NaMo has a lot of Muslim support in Gujarat, that means he not an anti Muslim for the natives peoples of in Gujarat. unlike pakistan india have an effective judiciary system.

i don't either want to continue this topic here as this thread is about movie. you don't understan what is india and how people of india from different religions living tougher..
100-year-old temple demolished in Pakistan, angry Hindus ask govt to arrange tickets to India
those are freedom fighters ..just a few decades back we were struggling against britians .. were nehru, gandhi and jinnah was terrorist .. when u occpied their land and killed innocent civilans .. when they start up against them u lable them as terrosit

the BLA are also freedom fighters. they want to liberate Baluchistan from pakistan. if pakistan want to support freedom fighters then pakistan have to liberate the Baluchistan first. pakistan support terrorism in the name of support for freedom fighters is only to bleed india, pakistan never loved Kashmir if they do then they don't give a part of Azad Kashmir to china. pakistan don't have economical, political and military power to defeat india in a conventional war, so they turned to terrorism. nehru, gandhi and jinnah fight for freedom not with AK-47 and suicide bombing, those suicide bombing had killed many civilians tham army personals, you have to learn the history first before comparing nehru, gandhi and jinnah with hard core terrorists.
I don't know why this movie is called anti India. I have watched it. And in the whole movie, word India is mentioned only once. Just at the beginning when the head of a small terrorist group which kidnapped a Chinese engineer was called as RAW agent. That's it. India was never mentioned after that. It is not like whole movie revolves around India which is the case with many anti Pakistan movies of bollywood.

Areesh don’t think only words define everything this movie have a powerful impact, if you saw the movie you knew that in the meeting of security officials that held after the first operation to release Chinese hostage in an intelligence report mentioned that RAW hired RAMEL a private operator to work on a terrorist project in Pakistan this says all in a single seen and whole movie story based on this seen, by the way RAMEL is not basically an Indian he is an Arabic ethnic private operator worked for Al-Qaida and some other secrate agencies as a double agent. RAMEL is an Arabic word.
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the BLA are also freedom fighters. they want to liberate Baluchistan from pakistan. if pakistan want to support freedom fighters then pakistan have to liberate the Baluchistan first. pakistan support terrorism in the name of support for freedom fighters is only to bleed india, pakistan never loved Kashmir if they do then they don't give a part of Azad Kashmir to china. pakistan don't have economical, political and military power to defeat india in a conventional war, so they turned to terrorism. nehru, gandhi and jinnah fight for freedom not with AK-47 and suicide bombing, those suicide bombing had killed many civilians tham army personals, you have to learn the history first before comparing nehru, gandhi and jinnah with hard core terrorists.

we fough india just after our independence for kashmir. we have faught four wars with a bigger, stronger and richer enimey ..isnt it our love .. we do support them now ..diplomatically and physically

now let come to baluchtistan .. why dnt ur country take it to UN .. why dont ur PM bring that up in joint conference??? hypocrates ...DUMBO kashmir is a UN decleared disputed rigion .. baluochistan is not ..
arre yaar why r u people fighting on this thread....its a movie thread for godzsake......either ignore trolls who r tryin to derail the thread or open up a new one to fight in
the BLA are also freedom fighters. they want to liberate Baluchistan from pakistan. if pakistan want to support freedom fighters then pakistan have to liberate the Baluchistan first. pakistan support terrorism in the name of support for freedom fighters is only to bleed india, pakistan never loved Kashmir if they do then they don't give a part of Azad Kashmir to china. pakistan don't have economical, political and military power to defeat india in a conventional war, so they turned to terrorism. nehru, gandhi and jinnah fight for freedom not with AK-47 and suicide bombing, those suicide bombing had killed many civilians tham army personals, you have to learn the history first before comparing nehru, gandhi and jinnah with hard core terrorists.

Indians support BLA which fight against Pakistan and IRAN. Not even Iran is safe from Indian backed proxies. India even used proxies against an innocent small country like Sri Lanka. This is what India is known for.

Kashmir is not part of India, Kashmiris have made it clear in these last 65 + years. Indians are in denial and delusions, because reality is to harsh for them. Whole Kashmir shuts itself down in protest when ever high level Indian official enters Kashmir. Indians kill Kashmiri when they speak for their homeland. Indians even violate LoC to kill innocent Kashmiri civilian on Pakistan's side. This is what Indians do, because India is invader of Kashmir. In reply, Pakistani army, with Pakistani Kashmiri soldiers in uniform, exchange fire and kill Indians invader soldiers... Then Indians go around crying with their butt all hurt.

India is a chronic pain in the subcontinent.

u really need some help :agree:

You need pooty training.
Areesh don’t think only words define everything this movie have a powerful impact, if you saw the movie you knew that in the meeting of security officials that held after the first operation to release Chinese hostage in an intelligence report mentioned that RAW hired RAMEL a private operator to work on a terrorist project in Pakistan this says all in a single seen and whole movie story based on this seen, by the way RAMEL is not basically an Indian he is an Arabic asthenic private operator worked for Al-Qaida and some other secrate agencies as a double agent. RAMEL is an Arabic word.

Spoiler Alert.

Don't read below if you don't want spoilers.

Yes. ramel is a hired mercenary. When he speaks to Laxmi, he says "your country" not "our country"
Meaning he is not an Indian.

This actually points to another X actor, which is not India. This has been left open for interpretation.

He can also be an ex handler of Al Qaida of CIA during cold waar.

His training, and activity in the Middle East, also suggest. He might have been trained by Isreal, during Cold War.

Ramel, is a mysterious guy.
Spoiler Alert.

Don't read below if you don't want spoilers.

Yes. ramel is a hired mercenary. When he speaks to Laxmi, he says "your country" not "our country"
Meaning he is not an Indian.

This actually points to another X actor, which is not India. This has been left open for interpretation.

He can also be an ex handler of Al Qaida of CIA during cold waar.

His training, and activity in the Middle East, also suggest. He might have been trained by Isreal, during Cold War.

Ramel, is a mysterious guy.

Yes this is a good movie to watch not only an ordinary action movie and people have historical knowledge of 80s, 90s and current century of this region may understand “what writer want to say in this movie” thats why some people have problem with this movie.

oops ... please do not disclose all story...

People need to watch it 8-).
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main reason of terrorist in india is supression of indian muslims .. u army have killed more then 100,000 kashmiris .. they take their revange now and then .. why cry about it then? indian mujhadin came into being after u guys burnt them alive,rape their women in gujrat AND distroy their WORSHIP PLACES ...BHIE maoist KA ILAAZ B HUM B LAGA DUH

Muslims are suppressed in India..?? Are you kidding me. We had a muslim president, we have biggest superstar of country shahrukh khan who is muslim and not to forget Salman,amir,saif ali khan. We had muslims being captain of Indian team.

and population of muslims have risen from 9 t0 13% in India while in pakistan population of Hindus has decreased from 7 to 1% and in bangladesh it has fallen from 34% to 7%.

Shame on you muslims..

those are freedom fighters ..just a few decades back we were struggling against britians .. were nehru, gandhi and jinnah was terrorist .. when u occpied their land and killed innocent civilans .. when they start up against them u lable them as terrosit

Kashmir was.., is, and always will be an integral part of India. Infact it belongs to Kashmiri pandits who were dragged out of the kashmir by muslims. You are shameless people

Muslims are worse then Britishers were muslims destroyed this beautiful country called India.
Muslims are suppressed in India..?? Are you kidding me. We had a muslim president, we have biggest superstar of country shahrukh khan who is muslim and not to forget Salman,amir,saif ali khan. We had muslims being captain of Indian team.

and population of muslims have risen from 9 t0 13% in India while in pakistan population of Hindus has decreased from 7 to 1% and in bangladesh it has fallen from 34% to 7%.

Shame on you muslims..

Kashmir was.., is, and always will be an integral part of India. Infact it belongs to Kashmiri pandits who were dragged out of the kashmir by muslims. You are shameless people
Muslims are worse then Britishers were muslims destroyed this beautiful country called India.

Shah rukh khan is a Muslim that indulges in idol worship?

Genocide in India is institutionalized. That is a fact, as the master mind behind such crime against humanity known as the Gujarat genocide of Muslims, is running for PM in India.
The whole world recognizes Modi as a criminal against humanity, but of course Indians support genocide in their society through vote bank. No American want to be seen any where near that guy, he is denied USA visa or any contact with USA. Because he is recognized as the man behind genocide of Gujarat. This the true face of your broken sewerage India.

Kashmir is not part of India, Kashmir is for Kashmiris, and they have made it clear, they are not part of India, but rather their land has been invaded and occupied by foreign Indians. To deny this FACT is being delusional, which Indians are known for.

Pakistan is a majority Muslim country, and people here are majority Muslims, what ever isolated pagans might have been here, have converted to Islam and left their pagan practices of worshiping farm animals and idols, and accepted the worship of The God.

Even in India, people leave idol and animal worship and become Muslims. It's a common phenomenon. The age of paganism is ending... In case you haven't noticed...

Also nothing mentioned in your post is related to the thread. Please go make your curry thread and talk about your curry stuff there. This thread is about a Pakistani movie waar, in case you have trouble comprehending obvious things, which seems to be quite a trend among Indians on Pakistan Defence Forum.
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To deny this FACT is being delusional, which Indians are known for.

Its pakistanis who are living in delusion

As for your Islamic lecture let me tell you Islam is nothing but a false religion fabricated by your prophet for fools like you. Only uneducated and irrational people like you believe in Islam. Coz you fear hell and hell fire(yeah i have read quran) not coz you love your so called allah.

Ali Sina reveals Islam and Prophet Muhammad get some knowledge from here (i can expose ur islam here but that will not be justice with thread and the topic )

As far as movie is concerned Its a propaganda and i don't have any problem with it coz its a movie and meant for entertainment but it sucks when director and ur media says that its based on real life incident. and its pathetic that they showed in movie that raw is sponsoring terrorism in Pak such is retarded pakistani mentality

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