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Hindus attacked,Temples burnt-Sainthia,Bangladesh

Congress or no congress it was Sikh genocide at the hands of Hindus.

In Gujrat it was Muslim genocide at the hands of Hindus
1) 1984 was a "secular" attack . All communities supporting congress took part in it . RSS saved the Sikhs.

2) 2002 was a riot.
A Pashtun living in frontier issuing fatwa that BD hindus are indian agent and another shady Bangladeshi living in USA thanking his post, can you see the irony of it! :lol:

They are taught in school that Bangladesh was created because of 'evil' Bengali yindoos without mentioning the genocide and discrimination they committed on Bengalis.
Bihar village flags off caste violence on I-Day

Independence Day spelt doom for Dalits in Baddi, a village in Bihar’s Rohtas district. While the Tricolour was being hoisted across India, they were trying to save their skin from a brutal attack by upper caste people. They saw their Ravidas temple go up in flames, their children thrown off from rooftops and their elderly beaten up mercilessly.

On August 15, a mob from the upper caste Rajput community led a violent attack on the lower caste Chamars, killing one and injuring 54, including women and children. “They came with lathis, rods, firearms and petrol bottles. About 70 of us were sitting in the temple. Most of us fled, but the older people, women and children could not escape. First, they started beating up people, then they broke down the temple gate, vandalised the idol and set everything on fire. Some children were playing on the temple roof. They pushed them off. They caught hold of the old and beat them with lathis,” Kashinath Ram, the temple chairman, told The Hindu .
Congress or no congress it was Sikh genocide at the hands of Hindus.

In Gujrat it was Muslim genocide at the hands of Hindus
Whether Ghori or Any leader in Pakistan, it always a genocide of minority in pakistan. In Godhra it was Hindu genocide at the hands of muslim.
In another decade there will not be any Hindus left in BD. Either they all converted or jumped the fence. What we saw in Pakistan wrt their Hindu population is being repeated here in Bangladesh but at a slower pace.

Percentage of Hindus was 29% in East Pakistan in 1951 and now they are just 8% in Bangladesh. Hindus were even wiped out from once Hindu majority Khulna.
Percentage of Hindus was 29% in East Pakistan in 1951 and now they are just 8% in Bangladesh. Hindus were even wiped out from once Hindu majority Khulna.
Most of them migrated to India during 1971 war and never went back. There population stayed almost constant after 1971 but the muslim population skyrocketed because of bigger families.
Who cares? :lol:

For that matters, if they don't like it here in Bangladesh, they can leave for some place else. The Hindus of Bangladesh, just like anyone else are on their own.

I am not poking in. I have never financed anything in Bangladesh, neither I have converted anyone or preach in bangladesh. I have not even given money to built a temple in bangladesh. But I can not say the same thing for a product of arab invaders.

Mughals were Arabs? Are you sure?
It has been later found that the Hindu kid( a teenager!!!) had nothing to do with the facebook post nor did the Buddhist people a few days back. The mass genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh continues as we speak. Its not about Awami League or BNP for that matter ,people.Dont be fooled by the pakistani sympathizer Bangladeshis of PAKISTAN defence forum. ITS JUST THAT KILLING AND HARASSING HINDUS COME NATURALLY TO BANGLADESHI MUSLIMS. They search for petty reasons to kill a Hindu every day. As seen in this horrific news, they did not even care to check for the truth. A rumour is enough to kill. And they DO KILL.
@Sashan look at this post and decide yourself my dear secular friend, what silent majorities are saying.

@Aamna14 Look at this post. where are you ? I want your opinion.

First, i can't even read whats posted by the person who started the thread so i am just guessing by the responses ( too scattered by the way) and some people claimed that it is fake as well. Let me have the full account and i'll give you my opinion.
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The irony of this is even after 400 years ol Muslim rule, India statistically speaking can destroy any Muslim country on the planet. After the Crusades, the existence of Christianity shows the faililure of Islam. The existence of Christians, Hindus and Sikhs burns all Arab slaves aka Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. It eats up there soul. Barbaric people.
The irony of this is even after 400 years ol Muslim rule, India statistically speaking can destroy any Muslim country on the planet. After the Crusades, the existence of Christianity shows the faililure of Islam. The existence of Christians, Hindus and Sikhs burns all Arab slaves aka Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. It eats up there soul. Barbaric people.

Don't troll,speaking about Islam when you know nothing about it and you should better speak about your own failures which would probably fill the entire forum and you are saying India can destroy any Muslim country on the planet when you yourself as a nation have looked down upon Indians. Get over you're bias against Muslims and speak logically. Like you blamed me elsewhere of trying to act like a victim in fact you are trying so hard to be one when you clearly aren't by declaring all Muslims to be barbaric.
It has been later found that the Hindu kid( a teenager!!!) had nothing to do with the facebook post nor did the Buddhist people a few days back. The mass genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh continues as we speak. Its not about Awami League or BNP for that matter ,people.Dont be fooled by the pakistani sympathizer Bangladeshis of PAKISTAN defence forum. ITS JUST THAT KILLING AND HARASSING HINDUS COME NATURALLY TO BANGLADESHI MUSLIMS. They search for petty reasons to kill a Hindu every day. As seen in this horrific news, they did not even care to check for the truth. A rumour is enough to kill. And they DO KILL.

As a Bangladeshi, I can tell you without a doubt the majority of us are easy-going, tolerant and open minded people who do not hide the fact that we have a Hindu heritage alongside a Muslim one.

I wouldnt base my opinion on Bangladeshis based on PDF members - by it's very nature a Pakistani forum attracts more pro-pak bengalis.

There is certainly no mass genocide but clearly some animalistic people are using this opportunity to bash hindu's - which is despicable and completely unacceptable. Hindus are just as much Bengali as any Muslim - in fact they've probably been here longer.

Bangladesh is doing really well because we are a productive culture with a live and let live mentality - these idiotic mullahs who want to change our culture are an enemy of our country and don't seem to see how well we are doing compared to other Muslim countries in the region.

The slow islamicization of Bangladeshi society is undeniable and the seeds for this were sewn during the jamaat/bnp govt previously.

Some people may think this is a good thing but personally I think bengalis need to take lessons from what happened in Pakistan. When you try to mobilise society using Islam, it will inevitably lead to undermining the constitution.
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First, i can't even read whats posted by the person who started the thread so i am just guessing by the responses ( too scattered by the way) and some people claimed that it is fake as well. Let me have the full account and i'll give you my opinion.
he he he. as usual. 
Who cares? :lol:

For that matters, if they don't like it here in Bangladesh, they can leave for some place else. The Hindus of Bangladesh, just like anyone else are on their own.

Mughals were Arabs? Are you sure?
But they sure were Invaders.
he he he. as usual. 

But they sure were Invaders.

What as usual? You may have a habit of giving in to preconceived notions especially when it comes to any Muslim or Pakistani but keep that to yourself i genuinely asked you but you are obviously too blinded to see that so keep you're bias to yourself.

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