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Zionist Biggest Threat to China

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Sep 27, 2013
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This is for Chinese posters opinions. Many people in China have no ideas about Zionist infiltration in Chinese society. In fact there are current CCP members who are Zionists. Names like Epstein, Shapiro should ring a belt. You do know that Communist was a Jewish invention.

Thousands of corporations are Jewish owned in China and Chinese have no clue about them. Many Chinese view Jews in a positive light, imho that is dangerous. They are slowly changing Chinese mentality. Liberalism , multiculturalism and diversity is a Zionist tool that create social problems to countries. These pricks promote it but will never use it in Israel. These tools will weaken countries who fall for it. Europe is having this issue now. they are implementing these into China.

South Korea , Singapore and Japan are already Jewish controlled. They already control the banking system and congress in the US.

How can China fight this? I think the CCP is working for the Zionists as they are becoming more liberal and "soft". This is the beginning of control. What are your opinions and how many percent of the Chinese population know about their scheme for world domination?
I think the CCP is working for the Zionists as they are becoming more liberal and "soft".


What are your opinions and how many percent of the Chinese population know about their scheme for world domination?

I know a lot of Chinese people, and I have never seen even ONE of them ranting about "Zionism" conspiracies in the open. Anti-semitism was traditionally non-existent in Chinese culture, we have nothing to do with Israel, and they have nothing to do with us.

Israel is a small country in the Middle East, with a population only slightly bigger than one single Chinese city like Hong Kong, and a smaller economy than Hong Kong too. Their importance is exaggerated.

The only thing about Israel that I want is their water management technologies, after that I don't care about them one bit.

I know a lot of Chinese people, and I have never seen even ONE of them ranting about "Zionism" conspiracies in the open. Anti-semitism was traditionally non-existent in Chinese culture, we have nothing to do with Israel, and they have nothing to do with us.

Israel is a small country in the Middle East, with a population only slightly bigger than one single Chinese city like Hong Kong, and a smaller economy than Hong Kong too. Their importance is exaggerated.

The only thing about Israel that I want is their water management technologies, after that I don't care about them one bit.

Underestimating your opponent is not wise. Controlling a nation does not necessarily mean military campaign. You control the leaders of a nation and their banking system and you don't care about who makes the law. military campaign can come after these.

Look at US. A Jewish controlled congress, lobbyists and you get a pro-Israel government at your command.

Your answer is very typical of Chinese I have spoken to. The mentality is our population is too big to be manipulated or their population is too small to do anything to us. Or they think I am just a conspiracy junkie. Sometimes a killer who do not look like one is the best killer.
Your answer is very typical of Chinese I have spoken to. The mentality is our population is too big to be manipulated or their population is too small to do anything to us. Or they think I am just a conspiracy junkie. Sometimes a killer who do not look like one is the best killer.

Why should I be afraid of Israel?

If Iran nukes Israel, do I care? No.

If Israel swallows Palestine, do I care? No.

If Israel nukes itself, do I care? No.

Look at US. A Jewish controlled congress, lobbyists and you get a pro-Israel government at your command.

Our opponent is 美帝, American Imperialism.

Whether they are controlled by Jews or Atheists or Christians, I don't care. It's the same thing in the end, American Imperialists cannot bear a world in which China is a great power.

If those "Zionists" are destroying America with liberalism and immigration, then that is very good.
The CCP is working for the "Zionists"! This has got to be the funniest thing I've read, right after that post which accused @Yzd Khalifa of being a Mossad agent. China and Israel have normal relations and no particular enmity depite China's position on Syria etc. Both nations have no set agenda against the other and the Jews have better things to do in life.
Dafaq, China is one of the countries that don't give a crap about either Israel or the arab world conflicts, as long as it doesn't affect their interest. And with all fairness this is best thing they are doing, why should they harm their relationship with other countries because of some paranoid idiots.

I know a lot of Chinese people, and I have never seen even ONE of them ranting about "Zionism" conspiracies in the open. Anti-semitism was traditionally non-existent in Chinese culture, we have nothing to do with Israel, and they have nothing to do with us.

Israel is a small country in the Middle East, with a population only slightly bigger than one single Chinese city like Hong Kong, and a smaller economy than Hong Kong too. Their importance is exaggerated.

The only thing about Israel that I want is their water management technologies, after that I don't care about them one bit.

1, Anti-Zionism has NOTHING to do with anti-semitism. Many Jews are anti-Zionism, too.

2, Zionism has very less to do with Israel, relatively speaking. In fact the biggest Zionism force comes from Neocon ( and increasingly the neo liberals as well) of the US, politically and militarily. The biggest Zionism economic force comes from WallStreet and City of London. The biggest Zionism media comes from Hollywood, NYT, Bloomberg, Fox, ABC, NBC etc all major networks. All of these have very little to do with Israel per se, even though many of top Israelis are Zionists themsevles.

3. yes, Israel is a small place. However, the size of the population and the land couldn't stop it from dominating the US politics, media and fiannce, almost in their entireties, couldn't they? Nothing makes China immune.

4. bolo has a valid point that the Chinese raised in China by and large have no fcuking clue of what's coming, why, and how so. Whether you feel that you may have nothing to do with them or not , they want to have everything to do with you - world domination is their goal and China is the next and the last target.

5. Most of the things coming from the the US threatening China, being Tibet, Xinjiang, Asia pivot, etc, or any major event, if you dig its root, it has sth to do with Zionism. e.g. remember Chinese nationals are banned by the US for both int'l space station and NASA's main door? who ordered it? A US congressman called Wolf, a Zionist Jew, proposed and was the key figure behind the passing of this law several years ago...remeber huawei is banned in the US, AUS? who are behind the proposal and investigation? US Zionists....such examples are endless.

6. Zionism world domination is a real and present national threat to many countries including China, their last frontier. Controlling Politicians, Controlling mainstream media and Controlling fiance/banking are the 3 steps of total control of its target, regardless how big or how small the target is. Last time I checked, Hollywood just got permission from CPC investing billions and building big in Shanghai and Qingdao, together with the richest man in China(another fcuking traitor)... and London just get the right being RMB's main oversea trading centre - the control (both volume and price) of Chinese internationalisation of its currency = control China's finance = control of China's economy in the end...

Think, and think hard.
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If these "Zionist" conspiracy theories are correct, and the "Zionists" are destroying America with immigration and liberalism...

Then that is fantastic news, and good luck to them. :tup: I hope they f*ck up America good and hard, along with the rest of the West.

As for China, it is very hard for an immigrant to get Chinese citizenship in any scenario. Those Africans in Guangzhou, they are not Chinese citizens, they are there on temporary visas.

There is no way on Earth the CCP would start handing out Chinese citizenship to large numbers of immigrants, like they do in the West. The foreigners are on temporary visas, and once their visas are expired they will either leave or be thrown out.
Before America was dominated by zionism, it was as imperialist and racist.

In the 19th century and the early 20th century, America was dominated by white Christians and Jews were discriminated along with all the other non whites.

It was that white, Christian dominated America which attacked China in the Boxer Rebellion, and that same white, Christian dominated America which double crossed the Moro Muslim Sultanate of Sulu and waged a war of imperialist conquest against the Moros.


The Americans called the Moro Muslims "savages" and massacred their civlians, including women and children and desecrated their bodies and disrespected their religion and customs. Their massacres like Bud Dajo were infamous for their cruelty. They then initiated the flooding of Filipino Christian migrants into Moro land on Mindanao. That happened when America was entirely free from zionist control.

It would be highly delusional for anyone, including Muslims, to think that all of America's anti muslim and racist sentiment derived from Zionism. A great deal of American Imperialism is from sources other than zionism, such as America's own genuine imperialist interests.

America continues to back the Philippines against the Moro Muslims to this day, because the Philippines is a vital ally for America in asia against China. That has nothing to do with zionism but everything to do with American interests. The Philippines provides a base for America to thwart China.


The Spanish who invaded the Philippines and waged aggresive wars against Muslims also hated the Jews and expelled them from Spain. They wiped out Islam from the Kingdom of Maynila and then attacked the Moros and tried to wipe them out too.

PS. To the idiot who said Frank Wolf was a Jew- he is not a Jew, he is a white American Protestant Christian.
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1, Anti-Zionism has NOTHING to do with anti-semitism. Many Jews are anti-Zionism, too.

2, Zionism has very less to do with Israel, relatively speaking. In fact the biggest Zionism force comes from Neocon ( and increasingly the neo liberals as well) of the US, politically and militarily. The biggest Zionism economic force comes from WallStreet and City of London. The biggest Zionism media comes from Hollywood, NYT, Bloomberg, Fox, ABC, NBC etc all major networks. All of these has very little to do with Israel per se, even though many of top Israelis are Zionists themsevles.

3. yes, Israel is a small place. However, the size of the population and the land couldn't stop it from dominating the US politics, media and fiannce, almost in their entirty.

4. bolo raised a valid point that the Chinese raised in China by and large have no fcuking clue of what's coming, why, and how so. Whether you feel that it may have nothing to do with them or not , they want to have everything to do with you - world domination is their goal and China is the next and the last target.

5. Most of the things coming from the the US threatening China, being Tibet, Xinjiang, Asia pivot, etc, or any major event, if you dig its root, it has sth to do with Zionism. e.g. remember Chinese nationals are banned by the US for both int'l space station and NASA's main door? who ordered it? A US congressman called Wolf, a Zionist Jew, proposed and was the key figure behind the passing of this law several years ago...remeber huawei is banned in the US, AUS, who are behing the proposal? US Zionists....such examples are endless.

6. Zionism world domination is a real and present national threat to many countries including China, their last frontier. Controlling Politicians, Controlling mainstream media and Controlling fiance/banking are the 3 steps of total control of its target, regardless how big or how small the target is. Last time I checked, Hollywood just got permission from CPC investing billions and building big in Shanghai and Qingdao, together with the richest man in China(another fcuking traitor)... and London just get the right of RMB's oversea trading centre - the control (both volume and price) of Chinese internationalisation of its currency = control China's finance = control of China's economy in the end...

Think, and think hard.
Good to know someone who understand how the real world work. You are right that China is their next target. For the past 30 years they have been propping up China with transferring of wealth from US to China. They could have put their money anywhere in the world but chose China.
100 years ago they propped up US and is now using them to do the dirty work. Ibis China's turn. Once they feel China is built up enough, they will use her for war,etc like how they Used US. Then they will come and reap the benefits.

The question remains can they be stopped before they fully infiltrate Chinese government? Are the Chinese smart enough to counter this threat? Zhuge Liang once lamented (paraphrase),"I am not worry about these three fishes, I worry about the fish lurking beneath the murky water unseen from the naked eyes."
The question remains can they be stopped before they fully infiltrate Chinese government? Are the Chinese smart enough to counter this threat?

Foreigners will not infiltrate our government.

Which member of the politburo is a foreigner?

If Zionists are destroying America, isn't that be a good thing? Let them destroy America, while keeping them out of our own country.
Before America was dominated by zionism, it was as imperialist and racist.

In the 19th century and the early 20th century, America was dominated by white Christians and Jews were discriminated along with all the other non whites.

It was that white, Christian dominated America which attacked China in the Boxer Rebellion, and that same white, Christian dominated America which double crossed the Moro Muslim Sultanate of Sulu and waged a war of imperialist conquest against the Moros.


The Americans called the Moro Muslims "savages" and massacred their civlians, including women and children and desecrated their bodies and disrespected their religion. They then initiated the flooding of Filipino Christian migrants into Moro land on Mindanao.

It would be highly delusional for anyone, including Muslims, to think that all of America's anti muslim and racist sentiment derived from Zionism.

The Spanish who invaded the Philippines and waged aggresive wars against the Muslims also hated the Jews and expelled them from Spain. They wiped out Islam from the Kingdom of Maynila and then attacked the Moros and tried to wipe them out too.

PS. To the idiot who said Frank Wolf was a Jew- he is not a Jew, he is a white American Protestant Christian.

You have to understand names can be changed for a purpose. Whether he is one or not, it don't matter. Sympathizers or running dogs are the same thing.
Foreigners will not infiltrate our government.

Which member of the politburo is a foreigner?

If Zionists are destroying America, isn't that be a good thing? Let them destroy America, while keeping them out of our own country.
Do a search about Zionism and china. Epstein and Shapiro should ring a bell. Remember, you don't foreigners to be part of your party. You just need to control the top one or two guys. You should know this.

People will always listen to their leaders.
Do a search about Zionism and china. Epstein and Shapiro should ring a bell. Remember, you don't foreigners to be part of your party. You just need to control the top one or two guys. You should know this.

People will always listen to their leaders.

And obviously, you have no solid proof whatsoever that the CCP is being controlled by Zionists.

You see... this is why people say you are a conspiracy theorist. Where is the proof? Where is the evidence? And I'm not talking about blogs where conspiracy theorists rant about illogical things.

Your answer is very typical of Chinese I have spoken to. The mentality is our population is too big to be manipulated or their population is too small to do anything to us. Or they think I am just a conspiracy junkie. Sometimes a killer who do not look like one is the best killer.

If you have proof that the CCP is being controlled by Zionists, bring it out to the world media and create a firestorm.

Hell, give me a copy of the evidence as well, I want to know if our leaders are really traitors or not.

But if you have no proof, then it's just another conspiracy theory. Might as well talk about aliens instead.

Chinese President Hu Jintao on Sunday paid a visit to veteran journalist and writer Israel Epstein, who interviewed Chairman Mao Zedong in the 1930s when working for US news organizations, to extend greetings on the eve of his 90th birthday.

Hu praised Epstein for his "outstanding contributions" to China's progress and his "sincere affection for China and the Chinese people" in the past dozens of years during which he witnessed all the stages of the country's revolution, construction and reform under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Epstein thanked Hu for the call and thanked the CPC Central Committee and State Council for attaching great importance to and taking good care of veteran foreign experts who have worked and lived in China for long.

He said his work concerns only one side of China's international influence. China's growing international influence is the result of China's tremendous progress, and this is just a beginning, Epstein added.

He presented to Hu his autobiography which was issued last year.

Hu praised Epstein for his abundant writings many of which give an objective and live introduction of China to the outside world.

For a long time, a large number of foreign experts have made important contributions to China's revolution and construction, and reflected the spirit of internationalism, said Hu, adding that the Chinese people will never forget their contributions.

Born on April 20, 1915, Epstein came to China with his parents at the age of two. He began to work for China's revolution in 1933 and became a Chinese citizen in 1957. The noted journalist and writer once served as editor-in-chief of China Reconstructs (China Today) magazine. From 1983 on, he has been elected member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the top advisory body in China.

When serving as correspondent of the United Press and the Allied Labor News of the United States, Epstein visited North Shaanxi Province and Shanxi-Suiyuan Anti-Japanese Base Areas, and interviewed Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other CPC leaders, along with a delegation of Chinese and foreign journalists.

His major books include From Opium War to Liberation, The People's War, The Unfinished Revolution in China and Tibet Transformed.




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