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Zionist Biggest Threat to China

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Foreigners will not infiltrate our government.

Which member of the politburo is a foreigner?

If Zionists are destroying America, isn't that be a good thing? Let them destroy America, while keeping them out of our own country.

China's only shield, although could be temporary, is the uniquesness and average high IQ of the Chinese race, which makes direct and outright infiltration much harder. Yet still there're ways. e.g. 1. indirect control through colaboration with politicians of the target via $$$ (many of Chinest top politicians have oversea secret bank accounts in the US) 2. marrage: many of top Zionists have Chinese wives or gfs, and are actively learning Mandarin... 3. when most Chinese are busy at making money (they have zero say on politics anyway_), it makes easier ans stealthier for them to control all Chinese/China's economy via controlling only a handful of key Chinese politicians.... if there is a will, there'll be a way. But are you ready?

Zionism are already inside China, via top multinationals and investment banks... you can't see faces because they themselves are sitting thousands miles away on beach holiday resorts with mobile phones in hands, while countless Chinese treatshops working 24*7 (e.g. Foxconn)to earn profits for them.
Do a search about Zionism and china. Epstein and Shapiro should ring a bell. Remember, you don't foreigners to be part of your party. You just need to control the top one or two guys. You should know this.

People will always listen to their leaders.

A far as I know neither Epstein nor Shapiro were zionists. Epstein fled from anti-semitic pogroms in Imperial Russia. Imperial Russia was acting as an imperialist power in China along with America. Did either of them advance the interests of Israel and zionism while in China?

Speaking of which, Czarist Russia was both heavily anti-semitic and anti- everthing else, including non Orthodox religons like Islam. Czarist Russia invaded the Chechens and Circassians at the same time as it performed anti-jewish pogroms.

In fact Rssia managed to piss off the Jews so much, that the Jewish Prime Minister of Britain, Benjamin Disraeli, deliberately backed the Ottoman Empire against Russia in order to strike back against the Russians for killing Jews in pogroms.
And obviously, you have no solid proof whatsoever that the CCP is being controlled by Zionists.

You see... this is why people say you are a conspiracy theorist. Where is the proof? Where is the evidence? And I'm not talking about blogs where conspiracy theorists rant about illogical things.

If you have proof that the CCP is being controlled by Zionists, bring it out to the world media and create a firestorm.

Hell, give me a copy of the evidence as well, I want to know if our leaders are really traitors or not.

But if you have no proof, then it's just another conspiracy theory. Might as well talk about aliens instead.

Look these guys have been doing this for centuries. They have trillions of dollars, control all mainstream media, TV stations, have politicians and top leaders by the balls, and already fucked up US and Europe.

You think they can be exposed that easily? Sometimes reading between the lines and getting news from non mainstream media, connect the dots and using gut feeling and instinct is all we have.

Everyone in the world know about Zionist agenda except Chinese people. Even my Sri Lankan coworker know about their scheme.
CPC is under Zionist control already. It's impossible to escape the zionist web of power.
The question remains can they be stopped before they fully infiltrate Chinese government? Are the Chinese smart enough to counter this threat? Zhuge Liang once lamented (paraphrase),"I am not worry about these three fishes, I worry about the fish lurking beneath the murky water unseen from the naked eyes."

Dunno... china could be an easier pray than the US, since all Chinese are under CPC. If they control seveal key figures in CPC they control all China. Actually Kissiger's unkown "tiny" China Consultancy operating behind the doors could have more power to influnce China domestic policies than Pantagon + US arm forces combined.
China's only shield, although could be temporary, is the uniquesness and average high IQ of the Chinese race, which makes direct and outright infiltration much harder. Yet still there're ways. e.g. 1. indirect control through colaboration with politicians of the target via $$$ (many of Chinest top politicians have oversea secret bank accounts in the US) 2. marrage: many of top Zionists have Chinese wives or gfs, and are actively learning Mandarin... 3. when most Chinese are busy at making money (they have zero say on politics anyway_), it makes easier ans stealthier for them to control all Chinese/China's economy via controlling only a handful of key Chinese politicians.... if there is a will, there'll be a way. But are you ready?

Zionism are already inside China, via top multinationals and investment banks... you can't see faces because they themselves are sitting thousands miles away on beach holiday resorts with mobile phones in hands, while countless Chinese treatshops working 24*7 (e.g. Foxconn)to earn profits for them.

If this "Zionist" conspiracy is true, then China (and East Asia) will be the last to be infiltrated.

Because they can't assimilate. I don't care how good their Mandarin/Cantonese/Wu/Hokkien is, at their core they will never be Chinese.

Jews can assimilate into the West with ease, they can assimilate into the Middle East with ease. But not East Asia.

And if any members of the politburo have been bought by foreigners (Jews or otherwise) they should be forced to suffer the Death by a thousand cuts.

Everyone in the world know about Zionist agenda except Chinese people. Even my Sri Lankan coworker know about their scheme.

Your Sri Lankan co-worker knows about their scheme, wow that is really good proof. Thanks.

But do you have any real proof, that I can show to my fellow Chinese?
CPC is under Zionist control already. It's impossible to escape the zionist web of power.
In that case get ready for the Zionist Jew Dynasty. All gentiles lives are worthless. They will make your life worse than being a slave under Qin rule.
Look these guys have been doing this for centuries. They have trillions of dollars, control all mainstream media, TV stations, have politicians and top leaders by the balls, and already fucked up US and Europe.

You think they can be exposed that easily? Sometimes reading between the lines and getting news from non mainstream media, connect the dots and using gut feeling and instinct is all we have.

Everyone in the world know about Zionist agenda except Chinese people. Even my Sri Lankan coworker know about their scheme.

You and speeder_2 have obviously never been on the Chinese internet and can't read Chinese. There is an entire forum of idiots like you at hanminzu.org, and people uploading scary immigration videos on youku (chinese video sharing site) on how Zionists are flooding Europe with immigrants, with commenters making references to foreigners in Guangzhou. I have even seen people posting on forums from China about the zionists and Jews infiltrating governments and flooding them with immigrants.

Dunno... china could be an easier pray than the US, since all Chinese are under CPC. If they control seveal key figures in CPC they control all China. Actually Kissiger's unkown "tiny" China Consultancy operating behind the doors could have more power to influnce China domestic policies than Pantagon + US arm forces combined.

Kissinger helped China g4ngr4p3 the Soviet Union, which was threatening China.
Dunno... china could be an easier pray than the US, since all Chinese are under CPC. If they control seveal key figures in CPC they control all China. Actually Kissiger's unkown "tiny" China Consultancy operating behind the doors could have more power to influnce China domestic policies than Pantagon + US arm forces combined.

Exactly. Them giving China Communist ideology achieved that goal. Russia seem to be repelling them quite well. perhaps some Russian posters can chime in on this.

Chinese people need to wake up soon. CCP not good for China.
"The CCP is under Zionist control"? That is American propaganda bullsh*t.

Anyone who has a problem with the CCP is welcome to come back to China and challenge them openly.

Go and take your petition to Beijing, like all the others.
You and speeder_2 have obviously never been on the Chinese internet and can't read Chinese. There is an entire forum of idiots like you at hanminzu.org, and people uploading scary immigration videos on youku (chinese video sharing site) on how Zionists are flooding Europe with immigrants, with commenters making references to foreigners in Guangzhou. I have even seen people posting on forums from China about the zionists and Jews infiltrating governments and flooding them with immigrants.

Kissinger helped China g4ngr4p3 the Soviet Union, which was threatening China.


yeah, with a price.

it was a deal, just like Israel sells some western gears to China secretly. Israel is helping China for free?

Kissinger 's unknown small China Concultancy very likely made and is making billions from China.

Kissinger is one of the main figures behind war on Syria and Iran.

Syria and Iran are the just the front, the ultimate Queen will be China.
Why should I be afraid of Israel?

If Iran nukes Israel, do I care? No.

If Israel swallows Palestine, do I care? No.

If Israel nukes itself, do I care? No.

Our opponent is 美帝, American Imperialism.

Whether they are controlled by Jews or Atheists or Christians, I don't care. It's the same thing in the end, American Imperialists cannot bear a world in which China is a great power.

If those "Zionists" are destroying America with liberalism and immigration, then that is very good.

Just saying. Don't ever b1tch about how terrorism against civilians is never justified, when you yourself said that anything done in China's interests should be done.

I remember you simataneously whining about terrorism and accusing me of justifying ETIM attacks on civlians (which i never did), while at the same time saying your loyalty is to the Chinese nation state and talking about nuking Bodh Gaya to prove your loyalty to China, since anything (presumably including mass slaughter of civilians) should be done in China's interests.

Since I do not think there is a carte blanche for China to do literally anything to advance its own interests, I can condemn terrorism without being a hypocrite.
You and speeder_2 have obviously never been on the Chinese internet and can't read Chinese. There is an entire forum of idiots like you at hanminzu.org, and people uploading scary immigration videos on youku (chinese video sharing site) on how Zionists are flooding Europe with immigrants, with commenters making references to foreigners in Guangzhou. I have even seen people posting on forums from China about the zionists and Jews infiltrating governments and flooding them with immigrants.

Kissinger helped China g4ngr4p3 the Soviet Union, which was threatening China.

Flooding countries with foreigners is a scheme they use to weaken the social structure and cause instability. they promote misogyny because mixed race people are less likely to be patriotic to a country's causes.
You know that one child policy was designed to decrease Han Chinese population and cause gender inequality and create social problems. another popular scheme is using materialism to put people in a state of wanting more and more, putting you in debt. That way you are too busy working to pay off your debt to cause any problems politically.

They don't want Chinese people to go back to traditional values where kinship, honor, hard work, sacrifice,family and duties to your country comes first. That will destroy their plans.

yeah, with a price.

it was a deal, just like Israel sells some western gears to China secretly. Israel is helping China for free?

Kissinger 's unknown small China Concultancy very likely made and is making billions from China.

Kissinger is one of the main figures behind war on Syria and Iran.

Syria and Iran are the just the front, the ultimate Queen will be China.

Israel sent military hardware to China during the Soviet war in Afghanistan to help China transferr weapons to the mujahideen in Afghanistan who were fighting against the Soviets. Israel also sent small arms to be transferred to the Sfghan mujahideen too.

The Soviets were aiding some groups like the PLO which angered Israel, and they wanted to strike back against the Soviets.
Exactly. Them giving China Communist ideology achieved that goal. Russia seem to be repelling them quite well. perhaps some Russian posters can chime in on this.

Chinese people need to wake up soon. CCP not good for China.

CCP without complete political reform to give power to the ordinary Chinese people is a curse and a deadly cancer to China, a threat to Chinese people 100X worse than Japan.

IF Chinese people have the ultimate power to decide where China wants to go, Zionism then can not defeat China, simply because the overall brain power and historical cultural nationalism of the Chinese are just way too overwelming, I'm quite confident of that.
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