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Who Would Like Asia to be united like Europe?



New Recruit

Sep 2, 2009
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Why cant we live like them? Is it because that Our past has taught us war, Is it because we are still Carrying the hatred which we havent done but our past generations and pass it on to our forthcoming generations. Will it not resemble our weakness that West can raid us anytime. Why cant we Live like a continent rather than a nation. Why cant we rule together with a tight Unity. Is that going to cause problem to any asian country?

I Stand with my choice as United Asia is what we want, We should not let the world make us there puppet. They just made India,China and Pakistan Die for there nations defense leading to an arms race in the subcontinent and Leaving the smaller nations around us worried.

Why cant we have a single market through a standardised system of laws which apply in all Asian states, ensuring the freedom of movement of people, goods, services, and capital.A common currency.

PLEASE DO COMMENT ON THIS AND EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS TOWARDS THIS.:smitten: Human development is less in asia than compared to Europe, why? Just because We have not taught the power of Unity. all our past history is written in war, and we are still holding that book, why cant we drop that book and not pass it on to the future?
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Well no. Our cultures/society/ways are different. standing is different. cant happen.

Europeon minds are not brainwashed with religion/caste/outdated beliefs.
Well no. Our cultures/society/ways are different. standing is different. cant happen.

Europeon minds are not brainwashed with religion/caste/outdated beliefs.

Yes, exactly.. We have to get rid of that, if its a pakistani or an India or chinese or any other. We should live like one, no matter what god they follow, all the gods Lead to a same path "Peace" .:smitten:
it seems - unimaginable right now - we are stuck in our - economic , social , religious , customary,myth, history - knots which are making peace and brotherhood almost a distant dream.

but times do change - we dont know the future have in store for us .

at least we can have a Hope !!! some day we all will live in peace other wise world seems like a scary place to live.

like he said : you may say i am a dreamer but i am not the only one!!!!
Well no. Our cultures/society/ways are different. standing is different. cant happen.

Europeon minds are not brainwashed with religion/caste/outdated beliefs.

Start by getting religion/caste/outdated beliefs out of India first and let us know if it works.

There's another thread on this exact topic created by another Indian member.

We Pakistanis like our relationship we have with China. They respect our sovereignity we respect their's. They respect how we govern our country we respect how they govern their country. We are friendly neighbors and great allies. That doesn't mean we should make a union because China likes being Communist and Pakistan can't be Communist, Pakistan likes being an Islamic Republic and China can't be an Islamic Republic so how can we be like European Union when we have different ideologies? Its best to remain friendly sovereign neighbors and good friends as we are now.

Also theres over a billion people in China and another billion+ in India, we Pakistanis wont be represented much in a union, we'll be minorities and you know how much we hate to be minorities without a voice, thats the main reason for partition so we can govern our own region the way we wanted to.

The closest Pakistan, China, and India can get is friendly neighbors and that will only happen when Jammu & Kashmir, Sir Creek, and Arunachal Pradesh disputes are resolved.
Slightly off-topic, but I wonder if Europe would have been united if it wasn't for the two world wars.

The two wars effectively divided Europe into two camps, but they also built bridges and solidarity within each camp.
Start by getting religion/caste/outdated beliefs out of India first and let us know if it works.

There's another thread on this exact topic created by another Indian member.

We Pakistanis like our relationship we have with China. They respect our sovereignity we respect their's. They respect how we govern our country we respect how they govern their country. We are friendly neighbors and great allies. That doesn't mean we should make a union because China likes being Communist and Pakistan can't be Communist, Pakistan likes being an Islamic Republic and China can't be an Islamic Republic so how can we be like European Union when we have different ideologies? Its best to remain friendly sovereign neighbors and good friends as we are now.

Also theres over a billion people in China and another billion+ in India, we Pakistanis wont be represented much in a union, we'll be minorities and you know how much we hate to be minorities without a voice, thats the main reason for partition so we can govern our own region the way we wanted to.

The closest Pakistan, China, and India can get is friendly neighbors and that will only happen when Jammu & Kashmir, Sir Creek, and Arunachal Pradesh disputes are resolved.

Yes..... That is exactly when I said that, Let the nations be friendly like the europian union and Have the best of best friendship, support each nation at times of both good and Bad times... :smitten:
I agree. I think a free-trade zone is all we can hope for, but no common currency or political unity.

In any union, India and China could balance each other, but everybody else would simply get swallowed by the big two.

The other option would be smaller consolidations: Arabs, non-Arab Muslims, China, India, South East Asia, Japan.

The Arabs might join with other Muslims once their eyes open after their oil runs out and the last foreigner leaves on a jet plane the following day.
Europe was not constituted of a few Muslim nations, neighboring a Hindu dominated country, nor they were have Communism scattered here and there, neither were they distributed by the traditions which were influence by deserts or snow clad mountains. Moreover, they had almost everything in common less a few exceptions.

In our case we find not only differences but huge and 180 degree opposite differences. These differences are such that they cant be accepted/adopted by the either parties without losing their identity. These differences can be seen from the way we eat, dress, think, grow, believe, behave, deal with relations etc etc, so it's neraly impossible to overcome such gulfs.

Lastly, the demographic variation that we find here in Asia alone is a potent factor that would not allow us to unite.

So the best scenario that we can think of is living harmoniously with poking nose in each others affairs after we settle our long standing issues like Kashmir and siachen!
although i am all in favor of this union between asian countries but at this moment it seems very difficult due to certain reasons which are;

1. mutual problems in between india and china, moreover, india is an ally of US and china is emerging as threat to US.

2. mutual problems in between pakistan and india. furthermore, the weaponary race just to show that we are superior to the other.

3. problem of kashmir. without solving this issue it is highly unlikely that india and pakistan together sign this asian union deal.

4. water problem. india stopping or changing the routes of waters by making dams (please do not take it personally)

5. problem of taliban culture in pakistan who are responsible for killing of thousands of innocent people by suicide bombings, although we have taken care of the problem very efficently but still we need to clean this remaining mess thoroughly

6. other countries will not join in this deal because they already are a strong ally of US (japan, south korea, arab countries)

if suppose all the above problems can be managed somehow with mutual discussions and table talks even then

7. last but not the least the west will never like this union to be formed and they can buy some countries out very easily by giving them some defence or financial package.

these problems are not all but gives a general idea about how much we need to do, if we sincerely want this asian union and let me tell you very frankly these problems are not easy to solve but even after these are not impossible to solve.

since nothing is impossible, i think this can e do able and i would love to see all the asian countries living in harmony without interfering in eachothers business.

Start by getting religion/caste/outdated beliefs out of India first and let us know if it works.

We Pakistanis like our relationship we have with China. They respect our sovereignity we respect their's. They respect how we govern our country we respect how they govern their country. We are friendly neighbors and great allies.

That is bec.. you are not neighbors with China ..your borders dont touch only some 7000 Mtsr mountains do.. You still do not have land access to China ? do you. yes i heard of one being constructed.. obviously china needs it.

sometime (10 yrs )back you use to say America is our friend and we love Rambo... the same Rambo in Rambo V.. will be seen in covert ops in Pakistan soon...killing muslims this time instead of Soviets
@ silent observer..

I think you just presented Pakistan side views.

You didn't added Terrorism spread.
@ silent observer..

I think you just presented Pakistan side views.

You didn't added Terrorism spread.

i did mention about taliban and problems relating to them and our forces still fighting for cleaning out the remaining mess of taliban. moreover, i just wanted to give a general idea about the countries and the problems that will hinder in this asian union process. if i have given the side view of Pakistan impression by my post then believe me that was unintentional and was not aimed to hurt anyone.

moreover, in my opinion problem are there with all the countries without any exception (pakistan ,india, china) but important thing for making this union workable is to solve these problems with open minds because if you make a union with grudges in your hearts then it can be easily broken and this breakage will cast more damage than before, isnt it?

Why cant we live like them? Is it because that Our past has taught us war, Is it because we are still Carrying the hatred which we havent done but our past generations and pass it on to our forthcoming generations. Will it not resemble our weakness that West can raid us anytime. Why cant we Live like a continent rather than a nation. Why cant we rule together with a tight Unity. Is that going to cause problem to any asian country?

I Stand with my choice as United Asia is what we want, We should not let the world make us there puppet. They just made India,China and Pakistan Die for there nations defense leading to an arms race in the subcontinent and Leaving the smaller nations around us worried.

Why cant we have a single market through a standardised system of laws which apply in all Asian states, ensuring the freedom of movement of people, goods, services, and capital.A common currency.

PLEASE DO COMMENT ON THIS AND EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS TOWARDS THIS.:smitten: Human development is less in asia than compared to Europe, why? Just because We have not taught the power of Unity. all our past history is written in war, and we are still holding that book, why cant we drop that book and not pass it on to the future?

Get united first. Give dalits and other opressed people their rights first. Get the worlds largest group of absolute poor, safe drinking water, food and a hut to sleep at night.

Once your human development index starts matching that of Europe, then think about an united Asia !!
Europe was not constituted of a few Muslim nations, neighboring a Hindu dominated country, nor they were have Communism scattered here and there, neither were they distributed by the traditions which were influence by deserts or snow clad mountains. Moreover, they had almost everything in common less a few exceptions.
And yet they were at war for 500 years with each other. Including two world wars and genocide of European Jews. So being homogeneous doesn't equal peaceful co-existence

In our case we find not only differences but huge and 180 degree opposite differences. These differences are such that they cant be accepted/adopted by the either parties without losing their identity. These differences can be seen from the way we eat, dress, think, grow, believe, behave, deal with relations etc etc, so it's neraly impossible to overcome such gulfs.

If Pakistan and China can have good relations which are completely 180 degrees in terms of religion, ideology, political setup, language, culture, food and can have good relations and either country hasn't lost its "identity" till now. How can that apply to India where almost an equal number of muslims live, share the same languages, food, and were both countries strive towards a democratic setup. Although some might deny it but the reality is Pakistan and India have more in common than Pakistan and China. So I think good relations between Pakistan and China is proof that even countries with 180 degree societies can have a peaceful and cooperative relation
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