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Pakistan angers Afghans by suggesting Taliban share power - minister

not surprising , after all Pakistan was the first country to recognise the taliban govt in afghan.

Yes Pakistan has been proved wiser than any other country when it comes to Afghanistan.

Today all those who are at war with them are lining up to talk to them. Isn't that an indirect recognition of Taliban being a real entity and not just a rag tag band of terrorists as many want us to believe?

I say it from a neutral perspective. It will be in the long term interest of Afghan govt to talk to Taliban ans top promoting them as someone's proxy.

If this war persists, Taliban wont give up but if negotiated, you can bring gradual moderation in their viewpoint.

looks like pakistan dint learn any lessons from the past and are still hoping for a piggy back ride to the power corridoars of kabul thru taliban but i guess this time around they are for a big surprize dont worry pakistan shaal reap the benfits of thre love for taliban very soon ...Good luck

Pakistan's only interest is peace in Afghanistan. For the last 35 years, we have suffered the most other than Afghanistan. Our streets are littered with drugs and illegal weapons. There is rise in extremism.

Its easy to talk down sitting in India but its difficult to suffer the consequences of war on one of the longest borders of our country.
Yes Pakistan has been proved wiser than any other country when it comes to Afghanistan.

Today all those who are at war with them are lining up to talk to them. Isn't that an indirect recognition of Taliban being a real entity and not just a rag tag band of terrorists as many want us to believe?

I say it from a neutral perspective. It will be in the long term interest of Afghan govt to talk to Taliban ans top promoting them as someone's proxy.

If this war persists, Taliban wont give up but if negotiated, you can bring gradual moderation in their viewpoint.

Recent Talks are out of compulsion, not an enthusiastic declaration or recognition.

Talibans are terrorists, even if they give up guns, their ideology is of stone age(if you remember what they did during their regime )so they should be kept out of any important decision making posts.
Yes Pakistan has been proved wiser than any other country when it comes to Afghanistan.

Today all those who are at war with them are lining up to talk to them. Isn't that an indirect recognition of Taliban being a real entity and not just a rag tag band of terrorists as many want us to believe?

I say it from a neutral perspective. It will be in the long term interest of Afghan govt to talk to Taliban ans top promoting them as someone's proxy.

If this war persists, Taliban wont give up but if negotiated, you can bring gradual moderation in their viewpoint.

Pakistan's only interest is peace in Afghanistan. For the last 35 years, we have suffered the most other than Afghanistan. Our streets are littered with drugs and illegal weapons. There is rise in extremism.

Its easy to talk down sitting in India but its difficult to suffer the consequences of war on one of the longest borders of our country.
well i have full sympathy for what pakistan suffered deu to afghan war but it was pakistans own greedi and stupid elite which brought destruction to pakistan and afghanistan in the long run

had from the earli days pakistanies have had thought of the real benfits it could genrate thru USSR in building pakistans infra (pakistan steel mills were given by USSR) and workede with afghans and soviets to milk the central asian oil and trade routes and not fallen for easy way of free US wepons and saudi dollars and taken its own interests than emotions into account while dealing things would have had been much much different and paksiitan would have been a totalli differnt nation to the world ....but but but ....pakstanies ...khair jane do
Today's Afghanistan is not the helpless playground of the 80's and 90's. Afghanistan will make sure TTP comes to power in Pakistan before Taliban shares power in Afghanistan.
This is again the same scenario of late 80's and 90's...When Northern were told to come and make Gov with the taliban which they refused... which led them to miss a chance in gov and were kickd out eventually...
These bloody people are making the same mistake today...Why cant they just accept Taliban ...Make a Gov and sort their differences later... All i see these bloody people are blabbering and repeating their mistake again...They will be eventually kicked out again...taliban's will come to power and in the end these bloody Fariswan's would again blame Pakistan for the danda's in their assess.
This is again the same scenario of late 80's and 90's...When Northern were told to come and make Gov with the taliban which they refused... which led them to miss a chance in gov and were kickd out eventually...
These bloody people are making the same mistake today...Why cant they just accept Taliban ...Make a Gov and sort their differences later... All i see these bloody people are blabbering and repeating their mistake again...They will be eventually kicked out again...taliban's will come to power and in the end these bloody Fariswan's would again blame Pakistan for the danda's in their assess.

well bro even if afghans share power with tallibunnies it is not going to help pakistan in any way rather it will make things much much more difficult for pakistan as after the peace returns to afghanistan as many pakistanies want it to be make no mistake the next thing on talibans wish list would be greater pakhtoonistan minus the durand line and with china /usa & iran playing games with baloochistan things just might get owt of hand for pakistan so as pakistanies beleve that taliban rule is good for pakistan the hard reality is totalli opposite its another matter that pakistanies as usual love there denial mode and conspiracy theories more .....any way good luck
The Taliban did not bring in a people's rule or a democratic setup when they overthrew the NA,

Nor did the US when it overthrew the taliban
It empowered one of the combatants of the civil war who represented one ethnic group.
And in doing so, they created a political mafia in Kabul.

There are some people who want to negotiate with the taliban and involve them in the democratic process.
However, bitter enemies don't want that and also drug lords don't want taliban to come back to power because their trade will come to a halt if it happens.

Do you think the Afghans were left with any choices by the Taliban? if it's the kind of rule they imposed on the Afghans after taking over Afghanistan is what they intend to do again then I don't think they'll receive any support.

Everyone at the time was imposing their rule, after the communist regime collapsed Taliban, Massoud and Dostum were all quick to fill up the power vacuum. However, even this so called democratic set up wont receive any support from some people either.
You can't have a democratic set up for one group of people, yet have an alienated separate group, it's a recipe for civil war.

The current Government all said and done has been through a democratic process and through elections - you might call it whatever you want but the people have a voice and the world communicates with this Government that's in Afghanistan.

That's because the world set up with this government.
It's great that it communicates with the world. But with this civil war like situation, it clearly seems to me it aint communicating with some Afghans.

It's a semi-democratic regime.
well bro even if afghans share power with tallibunnies it is not going to help pakistan in any way rather it will make things much much more difficult for pakistan as after the peace returns to afghanistan as many pakistanies want it to be make no mistake the next thing on talibans wish list would be greater pakhtoonistan minus the durand line and with china /usa & iran playing games with baloochistan things just might get owt of hand for pakistan so as pakistanies beleve that taliban rule is good for pakistan the hard reality is totalli opposite its another matter that pakistanies as usual love there denial mode and conspiracy theories more .....any way good luck

1) Its only the agenda of these Farsiwan's, Not Afghan Pushtun's or Taliban's...
2) Bro as long as you have the whip, you are incharge... Taliban's good or bad for Pakistan,we already know it, but these Farsiwan's had so many chances before which they messed up and they have it again....

I can clearly state that once US/Nato are gone...Taliban's will definitely come to power again...Welcome back to 90's
Pray tell me what we have not achieved or will not achieve once US is gone-

Karzai & Co will always blame Pakistan for their go nowhere war defeats.
Fact is, taliban was not created by Pakistan. Taliban swept through Afghanistan with lots of support in 1994 with minimal support.
And even today, if all Afghans are truly united against the taliban, then there would be nothing Pakistan could do to stop the demise of the taliban, but last I checked the taliban are gaining ground.
1) Its only the agenda of these Farsiwan's, Not Afghan Pushtun's or Taliban's...
2) Bro as long as you have the whip, you are incharge... Taliban's good or bad for Pakistan,we already know it, but these Farsiwan's had so many chances before which they messed up and they have it again....

I can clearly state that once US/Nato are gone...Taliban's will definitely come to power again...Welcome back to 90's

Wrror, in my experience the Afghan Pukhtoons are as big an enemy of Pakistan & Pakistanis as the Non-Pukhtoons; in fact I've met more Tajiks, Uzbeks & a few Hazara from Afghanistan that have treated me with cordiality & friendship than any Afghan Pukhtoon I've yet to meet !

Our first priority should be to rid our lands of Afghans - Pukhtoons & Non-Pukhtoons before we think of striking up any relation with Afghanistan !

Its you Pakistani Pukhtoons because of whom we stay quiet because you still have some sentimental attachment to Afghan Pukhtoons, despite what they say about Pakistan & Pakistanis despite eating our food & living on our land, otherwise were it up to me I'd have all the 4-6 million Afghans in Pakistan packing their bags & off the Durand Line ! I do hope that you people would wake up & stop this 'Bar Pukhtoon & Lar Pukhtoon Bhai Bhai Nonsense' !
And @Hyperion the above is for you too; unless you Khan Sahiban behave yourselves & put the Afghan Pukhtoons a notch below us instead of one above us in your list of the people 'You Love', I might have to take some action ! :angry:
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Bhawawawawawawawa - A Kashmiri, wannabe Punjabi, recently freed by us, dictating to us, the people of the land, what to do and what not to? :D

You are so funny. :P

And @Hyperion the above is for you too; unless you Khan Sahiban behave yourselves & put the Afghan Pukhtoons a notch below us instead of one above us in your list of the people 'You Love', I might have to take some action ! :angry:
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Bhawawawawawawawa - A Kashmiri, wannabe Punjabi, recently freed by us, dictating to us, the people of the land, what to do and what not to? :D

You are so funny. :P

What do you mean a wannabe Punjabi - I am a Punjabi ! :angry:

And I wasn't freed by you guys...I had the good sense to come here in the 1800s ! :cool:

And you are the people of the land ? This ain't Judea, Khan Sahib ! :omghaha:

And Yes I've given you this ultimatum - Me or the Afghan Pukhtoons....make your choice ! :pissed:
Wrror, in my experience the Afghan Pukhtoons are as big an enemy of Pakistan & Pakistanis as the Non-Pukhtoons; in fact I've met more Tajiks, Uzbeks & a few Hazara from Afghanistan that have treated me with cordiality & friendship than any Afghan Pukhtoon I've yet to meet !

Our first priority should be to rid our lands of Afghans - Pukhtoons & Non-Pukhtoons before we think of striking up any relation with Afghanistan !

Its you Pakistani Pukhtoons because of whom we stay quiet because you still have some sentimental attachment to Afghan Pukhtoons, despite what they say about Pakistan & Pakistanis despite eating our food & living on our land, otherwise were it up to me I'd have all the 4-6 million Afghans in Pakistan packing their bags & off the Durand Line ! I do hope that you people would wake up & stop this 'Bar Pukhtoon & Lar Pukhtoon Bhai Bhai Nonsense' !

1) Please read my point 1 which i wrote in post#24

2) Most of these people (the bolded names) you mentioned are carrying attack's inside Pakistan majority of suicide bombings...Although they have lessen a bit now...

3) its definitely not about pushtun's ( maybe) but it is definitely because our interest lies in Afg,just because we cannot let it be used again against Pakistan again!...

4) Its not because of Pakistani Pakhtun's, but a few ignorant generals...because of whom the whole Pakistan and especially the Pakhtun's are suffering yet...and which has invited foreign attention which fueled this issue...

5) Pakistan will always come first....
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