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Afghan forces in a deadly battle with the Taliban.

Yet you poor despicable Afghans live on Pakistani food particularly rice and wheat that comes from Pakistan. Even many vegetables, and commercial foods and drinks come from Pakistan. As soon as we cut it off much of your population would starve and you won't have the energy for your flag burning rallies.

Today our wheat and rice import has dropped to almost under 10% open world food program's WFP 2011 and 2012 report on wheat, corn and rice production in Afghanistan it has exceeded our internal needs and are either stocked or exported! vegetables are manly from eastern and northern Afghanistan commercial foods and drinks are imported from Iran (majority), central asia, UAE, Thailand etc.. you can find Kabul's exported Coca cola in Lahore and Dushanbe :)

10s of ghee and cooking oil factories are functioning and their production overcome almost 80% of Afghanistan's need.

Dairy products are still coming from Pakistan like nestle milk, cream, butter etc.. including eggs

Things have changed dude you guys are still living in 1994
Today our wheat and rice import has dropped to almost under 10% open world food program's WFP 2011 and 2012 report on wheat, corn and rice production in Afghanistan it has exceeded our internal needs and are either stocked or exported! vegetables are manly from eastern and northern Afghanistan commercial foods and drinks are imported from Iran (majority), central asia, UAE, Thailand etc.. you can find Kabul's exported Coca cola in Lahore and Dushanbe :)

10s of ghee and cooking oil factories are functioning and their production overcome almost 80% of Afghanistan's need.

Dairy products are still coming from Pakistan like nestle milk, cream, butter etc.. including eggs

Things have changed dude you guys are still living in 1994
UAE, Thailand:rofl:

Do i need to remind u that they get docked at karachi then supplied to yr country.
No last time they entered a KM in goshta we kicked their behind and burned down 3 of their check posts, remember? :rofl:

But afghan govt claims that Pakistan has occupied 50 KMs? as for burning down 3 check posts... do you have a source? coz i read a news from some western paper about some afghan commander claiming tht FC destroyed afghan posts... and there was 1 fatality and 5-7 afghan soldiers also got injured? while no casuality was reported on the Pakistani side.. except 1 or 2 soldiers who got injured... so whats the "rofl" about? your soldier got killed man? and u also claimed tht Taliban are Pakistani... so according to u 60-72% of your country is occupied by Pakistani fighters?:woot:

2006 and it's 2013 - you better know how they are now ;)

This documentary by a british journalist is new:



And pretty disheartening.. with only 2-3% ANA consisting of Pashtuns and former NA commanders and soldiers rampaging the country... drug abuse,hate for pashtuns,sexual exploitation of children,looting and kidnapping civilians for ransom,corruption,desertion rate as high as 47-50%,disreguard of SOPs.. and much more...

Today our wheat and rice import has dropped to almost under 10% open world food program's WFP 2011 and 2012 report on wheat, corn and rice production in Afghanistan it has exceeded our internal needs and are either stocked or exported! vegetables are manly from eastern and northern Afghanistan commercial foods and drinks are imported from Iran (majority), central asia, UAE, Thailand etc.. you can find Kabul's exported Coca cola in Lahore and Dushanbe :)

10s of ghee and cooking oil factories are functioning and their production overcome almost 80% of Afghanistan's need.

Dairy products are still coming from Pakistan like nestle milk, cream, butter etc.. including eggs

Things have changed dude you guys are still living in 1994

Yet wheat,cement,tractors,agricultural equipment,livestock,vegies,fertilizer etc etc all come from Pakistan or are smuggled from Pakistan?
@Umair Nawaz,

I am living in Norway.
Here we have thousands of Afghani, and most of them came from Pakistan.
They are agreed about that, that into 1980s that was Pakistan who gave us roof, food, cloths, water, security etc. . . but less support we got from UN that time. Now they saying too bad words for Pakistan all the time. One Afghani who I know him very well since many years said to me that sooner or later we will occupied on whole two province of Pakistan with the support of India "Balochistan & Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa. Then I said to him that your poor Afghni`s and Indians this dream will never going to be in real. All in all, I am totally shocked over these poor Afhani`s mind that how much they hate us and wants to support India, USA or any other country those interested to destroy Pakistan.
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@Umair Nawaz,

I am living in Norway.
Here we have thousands of Afghani, and most of them came from Pakistan.
They are agreed about that, that into 1980s that was Pakistan who gave us roof, food, cloths, water, security etc. . . but less support we got from UN that time. Now they saying too bad words for Pakistan all the time. One Afghani who I know him very well since many years said to me that sooner or later we will occupied on whole two province of Pakistan with the support of India "Balochistan & Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa. Then I said to him that your poor Afghni`s and Indians this dream will never going to be in real. All in all, I am totally shocked over these poor Afhani`s mind that how much they hate us and wants to support India, USA or any other country those interested to destroy Pakistan.

You supported Taliban and ruined their country. Why wont they dislike you.
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LOL chahbahar is just a drama first make it then we will see that results it can produce.

So is Afghanistani Parliament, ,Salma dam,900 km rail link from Hajigak to Chabhar, hospitals and many more projects.;)
And here comes the prince of heera mandi talking to the air...

Do i need to remind you about prostitutes trafficked into Pakistan? or you can just google ... as for heera mandi its closed and now turned into this:








You are absolutely wrong here mr.india
It is Afghan-India join terror that we are facing in Pakistan.

India would never support TTP monsters. They are as much threat to us as to you. You people should also stop supporting Taliban and then see how Afghans will start loving and respecting you like good neighbours.
Even losing a single cop against untrained militants is seen as a failure.
Untrained militants??? :woot: We know how they are trained, where they are trained and who they are trained by. Don't be naive to imagine they are some rag tag circus fighting the ISAF.

Here's a vid that'll give you some idea of how they are trained...

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