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Afghan forces in a deadly battle with the Taliban.

November 2012 – “Chai Boys”

After spending five weeks in Sangin, it was obvious to me that Afghan security was nowhere near ready. I’d seen policemen so high on heroin they couldn’t stand up straight or tie sandbags, and soldiers firing hundreds of rockets, bullets, and grenades at the smallest of suspicious movements in the desert—“**** them, they are all Taliban here,” one blurted out when he was told to stop shooting at a father and son—and on at least six different occasions, the use of child soldiers.

The Afghan Police was still active, too, kidnapping civilians for ransom or as bargaining chips in prisoner exchanges. Weapons, fuel, and equipment NATO had supplied to the Afghan National Army were being sold at the local bazaar, and “ghosts”—officers who technically didn’t exist—filled police payroll sheets. “Have you ever seen The Sopranos?” said Major Bill Steuber, the marine in charge of the police-advisory team, describing the corruption. “It’s vast.”

Worst of all, police commanders were routinely abducting young men and using them as “chai boys,” house servants who were also kept as sex slaves. In separate incidents, three of those boys had been shot dead while trying to escape. One was shot in the face and one was shot at police headquarters. When a fourth boy was shot, Steuber marched into the police chief’s office and demanded action.

The police chief first said that the boys had chosen to live on the patrol bases: “They like being there and giving their ***** at night.” He also claimed that the practice of soldiers sexually abusing them was necessary. “If my commanders don’t **** these boys, who will they fcuk? Their own grandmothers?”

This Is What Winning Looks Like | VICE United States

Sher malang is a classic case of northern non pashtun hating pakistan despite he visits and avails all the facilities in Pakistan.

Vice? :rofl: do your research on them and find out why every individual taboo in Afghanistan is documented by them :rofl:

And what facilities in pakistan? do you guys have even any facility there? :rofl: wake up Kabul is now 5th among worlds top 10 fastest developing cities :D

Freakonomics » The World’s Fastest-Growing Cities: Kabul is No. Five
The world's fastest growing cities - Telegraph

I am Afghan and don't play ethnic cards with me or else I will show you how my proud Pashtun brethren burned pakistani flags in all Pashtun provinces of Afghanistan just recently :D
^ If in Kabul you opened a 7-11, a restaurant, and bicycle shop Kabul will become one of the worlds fastest growing cities.

Vice? :rofl: do your research on them and find out why every individual taboo in Afghanistan is documented by them :rofl:

And what facilities in pakistan? do you guys have even any facility there? :rofl: wake up Kabul is now 5th among worlds top 10 fastest developing cities :D

Freakonomics » The World’s Fastest-Growing Cities: Kabul is No. Five
The world's fastest growing cities - Telegraph

I am Afghan and don't play ethnic cards with me or else I will show you how my proud Pashtun brethren burned pakistani flags in all Pashtun provinces of Afghanistan just recently :D

We all saw and laughed at the failed flag burning in Kabul. Some of you Afghans are pathetic, whole of the Muslim world see you as scum. Also I am surprise you even have Internet in where you live in Afghanistan, that is if you really are posting from there.
Vice? :rofl: do your research on them and find out why every individual taboo in Afghanistan is documented by them :rofl:

And what facilities in pakistan? do you guys have even any facility there? :rofl: wake up Kabul is now 5th among worlds top 10 fastest developing cities :D

Freakonomics » The World’s Fastest-Growing Cities: Kabul is No. Five
The world's fastest growing cities - Telegraph

I am Afghan and don't play ethnic cards with me or else I will show you how my proud Pashtun brethren burned pakistani flags in all Pashtun provinces of Afghanistan just recently :D

That's the best you come up with after your imbecile argument that Afghani bachaa baaz forces are better then Pakistani Army? :lol:
^ If in Kabul you opened a 7-11, a restaurant, and bicycle shop Kabul will become one of the worlds fastest growing cities.

We all saw and laughed at the failed flag burning in Kabul. Some of you Afghans are pathetic, whole of the Muslim world see you as scum. Also I am surprise you even have Internet in where you live in Afghanistan, that is if you really are posting from there.

7-11? lol man come here will take you to andkhoi uzbeki palaw, shinwari karayee and what not at your pleasure after 12 midnight :D I usually get out of works at 9 and spend time with friend till late 1 or 2 - and rejecting world's index for top 10 fastest growing cities rather shows how ignorant you are :D

And here are photos from different provinces 90% Pashtun inhabitant provinces which pakistanis like you think are pro-pakistan :rofl:




so 1 solder die by pak guns they cry rivers and US NATO carpet bombing and bombing kill thousands no matter for them :lol:

Few days ago Iranians killed 10-15 of them. Low class as$holes are silent on that too.

We should stop all the supplies to Afghanistan. Lets starve this nation to death. :rolleyes:
Interesting photos but they seem like "rent a crowd" types -- To get the attention of Pakistanis, There should large protests against Pakistan with rhetoric of how Pakistan must be erased so that the great Afghan nation can realize it's potential, and peace restored to the region -- now that would get the attention of Pakistanis and get them to think more clearly about what must be done
:rofl: yeah dude and the surprising part to pakistanis is 90% of protests and flag burnings happened in Pashtun provinces which these internet warriors claim are pro-pakistan :rofl:

as we see it first times? it happened already by afghan god father india hundreds times .
7-11? lol man come here will take you to andkhoi uzbeki palaw, shinwari karayee and what not at your pleasure after 12 midnight :D I usually get out of works at 9 and spend time with friend till late 1 or 2 - and rejecting world's index for top 10 fastest growing cities rather shows how ignorant you are :D

And here are photos from different provinces 90% Pashtun inhabitant provinces which pakistanis like you think are pro-pakistan :rofl:





Yet you poor despicable Afghans live on Pakistani food particularly rice and wheat that comes from Pakistan. Even many vegetables, and commercial foods and drinks come from Pakistan. As soon as we cut it off much of your population would starve and you won't have the energy for your flag burning rallies.
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