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Sharia Scare Shakes UK: 'Law of the land go to hell'

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U.K. should kick out those nutcases to where they came from, or dump them on the open seas so that they can enjoy their sharia sh!t with the sharks.
@ephone Mind you MANY of these are 2nd and 3rd generations...But like I said in my previous posts NONE of these are a MAJOR threat....They are not even a NEIGHBOURHOOD threat but rather small groups in small neighbourhoods where many desi live!

well, if you love islam, that is your personal choice. you have no right to control or force others including your own children to believe it at all.
Unlike in other countries, Asian parents feel it is their right to teach their kids...anyway, their children their rule...

Mind you do not paint everyone with the same brush...there are weird in EVERY community..

or Britain feeds Muslims by giving them jobs and employment?

@timetravel or Muslims feed the Brits (through taxes which mind you are higher on foreigners and also on professional) who sit at home on home benefits
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Arrests should be made, our own community have breed these parasites.
Only we can deal with them effectively.
or Britain feeds Muslims by giving them jobs and employment?

You dont even know the difference between job and business.
Takeaway is an investment and a business...its not a job.
Much of the investment to open those businesses come from Pakistan...so its also foreign investment.
Arrests should be made, our own community have breed these parasites.
Only we can deal with them effectively.

Sounds like you dont read the news..
Arests are common these days
Sounds like you dont read the news..
Arests are common these days

I do.
But I see places near my local community in London where nothing is being done by police or even other communities.
Imams in mosques don't even mention such things.
@selvan33 well Islam comes from the root word peace :P

In Arabic it would be like you want Slm (peace)

@gambit you ever been to London?

I thought islam means 'submit'... quite different in meaning from root word?
In any case naam main kya rakkha hai.. I dont think Mr Ramalinga Raju can use this as defence of his lies..( 'Satyam means truth, so how can there be fraud in company?')

@gambit : There is no daily clash in london, sometimes there is some clash in a sh*tty place called luton, I would blame racist thugs rather than muslims for that.
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I do.
But I see places near my local community in London where nothing is being done by police or even other communities.
Imams in mosques don't even mention such things.

Because those imams never come across those people who want to impose shariah on a non muslim country.
This is all a propoganda.
No can do. Not when bombs have detonated, non-Muslims killed in their own countries, and non-Muslims maimed in their own countries. New York City, Mumbai, London, then Boston. No one is going to set Islamic motivated terrorism aside.

The Amish is a Christian extreme and yet we do not see Amish calling out 'Death to Catholics' and make bombs, do we? So the issue is not about extremism because we are tolerant enough of extreme ideas as long as we do not have to experience the extreme violence.

So what you're saying is that despite extremism that exists in pretty much any religion.
Terrorism and killing is a trait of Islamic extremism only?

I beg to differ buddy.
I bet you that if you put ANY Abrahamic religion in Afghanistan in the mid-80's or in the Arab Israeli in the place of Islam, you would today see their version of Al Qaeda.

The problem is not of religion.
It is entirely to do with socio-economic issues and war at it's root.
@Jungibaaz @Safriz

I still say Imams should say something make these people understand not to take the law in their own hands ...their job is to preach NOT force ...

I wish I met 1 of these people would give them a piece of my mind....

so that extremist parties such as EDL can justify their existance.
@Safriz dude those are loosers...they slurr like they are drunk and they rarely construct proper arguments and lack ANY form of knowledge!
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Because those imams never come across those people who want to impose shariah on a non muslim country.
This is all a propoganda.

Perhaps your right.
But when these things make headlines, I expect some sort of acknowledgement from our local religious leaders.

I don't know any of these lunatic personally, but I know they exist around these parts.
The combination of them and a paranoid media is making some people fear us.

Where in the UK are you, if I may ask?
Any of this BS in your area?
Perhaps your right.
But when these things make headlines, I expect some sort of acknowledgement from our local religious leaders.

I don't know any of these lunatic personally, but I know they exist around these parts.
The combination of them and a paranoid media is making some people fear us.

Where in the UK are you, if I may ask?
Any of this BS in your area?

He is from- that hotbed of such extremist views/activity and from the city where the UK bombers came - Leeds.
@Jungibaaz @Safriz

I still say Imams should say something make these people understand not to take the law in their own hands ...their job is to preach NOT force ...

I agree.
It's quite necessary to an extent.

In my local area, there is a small masjid, much much smaller than the local mosque.
We (the tolerant and considerate Muslims) try not to go to that mosque. It seems everyone there is so extreme, the Imam there is like that.

I wish I met 1 of these people would give them a piece of my mind....
Same. I've never had the opportunity.
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@Jungibaaz @Safriz

I still say Imams should say something make these people understand not to take the law in their own hands ...their job is to preach NOT force ...

I wish I met 1 of these people would give them a piece of my mind....

@Safriz dude those are loosers...they slurr like they are drunk and they rarely construct proper arguments and lack ANY form of knowledge!

These shariah imposers only exist in tabloids and propoganda news.
If they did exist in reality....imams had spoken already,
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