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Planets and Sun, Size comparison.

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So, if I make a religion that says 'killing muslims is good', it will still be my stupid follower who will get all the blame for misusing the religion? There are hundreds of religion on this planet and almost all of them have crazy stuff in them in form of prescription (what is the right thing to do)

can you make that ? :woot:
Science does not teach which is good or bad thing, Science only does are discover and invent.
on the other hand Religion teach which is good or bad thing.
Is suicide bombing good or bad thing? - There are people who believe in same Quran and Hadith but come with completely opposite conclusions.

On the other hand if you ask to calculate how many electrons are emitted from piece of U235 in second, scientists from Bangladesh, Israel and Paraguay will come with same exactly result.
Is suicide bombing good or bad thing? - There are people who believe in same Quran and Hadith but come with completely opposite conclusions.

On the other hand if you ask to calculate how many electrons are emitted from piece of U235 in second, scientists from Bangladesh, Israel and Paraguay will come with same exactly result.

at the same time , during calculating something some takes 3 digits after point and some takes 2 digits after point
can you make that ? :woot:
hypothetically speaking.... you think there is no religion which prescribes killing people of other tribe?

at the same time , during calculating something some takes 3 digits after point and some takes 2 digits after point
I dont remember what we were talking about anymore. :)
in the quran it says we created life all over the universe.
"And of his signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and what He has dispersed throughout them of creatures. And He, for gathering them when He wills, is competent." 42:29
We don't know that for sure . Its a Very Big If ! But then again
The Noble Quran did state life other than earth.
Their are many creatures which even exist in earth but their visibility is beyond our visual ranges , The Book of GOD Holy Quran do mentioned the creatures in heavens and universe , but still kept in mystery cuz GOD knows better these mysteries , but still the status of Human is greater then all thats Why GOD asked Angels to Adore his creature . That was the religious point of view. As far as scientific theories concerned then the myth of Aliens or Martians are not proved yet . I would appreciate efforts of explorations and My that post was referred to the scientific approach . Their are lot of things in universe those are kept hidden from religious point of view.

Stop lying man, I have read 79:30, 31:29 and 39:5 on quran.com. None of these say that anything about the earth being spherical. You can always interpret/translate it whatever way you like to fool simpletons. Even terrorists get motivated from religion, but that's not the point.

@jaunty then I am sorry to say your brain is none functional...Coz anyone who reads something new will start from the beginning and will not be satisfied in jumping IN from nowhere and concluding...If that is the case, using your logic from this 1 post of yours alone, it shows me how much you are blinded with hatred of wanting to discredit the Quran that you have shown what a selective reader you are....

It is like showing off, I have read 1 sentence from chapters 79, 31, 39 of a book on Anatomy now I have FULL KNOWLEDGE of a doctor and can operate on ANYONE....

I'm sorry that you feel that way. I should have known that people aren't allowed to question religions(read Islam) here. Just take everything for granted and be happy, an inquisitive mind is religions' enemy and an honest opinion is an insult. :)

@jaunty I hope you are not insulted by my honesty!
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@jaunty then I am sorry to say your brain is none functional...

Next time when you try to tell someone about brain functionality please try to make sure that you at least have the spellings right. Otherwise it looks funny, to put it mildly!

Coz anyone who reads something new will start from the beginning and will not be satisfied in jumping IN from nowhere and concluding...If that is the case, using your logic from this 1 post of yours alone, it shows me how much you are blinded with hatred of wanting to discredit the Quran that you have shown what a selective reader you are....

It is like showing off, I have read 1 sentence from chapters 79, 31, 39 of a book on Anatomy now I have FULL KNOWLEDGE of a doctor and can operate on ANYONE....

Are you trying to tell me that I have to read the whole Quran to find out its views on Earth's shape? That is laughable. Your "anatomy" analogy is equally absurd. Think about it logically why it is so (hint--I am not claiming to know the whole Quran). So tell me specifically where it says that the earth is spherical, if not those verses. I have got those from a Zakir Naik video which came out from a google search. He quoted those verses and somehow tried to spin it to form an already known conclusion. I checked the translations on quran.com, it's nothing but intellectual dishonesty to interpret it that way, although I expect nothing better from religious bigots.

@jaunty I hope you are not insulted by my honesty!

No I am not. There was nothing in your post that could insult me.
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Next time when you try to tell someone about brain functionality please try to make sure that you at least have the spellings right. Otherwise it looks funny, to put it mildly!
Ahh..thank you English teacher!

Are you trying to tell me that I have to read the whole Quran to find out its views on Earth's shape? That is laughable.
Well, I am not sure what you use google.com for....oh yes, of course to get quotes from non authentic sites....or putting it honestly, ISLAMIC BASHING SITES!

Well, next time you need to remove yor gal bladder, please do come to me, I am not a doctor, But I will read 2-3 lines about removing gall bladder and attempt it on you ...after all who needs to read all of it like you said it is LAUGHABLE...just specific sentences should do the trick

Your "anatomy" analogy is equally absurd. Think about it logically why it is so (hint--I am not claiming to know the whole Quran). So tell me specifically where it says that the earth is spherical, if not those verses. I have got those from a Zakir Naik video which came out from a google search. He quoted those verses and somehow tried to spin it to form an already known conclusion. I checked the translations on quran.com, it's nothing but intellectual dishonesty to interpret it that way, although I expect nothing better from religious bigots.
Did you hear his whole lecture or were just interested in the verses he quoted? I am guessing with the later hence your conclusion!

No I am not. There was nothing in your post that could insult me.
Good to know! :tup:

I am sorry to say that your post doesn't deserve a reply. I hate to do this on online forums but logical thinking is not your forte. As the Chinese adage would say, it's like playing music to a cow. I have no time for that. I am sorry.

My only request for you is that please quote me the verses in Quran which state that the earth is spherical. I have an open mind to accept and learn new things.
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Than why you are quoting from that book?

I didn't notice your post earlier. I later realized that I went over the line with that reply. I apologize for that.

I am sorry to say that your post doesn't deserve a reply. I hate to do this on online forums but logical thinking is not your forte. As the Chinese adage would say, it's like playing music to a cow. I have no time for that. I am sorry.

My only request for you is that please quote me the verses in Quran which state that the earth is spherical. I have an open mind to accept and learn new things.
@jaunty I am sorry you had to go personal....

The Qur'an mentions the actual shape of the earth in the following verse:

"And we have made the earth egg shaped".
[Al-Qur'an 79:30]

The Arabic word Dahaha means egg shaped. It also means an expanse. Dahaha is derived from Duhiya which specifically refers to the egg of an ostrich

@jaunty the Arabic language has 1 word with many meanings....and all meanings fit in context...
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I am familiar with seven skys, but not seven earths, may I know where you heard this from? @ seven earths?

I guess he meant to say that there are seven layers of earth ... :undecided:
Religious texts are obscure hazy and contradictory. Anyone can find whatever he likes there. For example if you are peaceful person you can find texts calling for peace, if you are a warmonger you can easily find texts that will justify aggression and killing all your enemies.

Science is the opposite. Its exact thing. Its based on exact definitions, experiments and calculations. So there is nothing more silly that mixing up science with religion. These are just missionary tricks for people who know nothing in science.

Different kinds of Dinosaurs ruled earth for different long periods (Permian, Jurassic, Triassic etc.), but they had no religion, no God, Bhagwan, Jesus or Allah whatever. We are here for less than one million years( modern man less than 300000 years, who created various religion). Whatever we cannot deduce scientifically with today's knowledge, we tend to attribute it to the GOD or Allah whom nobody has seen.
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