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TTP Spokesperson Ahsanullah Ahsan is Hiding in Foreign Safe House in Pesha

Those Standards are wishful creation of some lunatics, history does not confirm that these are traits of a Muslim.
Get your self educated about it. Don't follow some damn mullah who is propagating his Maslak rather than Islam.

this is from sahih hadith...clear your facts.
this is from sahih hadith...clear your facts.
It was about description of the holy Prophet. He did not ordered it exclusively for Momeneen. Moreover Its not the getup that represents Muslim its character that is Muslims Identity.
to hell with foreign officials!

our own f***Cking media know where he is

but because of "journalistic ethics" -- they cant reveal whereabout or how they get in contact with these dirty terrorists (sources)

of course he's being protected! No brainer!!!! And plenty of support and kind generous donors across the God damn God forsaken motherf*cccking border with Afghanistan
It was about description of the holy Prophet. He did not ordered it exclusively for Momeneen. Moreover Its not the getup that represents Muslim its character that is Muslims Identity.

how would you know about all this....you've never read quran or hadith....have u? bus tukkay, apni traf say....
go get educated.
how would you know about all this....you've never read quran or hadith....have u? bus tukkay, apni traf say....
go get educated.
Jinab I read Quran And hadith both. And it is not just 'Tukey'

There is No mention in Quran about the getup advocate here. Moreover there are two types of ahadith used in argument about Beard, One Group is based on the description of Prophet PBUH, and second one where he asked group of old Ansaris to act differently from the people of Book means Jews and Christians,

Now according to first type of ahadith, following PBUH dressing attributes is good habit but not compulsory. and Second group of ahadith was about the time when in Madina Manawara both Jews and christians lived among muslims, and muslims Identity was necessary.
Most of classical Aima consider beard compulsory but apart from Pakistan and Arabian Scholars most of modern scholars do not consider shaving a sin.

Don't try to force your half cooked recipe down the throat of some one who is a good and thorough Taste. Keep your this mastery to your Maddrassa, It will not work here.
Jinab I read Quran And hadith both. And it is not just 'Tukey'

There is No mention in Quran about the getup advocate here. Moreover there are two types of ahadith used in argument about Beard, One Group is based on the description of Prophet PBUH, and second one where he asked group of old Ansaris to act differently from the people of Book means Jews and Christians,

Now according to first type of ahadith, following PBUH dressing attributes is good habit but not compulsory. and Second group of ahadith was about the time when in Madina Manawara both Jews and christians lived among muslims, and muslims Identity was necessary.
Most of classical Aima consider beard compulsory but apart from Pakistan and Arabian Scholars most of modern scholars do not consider shaving a sin.

Don't try to force your half cooked recipe down the throat of some one who is a good and thorough Taste. Keep your this mastery to your Maddrassa, It will not work here.

So you do agree that the beard IS what the Prophet pbuh had (and he was obviously the greatest Muslim of all times) and he was an example for all muslims for ever. So then were you out of your senses when you said they dont look like muslims when they actually look 80-90% like the description of hairstyle/facial hair mentioned in hadith?

Also, the Prophet pbuh DID order to shave mustache and grow beard, that is not controversial in most sects, length etc is how ever. And this is agreed upon by the majority of the ulema that beard is sunnat and muslims should have it. Some sects say it is optional, but most if not all sects agree that its a sawab ka kam to have beard.

sorry for late reply, im not active member here...and sorry for bump to thread.
So you do agree that the beard IS what the Prophet pbuh had (and he was obviously the greatest Muslim of all times) and he was an example for all muslims for ever. So then were you out of your senses when you said they dont look like muslims when they actually look 80-90% like the description of hairstyle/facial hair mentioned in hadith?

Also, the Prophet pbuh DID order to shave mustache and grow beard, that is not controversial in most sects, length etc is how ever. And this is agreed upon by the majority of the ulema that beard is sunnat and muslims should have it. Some sects say it is optional, but most if not all sects agree that its a sawab ka kam to have beard.

sorry for late reply, im not active member here...and sorry for bump to thread.

damn you are rotten to your core.

1. this getup, that Ehsan ullah ehsan bears is not representative of Islam,
2. Prophet did wore a beard but that is not obligatory for Muslims reasons already given above, to refute it give rebuttal arguments first.
ultimate of test of a muslim is not what he wears or bears, but his characters and deeds.

this particular type of beard and shaved moustache are result over-curious scholars which put over-emphasis on irrelevant features rather than the relevant issues(I can cite hundred of sunna and ahadith which is no more observed even by most orthodox ulema).

I was out of my sense indeed when I started to respond to you,
end of discussion!
damn you are rotten to your core.

1. this getup, that Ehsan ullah ehsan bears is not representative of Islam,
2. Prophet did wore a beard but that is not obligatory for Muslims reasons already given above, to refute it give rebuttal arguments first.
ultimate of test of a muslim is not what he wears or bears, but his characters and deeds.

this particular type of beard and shaved moustache are result over-curious scholars which put over-emphasis on irrelevant features rather than the relevant issues(I can cite hundred of sunna and ahadith which is no more observed even by most orthodox ulema).

I was out of my sense indeed when I started to respond to you,
end of discussion!

learn to respect. (like you said character is most important thing for muslim, so where is yours?)

1. when the prophet pbuh himself had similar way of hairstyle and beard etc, then how can you say it is not representative of Islam?

2. What ever the prophet pbuh did was sunnah. the sahaba had this style, then pious people after sahaba had same style and it has been like that since Islam came. Beard is an important part of a Muslim's identity. Only recently, in maybe past ~100yrs have these new clean-shave molvis started appearing.

3. But what he wears is a part of the test. Submitting your will to Allah is what Islam is all about. You are supposed to do as many of the things the Prophet pbuh used to do ( which the sahaba also followed )....

plz show me the sunna and hadith which orthodox ulema no longer follow...
to hell with foreign officials!

our own f***Cking media know where he is

but because of "journalistic ethics" -- they cant reveal whereabout or how they get in contact with these dirty terrorists (sources)

of course he's being protected! No brainer!!!! And plenty of support and kind generous donors across the God damn God forsaken motherf*cccking border with Afghanistan

But in his videos he is sitting in some mountain region

damn you are rotten to your core.

1. this getup, that Ehsan ullah ehsan bears is not representative of Islam,
2. Prophet did wore a beard but that is not obligatory for Muslims reasons already given above, to refute it give rebuttal arguments first.
ultimate of test of a muslim is not what he wears or bears, but his characters and deeds.

this particular type of beard and shaved moustache are result over-curious scholars which put over-emphasis on irrelevant features rather than the relevant issues(I can cite hundred of sunna and ahadith which is no more observed even by most orthodox ulema).

I was out of my sense indeed when I started to respond to you,
end of discussion!

I get it, Qaid ali jinnah was best representative of islam
But in his videos he is sitting in some mountain region

whichever rat-hole cave he's hiding in, one day he will be surrounded by heavily armed men and either he will be forced to surrender -- or he will have a 7.62mm lead implant in his skull, sent back to his Creator

maybe not today....maybe not tomorrow....but the day will come.

I get it, Qaid ali jinnah was best representative of islam

A good representative of a Muslim (not an extremist) who yearned to do a service for Islam and the Islamic community of the sub-continent - which he did do obviously. August 14 1947 and the famous speech @ Minar-e-Pakistan is a proof of that.

of course some will say "oh but look at how he lived a western life" and other bla bla

guess what??? it was HIS OWN PERSONAL LIFE!!!! Not anyone else's business. Get over it!!!
whichever rat-hole cave he's hiding in, one day he will be surrounded by heavily armed men and either he will be forced to surrender -- or he will have a 7.62mm lead implant in his skull, sent back to his Creator

maybe not today....maybe not tomorrow....but the day will come.

A good representative of a Muslim (not an extremist) who yearned to do a service for Islam and the Islamic community of the sub-continent - which he did do obviously. August 14 1947 and the famous speech @ Minar-e-Pakistan is a proof of that.

of course some will say "oh but look at how he lived a western life" and other bla bla

guess what??? it was HIS OWN PERSONAL LIFE!!!! Not anyone else's business. Get over it!!!

I dont think so, in my opinion he would be eventually killed by American drone...drones have high accuracy rate due to superior intelligence and minimum collateral damage....unlike pakistan' air strikes and shellings
I dont think so, in my opinion he would be eventually killed by American drone...drones have high accuracy rate due to superior intelligence and minimum collateral damage....unlike pakistan' air strikes and shellings

do you have any links or evidence to support such a claim? you better back up your argument with numbers and proper sources....words alone are empty

you may recall that the only reason Baitullah Mehsud got whacked by drone was because ISI/MI "tricked" the Americans into believing that it was another 'high value target'

it was not in America's interests to drone Baitullah Mehsud or Hakimullah Mehsud because the TTP acts as a "pressure point" and a leverage of sorts. Some say that the CIA fully supports the TTP to counter-act Pakistan's "blind eye" (as they call it) towards groups like this so-called Haqqani "Network"......i believe they turn a blind eye, we turn a blind eye -- in the end the war is headed towards a stalemate.

Karzai and his sympathizers should probably plan to get their green cards or start talking nicely to Pakistan because I dont see the survival of his regime in a post-NATO environment

and believe me -- this insurgency wont end immediately; this will be a long fight. But once we get a handle of things, these bastards who kill our people and explode our Masjids and destroy private and public property -- they will all either be force to surrender or they will be killed in a very cold-blooded fashion

now it's me who is talking "the words alone" --- and I'm damned confident that this is how things will unfold.
do you have any links or evidence to support such a claim? you better back up your argument with numbers and proper sources....words alone are empty

you may recall that the only reason Baitullah Mehsud got whacked by drone was because ISI/MI "tricked" the Americans into believing that it was another 'high value target'

it was not in America's interests to drone Baitullah Mehsud or Hakimullah Mehsud because the TTP acts as a "pressure point" and a leverage of sorts. Some say that the CIA fully supports the TTP to counter-act Pakistan's "blind eye" (as they call it) towards groups like this so-called Haqqani "Network"......i believe they turn a blind eye, we turn a blind eye -- in the end the war is headed towards a stalemate.

Karzai and his sympathizers should probably plan to get their green cards or start talking nicely to Pakistan because I dont see the survival of his regime in a post-NATO environment

and believe me -- this insurgency wont end immediately; this will be a long fight. But once we get a handle of things, these bastards who kill our people and explode our Masjids and destroy private and public property -- they will all either be force to surrender or they will be killed in a very cold-blooded fashion

now it's me who is talking "the words alone" --- and I'm damned confident that this is how things will unfold.

What do you think what will happen after American withdrawl in 2014? TTP will have sanctuary in Afghanistan from where they would re-group and relax...I dont think so america would provide billion of dollars to pakistan against TTP, Pakistan wouldnt be able to sustain the stationing of 1.2 lakh faujis in FATA, to carry out military operation, regular air strikes, shelling etc...if they continued on against then stronger TTP for some more years then it will have disastrous impact on our economy, it would be nightmare for pakistan.
What do you think what will happen after American withdrawl in 2014? TTP will have sanctuary in Afghanistan from where they would re-group and relax...I dont think so america would provide billion of dollars to pakistan against TTP

There's poverty and stagnating employment in USA. They should spend money on their own country; they should stop ALL aid to Pakistan in my opinion. Most of the "aid" goes towards the U.S. Ambassador's favourite hand-picked NGOs; most of the civilian aid is dried up by beauracratic/admin costs which end up going back to Americans

(the same applies to CSF by the way -which we view as reimbursements, not "aid")

Back on point -- what do I think will happen? Afghanistan will descend into chaos and there will be some bloodshed. But not as bad as 1990s because I think Afghans --despite their stupid ethnic rivalries and intolerance towards eachother -- are also becoming tired of all these decades of bloodsheds

TTP wont have a sanctuary in Afghanistan because Pakistan won't allow it. For some reason our government has not had the courage or the balls to go after them INSIDE Afghanistan; the way Turkiye goes after PKK rats in Iraqi Kurdistan.

We lack the political will, and I guess they calculate that it would cause more problems than solutions. I personally dont agree, but anywayz...

Pakistan wouldnt be able to sustain the stationing of 1.2 lakh faujis in FATA, to carry out military operation, regular air strikes, shelling etc...

Thanks to the bloody civilians (those ones who dont pay their taxes). The Army can fight it out on it's own. By virtue and because of these institutional voids, Pakistan Army officers sacrifice from their own pay -- to cover expenses like basic combat gear or modest contribution for internally displaced peoples...

we are forced towards a more "praetorian" approach (in the garb of military industry -- which DOES pay taxes on time to Govt of Pakistan). the Army is not floating in cash, but neither is it lacking resources needed to win.

However many faujis it takes, however many JF Thunders or F-16 needed to wipe out the rats -- they will be used.

Yes it's expensive. Yes we will have casualties and families losing their bread-winners. But that's war! And this is a jihad against evil people who want to weaken and divide Pakistan society.

there are people inside Pakistan who will resist these evil designs -- our enemies should learn that

if they continued on against then stronger TTP for some more years then it will have disastrous impact on our economy, it would be nightmare for pakistan.

war in general is disastrous on ANY economy. . . . Following war, you have an uneasy calm followed by sustainable peace --if the proper measures and policies are taken.

Look at Sri Lanka -- they experienced much worse war for almost 40 years

let the Pak-Army/FC do their jobs while you can go to sleep at night and be much more safe
Amazing, everyone is giving their opinion based on this garbage news. First of all, how can he be hiding in the US Consulate, it makes no sense. But more importantly, before giving their opinion did anyone check the source of the news?

Here is an interesting fact, I went to the website and clicked on “Contact Us” , guess what , there was no address, names, telephone numbers or even a damn e-mail address.

This is what shows up when you press “Contact Us”:

Contact Us | The News Informer

Contact Us


Now, does this looks like a credible source!?. :lol:

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