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TTP Spokesperson Ahsanullah Ahsan is Hiding in Foreign Safe House in Pesha

And do you think ISI let this guy stay alive even if they have mere info that maybe he is sheltered in U.S embassy? no you are mistaken, expect surprise raid.

You can't raid an embassy
Is it really reasonable to base your entire perception and judgment on unverifiable statements, lacking both evidence and logic? The United States government and military fully support the Pakistani military in their fight against terrorism on their soil. We are committed to fighting terrorism in the region and hence we continuously work towards the improvement of our relationship overcoming many obstacles that we have faced in the past. A new era of cooperation has started between our two countries; we can provide stability and security to the region by working together. Do you really think it’s in the best interests of the world or the U.S. to destabilize a nuclear state like Pakistan? No, it’s not, and we, both for the sake of regional stability, and our own national interest, want to see Pakistan free of terrorism and terrorist groups. The evolution of the internet era has enabled everyone, and anyone, to create websites, “news sites”, spread a wide variety of “information”, make claims, and much more, but we have to be cautious and recognize the different between credible sources, verifiable facts and those opinions that are based on logic vs. personal agenda/hate.

Haroon Ahmad,
DET - U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command

how many of centcom people are here?
anyways mr haroon ahmad since you are cent com.
tell me this why is the us government not compensating the families of the innocent people they killed? with drones?
i as an american citizen want to know from you guys that your using our tax money to kill innocent people why?
and are you reali cent com?
I'll look up capital talk show from 17th April, translate it and post it here , in which there is an interview of a Madrasah teacher from Bajur , an older person who has been around from the time of the Soviet invasion and in interview he said these TTP rats have homes in Jalalabad in Afghanistan and they have monthly stipends ... so who is providing them these facilities in American run Afghanistan
Is it really reasonable to base your entire perception and judgment on unverifiable statements, lacking both evidence and logic? The United States government and military fully support the Pakistani military in their fight against terrorism on their soil. We are committed to fighting terrorism in the region and hence we continuously work towards the improvement of our relationship overcoming many obstacles that we have faced in the past. A new era of cooperation has started between our two countries; we can provide stability and security to the region by working together. Do you really think it’s in the best interests of the world or the U.S. to destabilize a nuclear state like Pakistan? No, it’s not, and we, both for the sake of regional stability, and our own national interest, want to see Pakistan free of terrorism and terrorist groups. The evolution of the internet era has enabled everyone, and anyone, to create websites, “news sites”, spread a wide variety of “information”, make claims, and much more, but we have to be cautious and recognize the different between credible sources, verifiable facts and those opinions that are based on logic vs. personal agenda/hate.

Haroon Ahmad,
DET - U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command

i dont doubt that the us government is helping pakistan.
but does the us government not think for a second that this drone strike stuff might be counter productive? i mean come on if you were on the ground and your mom and dad are sleeping in the house and all of sudden a drone blows them up and you survive what do you think your going to do? join the taliban to fight against america who killed your parents right?
Does the person who wrote the article even know what a "safe house" is?

Its not an embassy its not protected usually seeing it would be used for covert opperations on the border of illegality. If ahsan is in a safe house as the artice states, kick down the door and arrest/shoot the bastard rather than publishing BS articles about how some one is protecting him.
Is it really reasonable to base your entire perception and judgment on unverifiable statements, lacking both evidence and logic? The United States government and military fully support the Pakistani military in their fight against terrorism on their soil. We are committed to fighting terrorism in the region and hence we continuously work towards the improvement of our relationship overcoming many obstacles that we have faced in the past. A new era of cooperation has started between our two countries; we can provide stability and security to the region by working together. Do you really think it’s in the best interests of the world or the U.S. to destabilize a nuclear state like Pakistan? No, it’s not, and we, both for the sake of regional stability, and our own national interest, want to see Pakistan free of terrorism and terrorist groups. The evolution of the internet era has enabled everyone, and anyone, to create websites, “news sites”, spread a wide variety of “information”, make claims, and much more, but we have to be cautious and recognize the different between credible sources, verifiable facts and those opinions that are based on logic vs. personal agenda/hate.

Haroon Ahmad,
DET - U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command

stop backing teletubbies :tdown:


PESHAWAR : Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan’s spokes person Ahsanullah Ahsan is reportedly hiding in the safe house of a foreign mission in Peshawar.
Highly reliable security sources said that from the safe house, Ahsanullah Ahsan immediately accepts responsibility on behalf of TTP for every act of terrorism in Pakistan and is readily available to the western media for comments.
The sources further said that the TTP spokesman has been provided latest means of communication including Satellite telephone.

Now its cleared that some foreign countries are using Ahsanullah Ahsan against Pakistan.

Its not confirmed that why Pakistani government and agencies not taking any action against him.(INP)
TTP Spokesperson Ahsanullah Ahsan is Hiding in Foreign Safe House in Peshawar | The News Informer

Going by the article, we know that this alleged safe house is used by a foreign mission - right? I mean we would have to know this if we can assert it as a fact?

And so, since we have not acted to arrest him, - what does that mean?

And it's also interesting to speculate what if we fail to prevent action by unknown persons who may target the individuals who use the safe house or should the safe house become the subject of the attention of criminals - and should among the victimized individuals, LEA should discover TTP, individuals accredited to foreign missions and individuals associated with a religious political party, what would the public response be? Will the armed forces and security establishment have incentive or will they find themselves in a politically disadvantageous position?
The following report is a testament to the sacrifices that the armed forces have made to bring peace to Bajur

Capital Talk With Hamid Mir 17th April 2013, 17 April 2013 Full Show On Geo News - YouTube

Starting at 27:50

Interview with Maulana Guldad Khan , he is madrassah teacher in Bajur , he clearly spells out the support TTP is getting in Kunar and Jalalabad from these CENTCOM types

1. While Taliban were there in Bajur he declared sucide attacks as un Islamic
2. He originally came from Swat into Bajur during the time of the Soviet invasion
3. After Soviet invasion when Taliban came to Afghanistan people thought now there will be peace
4. When Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan came first they thought these people will be ok
5. He studied the behaviour of TTP and found it contradictory to Islamic teachings
6. TTP was declaring everyone Kafir , they called Fauj Kafir and declared Jihad on Pakistan
7. He made speech in 2007 that TTP is not for the benefit of Islam or the country, in fact because of them Islam came into disrepute , Madrasah’s got spolit , Jihad came into disrepute
8. He named them Tehrik e Zaliman
9. TTP butchered and slit throats of those Ulema who declared that fighting against Pakistan is not Jihad
10. Ulema declared that Pakistan is country founded in the name of Islam , perhaps there are people in it who are sinfull but they cannot be called kafir , as a result TTP slit their throats
11. Hindustan gives money to them, the 40 governments that are there in Afghanistan all give them money
12. In Kunar and Jalalabad they have homes, they get treatment and get monthly stipends as well
In Islam, beard should be one hand length(hand is sideways, meaning length is equal to combined diameter of fingers +~20%).
And hair should be from ear to shoulder, somewhere in between length.
Mustache should be cut or trimmed or shaved.

They look like they are following all of these things, except I notice too many of them have mustache which is not trimmed enough...
So technically they look Muslims from almost all angles...same is with afghan taliban, IMU, alqaeda etc etc...

no offense.

(dont bring my flag into this, I dont know how to change it, I put israel long time ago for fun....)

Those Standards are wishful creation of some lunatics, history does not confirm that these are traits of a Muslim.
Get your self educated about it. Don't follow some damn mullah who is propagating his Maslak rather than Islam.
This is highly dubious news, the amount of intel agents around these diplomatic missions especially in Peshawar is huge, every guy in and out of the compound is watched over...had EhsanUllah been there, this would have been big news and he would have been arrested. I have no doubt about that.

The part of the sat phone is true though, that is now secret and alot of TTP members use them.

As for his location, my bet would be somewhere in Afghanistan. These people are too cowards to stay in Pak, besides alot of their phone intercepts for major ops are traced from Afghanistan.

rightly said.

wherever he is but surely has support from some elements foreign/national.

but saying that he is at US consulate or US facility in Peshawar is doubtful. atleast i cant believe it.

he may have technical support from foreign ingtelligence agency but safe house?
If he is hiding in a foreign mission somewhere why didn't we arrest him before he entered that safehouse. There are no excuses for our failure in the war on terror. These terrorists are attacking us, killing our people brutally, yet no one wishes to stop them. Instead we find all sorts of excuses. The terrorists are a cancer to Pakistan and the moment we realize this we will move onto the path of development and prosperity.
If he is hiding in a foreign mission somewhere why didn't we arrest him before he entered that safehouse. There are no excuses for our failure in the war on terror. These terrorists are attacking us, killing our people brutally, yet no one wishes to stop them. Instead we find all sorts of excuses. The terrorists are a cancer to Pakistan and the moment we realize this we will move onto the path of development and prosperity.

You are basing your whole post on the report that he is in the US consulate, which evidently isn't the case.

PESHAWAR : Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan’s spokes person Ahsanullah Ahsan is reportedly hiding in the safe house of a foreign mission in Peshawar.
Highly reliable security sources said that from the safe house, Ahsanullah Ahsan immediately accepts responsibility on behalf of TTP for every act of terrorism in Pakistan and is readily available to the western media for comments.
The sources further said that the TTP spokesman has been provided latest means of communication including Satellite telephone.

Now its cleared that some foreign countries are using Ahsanullah Ahsan against Pakistan.

Its not confirmed that why Pakistani government and agencies not taking any action against him.(INP)
TTP Spokesperson Ahsanullah Ahsan is Hiding in Foreign Safe House in Peshawar | The News Informer

First no country can be that stupid secondly when you attack your people than you give other countries a chance to support them and your people also try to get support from any one they could
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