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Why so many rape threads ??

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Probably the khunnas towards indians makes the pakistani members exited to open any news which is in negative towards india... and their best bet is Rape....... But then we indians deserve it because we have few monsters in our country......

But does it have anything to do with defense... all you need to do is check the latest threads and count howmany of them are defense related.......
@karan.1970 Havent seen you for some time here
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Seeing so many news threads related to rape is disturbing.

A thread that encourages discussion is fine, but posting news again and again is ruining the forum quality. We all agree that it is a horrible crime and that the perpretrator needs to be killed brutally etc etc. so what's the point in posting ?

And wasn't this topic banned previously ?? What's the status now?
You must ask these questions to Windjammer who apparently holds the record for posting the max number of rape threads on PDF! :hitwall: :P
That was another issue that I wanted to put forward, but decided not to. Prevents trolls from entering the scene. Placing a blanket ban on this topic is what I am aiming for.

And not just me, I'm certain there are other Pakistani and Indian members who would find it better not to see this word repeatedly.

100% agree - This topic should be banned because majority of members are teenage kids (mentally) and expecting them to do constructive debate on this serious issue is naive.
That was another issue that I wanted to put forward, but decided not to. Prevents trolls from entering the scene. Placing a blanket ban on this topic is what I am aiming for.

And not just me, I'm certain there are other Pakistani and Indian members who would find it better not to see this word repeatedly.

@RazorMC; Thank you for raising this issue. I see it as a measure of the sensitive human being that you are, that you have done so. And you are not the only one here who has sensitivity. We are fortunate that there are many more like you; people who do not hail only from one side of a border or only one region or only of one religious affiliation. Just as I believe (and I have stated it here on this forum) that Stupidity and Inhumanity does not carry any particular Passport or Nationality.

On the other hand, my passionately heartfelt view is that Rape is one of the worst abominations that Mankind can inflict on other members of the species. I consider it as vile as terrorism and the victims are as innocent and undeserving of this violence as victims of Terrorism. So I do not want to behave as if this menace to humanity does not exist or that it should be swept under any carpet while I conveniently look the other way.

Now we have to; if we can, decide as to how we can deal with this. So far I have not spoken about this, but today I felt driven (misguidedly if you think) to do so.

Thank you.
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Two Points:

1. Its really TERRIBLE to see how such a heinous crime like RAPE is becoming an EXCUSE to bash India (as if it happens only in India), imagine the mental trauma the victim must be going through as Physical Rape of victims OCCURS just once, but Mental Rape occurs innumerable times.

2. This has NOTHING to do with Defense, you can't allow each & every topic to discuss on a Forum establish as a DEFENSE forum on the first place, i am here b'coz I am a Defense enthusiast, but sadly, each passing day we are having lesser & lesser of Defense/tech. thread & more & more types of nonsense thread specially opened to SERVE a purpose. Trollers & False Flaggers doesn't spare Even that "less" no. of relevant threads to the forum.

You see, point 2 is why this sensitive topic should be banned or can at least be restricted to senior members only.

And point 1 could become a source of further pain for the victim, to have something she suffered being posted and trolled as if it was just a play toy. The troll posters are worse than the actual criminal IMO. Maybe harsh, but true to my belief.

Let the news channels report it as they please, but this is not a private news channel and people need to understand this. I respect this forum tremendously and attach a lot of importance to it which is why I have raised this issue to prevent abuse.
@RazorMC; Thank you for raising this issue. I see it as a measure of the sensitive human being that you are, that you have done so. And you are not the only one here who has sensitivity. We are fortunate that there are many more like you; people who do not hail only from one side of a border or only one region or only of one religious affiliation. Just as I believe (and I have stated it here on this forum) that Stupidity and Inhumanity does not carry any particular Passport or Nationality.

On the other hand, my passionately heartfelt view is that Rape is one of the worst abominations that Mankind can inflict on other members of the species. I consider it as vile as terrorism and the victims are as innocent and undeserving of this violence as victims of Terrorism. So I do not want to behave as if this menace to humanity does not exist or that it should be swept under any carpet while I conveniently look the other way.

Now we have to; if we can, decide as to how we can deal with this. So far I have not spoken about this, but today I felt driven (misguidedly if you think) to do so.

Thank you.

Your thoughts and opinions are welcome and I thank you for the kind words.

I only brought this issue up because a topic of such social importance is being misused to an damaging effect. How would the victims (reported and unreported) feel to see their stories being treated at a joke or as an excuse for finger-pointing??

We should be able to discuss this topic and ways to reduce this, it makes for a worthy sociological discussion and serves as an awareness campaign. But trolling over this delicate matter is something that has put me off several times.

This crime does exist and probably will continue to exist, but there should be limits to what we say about such issues.

Thanks again.
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Probably the khunnas towards indians makes the pakistani members exited to open any news which is in negative towards india... and their best bet is Rape....... But then we indians deserve it because we have few monsters in our country......

But does it have anything to do with defense... all you need to do is check the latest threads and count howmany of them are defense related.......
@karan.1970 Havent seen you for some time here

That's the point. No country should be labelled as a "r*pist country" or "r*pe capital" just because some of their nationals have done this.
And none are defense related, they only have a sociology-oriented value for mature members to talk about.

Those are defense-related topics and can be debated using logic and common-sense. The R*pe threads serve no purpose.
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People are more concerned about the rape threads than the number of rapes that are happening in india-

You see a rape thread because there is a rape that has taken place in india-
People are more concerned about the rape threads than the number of rapes that are happening in india-

You see a rape thread because there is a rape that has taken place in india-

By that logic there should have been 2000 odd threads in 2012 of rapes in Pakistan. I don't see as many, why do you think?
People are more concerned about the rape threads than the number of rapes that are happening in india-

You see a rape thread because there is a rape that has taken place in india-

Oh Man, I seriously din't expected this from you.

Can I open similar threads of Pakistan??

BTW, do you know that world's largest rape crimes occurs in US, nearly 6 times that of India while it's population is just 1/3rd, why not than rape threads of US??
By that logic there should have been 2000 odd threads in 2012 of rapes in Pakistan. I don't see as many, why do you think?

2000 odd threads?- :woot-
Lol- source?-
2000 odd threads?- :woot-
Lol- source?-

My friend was being generous:

Pakistan’s ‘shame’: Rape cases in 2012 – The Express Tribune

While statistics are few and far between, according to a November report by the Awaz Foundation Centre for Development, as many as 2,713 cases of violence against women have been reported in 15 districts of southern Punjab since January 2012, giving some measure of the scale of the issue.
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