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Ask your question about Iran

So Iran is using Syria for their own interests
because Syria is a part of resistance line against Israel and Iran can send weapons through Syria to Lebanon and Palestine.
All muslim country hate israel not only iran, if assad goverment lose in the civil war i don't think FSA will stay allies with you.
You should ask first why iran is against Israel, then you can see it's iran interests or not.
All muslim country hate israel not only iran

If They hate Israel and wanna take back Palestine, what they did to reach that goal? crying? blaming? you will never take it back.
you should fight and you need weapons, except iran which country is helping Hezbollah and Palestinian armored groups? do all these Muslims ever sent a bullet?

If They hate Israel then why they are destroying resistance line? why they never helped Hezbollah and Palestinian like Iran is doing?

about syria, only people of syria should decide about it, not others.sending thousands terrorists and extremists from whole the world to syria to decide what government they should have is doing good?. by saying Assad MUST go or stay nothing solve, there is a good solution,let's make a free election to see what syrian people choose.
There are similar threads about most countries in this forum,so I made one about Iran.
Ask your questions and I try to answer them as best as I can.Also I ask other Iranians members to help.:)

I have following questions :-

1. Who are Iranis ? what is their history ? I heard that they were "parsis" initially but later embraced Islam.
2. Is Iran a modern society or its a controlled society like China ?
3. What is the status of women in Iran ? can they walk without veil ? can they drive car ? Are they allowed to work ?
4. Popular food .
5. Places to visit Iran .
Our numbers are not known, but we are increasing :)
some sources say as much as 150,000-200,000!
but I don't know the true figure.

Ohh...thats a good news ....because i heard that in India they are decreasing in numbers ....I have some zoroastrians friends ..........i would love to see you grow.
I have following questions :-

1. Who are Iranis ? what is their history ? I heard that they were "parsis" initially but later embraced Islam.
2. Is Iran a modern society or its a controlled society like China ?
3. What is the status of women in Iran ? can they walk without veil ? can they drive car ? Are they allowed to work ?
4. Popular food .
5. Places to visit Iran .

Hello my friend..
1.About a history of iran ...it's so heritage...new exloration in sirjan say antiquity of civilization in iran back to 7500 B.C...Ilami and orartoo are the old people of Iran plain and after that Arian are coming from north of Plain and Residence there ..Achaemenian the first and the biggest Empire in the world is foundation by union of all tribes by Great cyrus from Pars tribal and defeat the Babel and other metropol of that era...the domain of empire in the Darius age from east summit to china (some stony bred from that era find in china) and from west to border of civlized world..after defeat the Achaemenian by Alexander..Partian one of arian tribal defeat them and ٍempired for 500 years ...they have intresting tactic in the War as today you know az Partizan war for Guerrilla tactic,this came form there..
after partian ..Sasanian another tribal of arian on the rise and rules until defeat by Islam army...and yes..they embraced the islam because in the late of sasanian era the Corruption and gap class is so Annoying and they
saw the islam as alternative for that situation.

2.I thinks the question is mistake...this two fields is not mutual...we have modern society but still goverment in some area (which the number of than not small!!)control the people and it was annoying..

3.your question about driving and working women is related to Saudi arabi,Best friend of USA my friend..which that was odd we never hear from Benevolent american about human right in that country!!!!!!!!!!!!:disagree:
Status of women in iran overally is average...thay can'n walk without veil,ofcourse they veil not like that you see in SA,wrapped in the Black fabrik :D,but still some of them has objection about that and i think they had right about that..
But they are working, Driving and every work that man do it they have nose in that..even fireman..i see fotage a firewomen that was great...60% of student in unversities are them .

4.well ...ghorme sabzi,khoreshte gheyme,fesenjoon,Ash ,Morasa polo,cholo kabab,jooje kabab,Shishlik,kabab soltani..delicious ha!!! :)

5:I start this with my town Mashhad;),shiraz,isfahan,tabriz,tehran,kish,ardebi,yazd,kermanshah,Hamedan and very places that if i want to typing it length too much.;)
Are Iranians proud of their heritage and history?

Oh yes my friend..very much
Although the Goverment has silly operation about that..but people are very proud and Interested about that..
You know..something is beautiful about a culture of iran in the history..If they attaked by others they not defeated culturly...they adapted the invaders by culture and change them Instead they changed iranian!!!..for example egyptian...you know thay are not arabs..they are ghebtian...thay have great heritage,total diffrent language..but after the attaked by islam..they talking and writing arabic...but iranian never changed like that...
and you know..i am architect...and i see this beautiful influence better in architecture...
Are Iranians proud of their heritage and history?

Yes. The people are; some in the regime on other hand not. Just quickly after the revolution some even tried to destroy Iran's ancient sites, like Persepolis, but locals intervened and stopped them. During the revolution, and after it, it was only 'Islam Islam' and that transformed into 'Islam and Iran' over the years, and now you see that its mostly 'Iran Iran'. The nation has resurrected.

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