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Russian Army to become a Muslim-Majority Army by 2015-2020.

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I don't know if i beleive those articals. Firstly, Orthodox Christianity is the dominant religion, as a matter of fact Christianity is regarded as our culture. During Soviet times all religions were banned, so it's no suprise mosques are appearing, esspecially when about 80% of the Russian population is none Russian. Alot of Muslim imagrants come to live in Russia.

Here is something to consider:

It is estimated that Russia is home to some 15–20 million Muslims.[149][150] However, the Islamic scholar and human rights activist Roman Silantyev has claimed that there are only 7 to 9 million people who adhere to the Islamic faith in Russia.[151] Russia also has an estimated 3 million to 4 million Muslim migrants from the ex-Soviet states.[

No need to trumpet this to the world. Keep it low, marvel in the ways of Allah, and rejoice in the good life our muslim brothers are having.
After all Islam does not harbour ill feelings to anyone, it just want to protect itself
this is scare mongering

it will force the russian muslims that are out there to become secular because they will be regarded as islamic invaders if they are open about their faith, its a cautionary story to plant a thought in people's minds, some people are so stupid they fall for this cheap propaganda
When the Russian Army becomes a majority Muslim army, and Muslim Generals take hold of power in Russia, Inshallah this will bring a great boost to Muslim Military power back into the World. This means Muslims may once again achieve the Military superiority that we once had on Earth, several centuries ago.

Implications for India are very bad. An Islamic Russia will be hostile to India, an Islamic Russia will cut off Technological Aid, and Military support to India.

But an Islamic Russia will most likely share it's vastly high-tech Military technology and know-how with various so called "Muslim countries" like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and perhaps Turkey.

When the Russian Army/Military becomes a Majority Muslim Military it will be the most advance "Muslim Army" in modern history!
No not really, unless India does something really bad to Muslims. Look at Iran it hasn't torn India to pieces.
this is scare mongering

it will force the russian muslims that are out there to become secular because they will be regarded as islamic invaders if they are open about their faith, its a cautionary story to plant a thought in people's minds, some people are so stupid they fall for this cheap propaganda

I second that :agree:
When the Russian Army becomes a majority Muslim army, and Muslim Generals take hold of power in Russia, Inshallah this will bring a great boost to Muslim Military power back into the World. This means Muslims may once again achieve the Military superiority that we once had on Earth, several centuries ago.

Implications for India are very bad. An Islamic Russia will be hostile to India, an Islamic Russia will cut off Technological Aid, and Military support to India.

But an Islamic Russia will most likely share it's vastly high-tech Military technology and know-how with various so called "Muslim countries" like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and perhaps Turkey.

When the Russian Army/Military becomes a Majority Muslim Military it will be the most advance "Muslim Army" in modern history!

how the hell will India have bad implications....we have second largest muslim poputation
Russia is systematically banning Muslim conscription for its army. They aren't even trying to hide the fact that they are. Islam is a menace to human development and technology and this is something Russia understands very well.

The bear is already moving to protect itself.
This is a two year old thread !!!
Russia is systematically banning Muslim conscription for its army. They aren't even trying to hide the fact that they are.
This is because non-Muslim Russians are mainly racists and cowards.

Islam is a menace to human development and technology and this is something Russia understands very well.
Absolutely wrong. Islamic system is best for progressive societies, if implemented in its true form. Islam introduces checks and balances to ensure well-being of a society; rids it from corruption; does not forces males to turn 'beta' and weak; and encourages progress.

Keep in mind that communism have failed and so has Western liberalism/capitalism.

The bear is already moving to protect itself.
A nation cannot effectively progress by undermining a large segment within it. Russia will never regain its former glory unless it reforms itself properly.

20 thousand white americans covert to islam every years and the numbers continue to increase.

What about the genocide Americans are doing per year in muslim countries? Know the numbers?
Know Iraq,Afganistan etc?

Because of WOT about 35,000 dead in Pakistan already.Do you want to laugh now? :azn:
When the Russian Army becomes a majority Muslim army, and Muslim Generals take hold of power in Russia, Inshallah this will bring a great boost to Muslim Military power back into the World. This means Muslims may once again achieve the Military superiority that we once had on Earth, several centuries ago.

Implications for India are very bad. An Islamic Russia will be hostile to India, an Islamic Russia will cut off Technological Aid, and Military support to India.

But an Islamic Russia will most likely share it's vastly high-tech Military technology and know-how with various so called "Muslim countries" like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and perhaps Turkey.

When the Russian Army/Military becomes a Majority Muslim Military it will be the most advance "Muslim Army" in modern history!

Religion is personal matter i don't know why people comparing?. To me if they become atheist i don't care
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