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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

What content? There is no content. There is no discussion with a self-obsessed anti-Semite who knows only to talk to himself.

Indeed: pity, pity. However you served the purpose of side-lining anti-Israeli threads. Good for you!

We know that zionazis cannot read reason, it respects nothing but a stick which Iran is rightly preparing for them and hypocrisy is so deeply rooted in their venomous veins that they cannot for a second think of parting from their despicable ways. Threatening Iran with their zionazi nukes and then telling the world that Iran is threatening them, a satanic mission indeed!
What content? There is no content. There is no discussion with a self-obsessed anti-Semite who knows only to talk to himself.

Indeed: pity, pity. However you served the purpose of side-lining anti-Israeli threads. Good for you!

Two Israeli lies:

1. Anyone who speaks against what they perceive to be right is anti Semitic

2. Israel has a right to exist
My little anti-Semite, now you are finally convinced that you completely destroyed the discussion on this issue? I waited several days and no one posted anything here.

Thank you for practically closing this thread, you did a great service for Israel.

I highly suggest you stop replying to him. He's a bangladeshi after all. Half the world doesn't know that his country even exists. IAEA is basically controlled by western nations who wouldn't take any action against Israel , it's too bad that the anti Semite is too dumb to realise this.
I highly suggest you stop replying to him. He's a bangladeshi after all. Half the world doesn't know that his country even exists.

I don't understand why some indians are so proud of their ignorance, not only that, every now and then they claim that the world is as ignorant as those slimy indians are. This has absolutely nothing to do with what is being discussed yet, some morons just cannot resist portraying themselves as donkeys. I didn't know that the donkeys were so revered in india.
IAEA is basically controlled by western nations who wouldn't take any action against Israel , it's too bad that the anti Semite is too dumb to realise this.

It means IAEA is a one-eyed fvcker. Those who call the spade a spade are 'anti-Semites' and those who call a spade a Gandhi are champions of israel.
I highly suggest you stop replying to him. He's a bangladeshi after all. Half the world doesn't know that his country even exists. IAEA is basically controlled by western nations who wouldn't take any action against Israel , it's too bad that the anti Semite is too dumb to realise this.

It's ok that half the world don't know we exist. Attention whoring is an Indian thing. :lol:
Well, atleast Israel's nukes aren't pointed at somebody. Nor do they threaten anybody else with it. And they are not under any obligation to not develop weapons. Unlike Iran that signed the NPT.

BTW I guess Bangladeshis are one of those hateful little people on this forum eh? I see them bust their balls trying to trash every other nation in just about every other thread :lol:
Well, atleast Israel's nukes aren't pointed at somebody. Nor do they threaten anybody else with it.

Really? Did the israelis provide you with the launch codes as well? Indians like you are indeed master a$$-lickers!

BTW I guess Bangladeshis are one of those hateful little people on this forum eh? I see them bust their balls trying to trash every other nation in just about every other thread :lol:

Do you think we give a hoot to what an a$$-licker like you thinks of us?
Really? Did the israelis provide you with the launch codes as well? Indians like you are indeed master a$$-lickers!

Do you think we give a hoot to what an a$$-licker like you thinks of us?

Why would they provide THEIR launch codes to us? Did you flush that excuse of a brain you have down the can?

BTW I know you are butt hurt, but you might wanna pull that stick outta your ***. Always remember, that India will be on top. And Bangladesh will wallow in self pity under India's shadow. Not because, we do anything, but because, your culture, attitude and very approach to life is quite sad to say the least. It makes you pathetic individuals who are permanently pissed off, uninteresting and boring that achieve nothing in life, except to blame people around you and to swear at them. All I have to do is just sit on the sidelines and enjoy the show as you make yourself the quintessential assclown representative of BD that you are, hatin on India and Israel (a country that doesnt give a rats *** about you) for no reason.

Grow up kid.
What about Israel’s nuclear weapons?

Patrick B. Pexton


By Patrick B. Pexton, Published: September 1

Readers periodically ask me some variation on this question: “Why does the press follow every jot and tittle of Iran’s nuclear program, but we never see any stories about Israel’s nuclear weapons capability?”

It’s a fair question. Going back 10 years into Post archives, I could not find any in-depth reporting on Israeli nuclear capabilities, although national security writer Walter Pincus has touched on it many times in his articles and columns.

I spoke with several experts in the nuclear and nonproliferation fields , and they say that the lack of reporting on Israel’s nuclear weapons is real — and frustrating. There are some obvious reasons for this, and others that are not so obvious.

First, Israel refuses to acknowledge publicly that it has nuclear weapons. The U.S. government also officially does not acknowledge the existence of such a program. Israel’s official position, as reiterated by Aaron Sagui, spokesman for the Israeli Embassy here, is that “Israel will not be the first country to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East. Israel supports a Middle East free of all weapons of mass destruction following the attainment of peace.” The “introduce” language is purposefully vague, but experts say it means that Israel will not openly test a weapon or declare publicly that it has one.

According to Avner Cohen, a professor at the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California who has written two books about this subject, this formulation was born in the mid-1960s in Israel and was the foundation of a still-secret 1969 agreement between Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and President Richard Nixon, reached when the United States became sure that Israel possessed nuclear bombs.

President John Kennedy vigorously tried to prevent Israel from obtaining the bomb; President Lyndon Johnson did so to a much lesser extent. But once it was a done deal, Nixon and every president since has not pressed Israel to officially disclose its capabilities or to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. In return, Israel agrees to keep its nuclear weapons unacknowledged and low-profile.

Because Israel has not signed the treaty, it is under no legal obligation to submit its major nuclear facility at Dimona to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections. Iran, in contrast, did sign the treaty and thus agrees to periodic inspections. IAEA inspectors are regularly in Iran, but the core of the current dispute is that Tehran is not letting them have unfettered access to all of the country’s nuclear installations.

Furthermore, although Israel has an aggressive media, it still has military censors that can and do prevent publication of material on Israel’s nuclear forces. Censorship applies to foreign correspondents working there, too.

Another problem, Cohen said, is that relatively few people have overall knowledge of the Israeli program and no one leaks. Those in the program certainly do not leak; it is a crime to do so. The last time an Israeli insider leaked, in 1986, nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu was kidnapped by Israeli agents in Italy, taken home to trial, convicted and served 18 years in jail, much of it in solitary confinement.

And perhaps most important, Americans don’t leak about the Israeli nuclear program either. Cohen said information about Israeli nuclear capabilities is some of the most compartmentalized and secret information the U.S. government holds, far more secret than information about Iran, for example. U.S. nuclear researchers, Cohen said, have been reprimanded by their agencies for talking about it openly.

George Perkovich, director of the nuclear policy program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said there are benign and not-so-benign reasons that U.S. officials are so tight-lipped. The United States and Israel are allies and friends. “Do you ‘out’ your friends?” he asked.

And not being open about Israel’s nuclear weapons serves both U.S. and Israeli interests, Perkovich noted. If Israel were public about its nukes, or brandished its program recklessly — as North Korea does every time it wants something — it would put more pressure on Arab states to obtain their own bomb.

Among the less benign reasons U.S. sources don’t leak is that it can hurt your career. Said Perkovich: “It’s like all things having to do with Israel and the United States. If you want to get ahead, you don’t talk about it; you don’t criticize Israel, you protect Israel. You don’t talk about illegal settlements on the West Bank even though everyone knows they are there.”

I don’t think many people fault Israel for having nuclear weapons. If I were a child of the Holocaust, I, too, would want such a deterrent to annihilation. But that doesn’t mean the media shouldn’t write about how Israel’s doomsday weapons affect the Middle East equation. Just because a story is hard to do doesn’t mean The Post, and the U.S. press more generally, shouldn’t do it.

Patrick B. Pexton can be reached at 202-334-7582 or at ombudsman@washpost.com.

Patrick Pexton: What about Israel’s nuclear weapons? - The Washington Post
Israel is usng its stage at world scenario. No matter what they do, they have made depth in important countries to get their support and no one challenge their nukes.

They are supported by US, India, Europe (well we all know the reason) and even China. Not certain about Russia. Those who are against Israel are already against each other, they failed to show unity when Israel comes into picture. Its the failed Foreign policy and mutual cooperation of ME and other nations.
Israel is usng its stage at world scenario. No matter what they do, they have made depth in important countries to get their support and no one challenge their nukes.

They are supported by US, India, Europe (well we all know the reason) and even China. Not certain about Russia. Those who are against Israel are already against each other, they failed to show unity when Israel comes into picture. Its the failed Foreign policy and mutual cooperation of ME and other nations.

Very rightly said bro.

The middle east will never prosper unless and until they forget their BS Shia-Sunni conflict and other differences and stand united.

On the other hand, couple of reasons why Israel can have nukes, while Iran cannot:

1. Israel is a liberal democracy, and therefore its bound by laws and regulations on owning nukes. Iran on the other hand is an Islamic regime, so who knows what those mullahs will do? But then again, I dont think they are THAT dumb, but just saying.

2. Israel never signed the NPT. India and Pakistan both didnt sign it too. So just like we can have nukes, Israel can have nukes too. Iran on the other hand signed the NPT, so they cant have nukes. Its against their international commitment.

Of course you can argue and say the NPT is an abusive treaty - Hell yeah it is!! Thats why India, Israel and Pakistan made the intelligent decision of not signing the treaty in the first place.

We know that zionazis cannot read reason, it respects nothing but a stick which Iran is rightly preparing for them and hypocrisy is so deeply rooted in their venomous veins that they cannot for a second think of parting from their despicable ways. Threatening Iran with their zionazi nukes and then telling the world that Iran is threatening them, a satanic mission indeed!

God is great indeed and this verse proves it:

"When it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "Why, we only Want to make peace!"


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