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Pakistan's terrible idea to develop battlefield nukes

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Secondly, regardless of whether Pakistan decides its a limit or not. IN will blockade Pakistan.
And will face resistance and suffer losses, it isn't 1971 anymore.

For those who question the technological ability of IN to carry it out. Take a flying f*king minute out of your lives to see what IN has and is planning to field against you in case of a war.
And in that case, i can also say take a flying minute out of your lives to see what PN has and is planning to field against you in case of a war.

However, i was taking the status quo into consideration, not "we will have".

We have AShM's that out range and outnumber those you have.
Good for you. So, how exactly will those defend your blockading navy from our ASM's?

IN is also putting a damned Barak 1, Barak II SAM with 70kms range on every capital ship it has. Barak II is supposed to be a MRSAM AEGIS like system for fleet AShM defence.
Again, more assumptions and "we will this, IN will that" etc. Lets discuss current, not what you might or will get because right now you probably don't have barak 1, barak 2, and all of that other stuff installed on your ships.

I'm sure PN will once again come up with a much cheaper and less costly method to counter IN's defences.

300 ASM's/3-5 ASBM's versus one carrier worth billions, not too costly at all for the PN actually. I'm sure the PN is looking into that or probably already has as the last Shaheen 1A was tested on a target at sea, though i wouldn't jump to conclusion that it was a ASBM, but you never know.

Beyond that there are fighters operated by IN exclusively, not the least of which are operated off a CBG that provide fleet air defence.

No, you will hardly be able to make a dent on IN with the coastal SAM's and warship operated SAM's. The only defence that Pakistan can have is via submarines.

But intelligent Pakistani posters here didnt even mention that once, instead started off counting their AShM's which arent likely to be 10% as effective against an AAW prepared IN.

You're overestimating yourself here, too much overconfidence as if everything will go according to indian plans, you indians day dream to much, better yet you wet dream too much, one of you indian members even said Pakistanis will "welcome" the invading indian armies and turn against their own :rofl:. I wonder from which bollywood film he saw that theme in.

But how can i forget, as other Pakistani members here mentioned, indian technology is from mars, specially delivered to them by the Martians themselves. Not even the USA has such highly accurate, battle tested, sophisticated weaponry.

Lastly, for the uninitiated, IN doesnt need to send ships to even 300kms of your coast to bomb every port that can handle traffic. That initself will mean a blockade of your country. When no country can land their heavy supplies like Oil, Gas, Ammo, Spares, Military equipment at your ports..it means you have been blockaded. Its not like the old days when a ship needs to be parked off your coast to do it.

Infact, blockading Pakistan will be the number 1 act of IN at the declaration of war.
And the same thing PN can do to indian ports by knocking out necessary infrastructure needed for handling cargo, fuel, and ammo. With the AIP subs armed with long range babur cruise missiles as well as other missiles i doubt any indian port would be secure. But oh wait, how did i forget again? indians are also installing barak 1, barak 2 and other highly accurate, battle tested, battle proven, sophisticated weaponry from Mars on their ports that no other country in the world has, not even USA.

How stupid of PN's planners, they should adhere to the advices of the indian members on this forum, some of whom believe Pakistanis will welcome the invading indian army and turn against the Pakistani army.:rofl:

Secondly, coming to your point regarding Pakistan's ports will be disabled thus it will not receive any weapons, fuel, ammo, and other necessities, well why do you think IP pipeline is under construction? Why do you think there are tunnels being built in the Karakoram mountains and the KKH is being upgraded/expanded?

If i may add here, the assumption is as always that Pakistan will try and make up for its lack of military might by sending in a few terrorists. That will be the cause of war.

Who's assumption would that be? Ours (Pakistanis), or indians? The same indians who also assume that they are 100% invulnerable and that their armies will be welcomed into Pakistan by Pakistani people:lol:. Do post proof.
India has a growing FBR technology... much ahead than China.

There's already a FBR running from a decade at Kalpakkam.
The new more powerful reactor was completed in 2010 with 500-550MWe power generation capabilities.

Pakistan which imports Chinese rector designs cannot even think of such technology even after 10 years.

Another fantasy thinking ! Just like almost all of your former comments ... Should I start quoting the finest humor by you in this thread ? :P

Cut the **** ... Explain or take back your statements saying that India's the only country in the world to operate FBR and 7 of them are operational :azn: ... And we can continue further ... Even that single reactor isn't operational as at now and is a prototype ...

I am not interested in what India has planned for the next 15 years , tell me what it has now , if history is any indication , you guys aren't good with deadlines and the adversary ai'nt not sleeping :D

Kid , running around in circles and changing topic again ai'nt gonna help you with me ... Provide credible proof regarding your former bull **** and fanboy comments ...

Whatever Pakistan does , it has enough to take down your country ... :azn:
Simple question: Is the defeat of Pakistani Army the equivalent of destroying Pakistan?

Is it because unlike other nations that have an army, Pakistani Army has a nation? And Pakistani Army would be more than willing to
1 - Nuke it own country
2. - Nuke Indian territory

to save itself?

Response to 1 might be a tac nuke on Pakistani territory
Response to 2 might be strategic strike which Pakistan is not capable of surviving due to sheer small size.

They would be more than willing to sacrifice the People of Pakistan because they cannot bear that they got defeated by India?

Yes it is , we aren't here to teach you about that simple concept , we aren't submitting ourselves to Indian rule ... Keep thinking wishfully though ...

Possibly , it has ... What difference does it make ? :azn: ... Yeah more than willing to safeguard the territorial integrity , sovereignty and the very existence of Pakistan ... The same what every army is supposed to do , cry me a river !

No one is nuking Indian cities , a tactical detonation over Indian IBG's would be enough to teach them a hard lesson ...

How exactly do Indians assume they can survive a full scale nuclear war and continue their very existence when there is overwhelming evidence otherwise ? :azn:

Are you willing to risk the lives of billions just because Islamabad has nuked a couple of invading IBG's ? :azn: Because that pose no threat to your existence , wouldn't you be able to bear a defeat by Pakistan ? :woot:
All of the Military, Civil and Administrative facilities of Pakistan would be taken out all at once in one go.

World will only come for negotiation process If Pakistan hands over the culprits asking Indian troops to withdraw... not when Pakistan kills half of its own city and a few Hundred Indian troops

Even the People of Pakistan would start supporting Indian Invasion and stop supporting the already corrupt administrative institutions strip Pakistan off its weapon.. involving destruction of Nuclear facilities and stockpile by a group of aligned Nations... along with active support from People of Pakistan.

Most of the Pakistani weapons are over weight as it uses Uranium as main fuel... as compared to India which uses Plutonium and Tritium.

Big 5 don't even know the secret detonations made by India during 80s..

In the mean time the IAF, Army and Navy all have their own BM well equipped with nukes and deployed unlike Pakistan.

Besides that India is the only country in the world which operates FBR as many as 7 of them

Indian FBRs generate power in excess of 550-700MW not 40-50MW and are 7 in number.. No country in the world operates as many FBR

The Enrichment facilities in India 100+ tons of Fuel every year..

India has a growing FBR technology... much ahead than China. French nuclear scientist says India could be acclaimed as a world champion in a decade.

Check out the finest humor in the thread guys by a fanboy :rofl: ... Jokers are there to entertain you everywhere ... :D Indians should wish their Generals and strategists do not think like that :P
Yes it is , we aren't here to teach you about that simple concept , we aren't submitting ourselves to Indian rule ... Keep thinking wishfully though ...

Possibly , it has ... What difference does it make ? :azn: ... Yeah more than willing to safeguard the territorial integrity , sovereignty and the very existence of Pakistan ... The same what every army is supposed to do , cry me a river !

No one is nuking Indian cities , a tactical detonation over Indian IBG's would be enough to teach them a hard lesson ...

How exactly do Indians assume they can survive a full scale nuclear war and continue their very existence when there is overwhelming evidence otherwise ? :azn:

Are you willing to risk the lives of billions just because Islamabad has nuked a couple of invading IBG's ? :azn: Because that pose no threat to your existence , wouldn't you be able to bear a defeat by Pakistan ? :woot:
No wonder suicide bombing is so popular in pakistan..Nuking own nation to prevent enemy invasion is just a glorified sucide bombing..Dont forget to chant that stuff (that suicider bombers shout before blowing themselves up)when launching the nukes.
And that's what make ur day ? Poor thinking lad I must say.

Surely doesn't ... The concept is simple and a logical consequence of the saying " Let those who desire peace , prepare for war "

No wonder suicide bombing is so popular in pakistan..Nuking own nation to prevent enemy invasion is just a glorified sucide bombing..Dont forget to chant that stuff (that suicider bombers shout before blowing themselves up)when launching the nukes inside your soil.

No wonder , the IQ theory is constantly supported by the posts from Indian members ... :azn: ... What city have you seen in the deserts of Thar , kid ?

Bring not religion in here , I can assure you I am more than capable of replying in the same manner but I respect all religions ...
And will face resistance and suffer losses, it isn't 1971 anymore.

And in that case, i can also say take a flying minute out of your lives to see what PN has and is planning to field against you in case of a war.

However, i was taking the status quo into consideration, not "we will have".

Good for you. So, how exactly will those defend your blockading navy from our ASM's?

Again, more assumptions and "we will this, IN will that" etc. Lets discuss current, not what you might or will get because right now you probably don't have barak 1, barak 2, and all of that other stuff installed on your ships.

I'm sure PN will once again come up with a much cheaper and less costly method to counter IN's defences.

300 ASM's/3-5 ASBM's versus one carrier worth billions, not too costly at all for the PN actually. I'm sure the PN is looking into that or probably already has as the last Shaheen 1A was tested on a target at sea, though i wouldn't jump to conclusion that it was a ASBM, but you never know.

You're overestimating yourself here, too much overconfidence as if everything will go according to indian plans, you indians day dream to much, better yet you wet dream too much, one of you indian members even said Pakistanis will "welcome" the invading indian armies and turn against their own :rofl:. I wonder from which bollywood film he saw that theme in.

But how can i forget, as other Pakistani members here mentioned, indian technology is from mars, specially delivered to them by the Martians themselves. Not even the USA has such highly accurate, battle tested, sophisticated weaponry.

And the same thing PN can do to indian ports by knocking out necessary infrastructure needed for handling cargo, fuel, and ammo. With the AIP subs armed with long range babur cruise missiles as well as other missiles i doubt any indian port would be secure. But oh wait, how did i forget again? indians are also installing barak 1, barak 2 and other highly accurate, battle tested, battle proven, sophisticated weaponry from Mars on their ports that no other country in the world has, not even USA.

How stupid of PN's planners, they should adhere to the advices of the indian members on this forum, some of whom believe Pakistanis will welcome the invading indian army and turn against the Pakistani army.:rofl:

Secondly, coming to your point regarding Pakistan's ports will be disabled thus it will not receive any weapons, fuel, ammo, and other necessities, well why do you think IP pipeline is under construction? Why do you think there are tunnels being built in the Karakoram mountains and the KKH is being upgraded/expanded?

Who's assumption would that be? Ours (Pakistanis), or indians? The same indians who also assume that they are 100% invulnerable and that their armies will be welcomed into Pakistan by Pakistani people:lol:. Do post proof.

Take a moment to read my posts with the quotes of others included. You would find that each one of your points has been addressed.

Regarding what IN already has and not what it will have. With what it has it has massive ridiculous superiority over PN. Yes, that includes Barak I SAM already deployed. I have not included any projections other than those which have already been ordered. Yes, that includes Barak II.

Lastly, you said it isnt 1971 anymore. Today IN is much further ahead than PN than it was in 1971. It is easier to implement a blockade today than it was in 1971.
Boosted Fission Device was NOT tested during 1998 tests.
It was tested and validated way back in 80s.

The Device tested was a Pure Thermonuclear weapon.

Triggers are not expected to produce 30KT equivalent explosion... on experimental small scale designs... which are slated to achieve 43-45KT... maximum.

Even with that weight it is much ahead from any Pakistani warhead design.. which are vintage fission based.

Those fizzled warheads has given India capability to mount its missiles with MIRV each capable of destroying a big city.

K Santhanam, who was head of one of the teams that conducted the nuclear tests, Dr A Gopalakrishnan and PK Iyenger are all big names of Indian nuclear programme and are well known Indian nuclear scientists. All these gentlemen say that, only 15 to 20 percent of the intended release of fusion energy was actually achieved. Which means the test was a fizzle.

What does the tests have to do with missiles and the MIRVs. India has not been able to manufacture an MIRV so far. DRDO scientists have openly said so.

Who the heck are you - some tin horn, making frivolous statements about things you know very little about.

Get lost.
K Santhanam, who was head of one of the teams that conducted the nuclear tests, Dr A Gopalakrishnan and PK Iyenger are all big names of Indian nuclear programme and are well known Indian nuclear scientists. All these gentlemen say that, only 15 to 20 percent of the intended release of fusion energy was actually achieved.

What does the tests have to do with missiles and the MIRVs. India has not been able to manufacture an MIRV so far. DRDO scientists have openly said so.

Who the heck are you - some tin horn, making frivolous statements about things you know very little about.

Get lost.

Yup. The questions raised were on the intended yield of the device and not whether they detonated at all. Fissioned material in the Hirishima and Nagasaki bombings were also pathetically low, yet they were enough to level both cities.

Many prominent Indian scientists also refuted the purported claims that were made which is something that never registers with you folks, nah? Either way, we always have our plain fission devices to burn people with :whistle:.
K Santhanam, who was head of one of the teams that conducted the nuclear tests, Dr A Gopalakrishnan and PK Iyenger are all big names of Indian nuclear programme and are well known Indian nuclear scientists. All these gentlemen say that, only 15 to 20 percent of the intended release of fusion energy was actually achieved. Which means the test was a fizzle.

What does the tests have to do with missiles and the MIRVs. India has not been able to manufacture an MIRV so far. DRDO scientists have openly said so.

Who the heck are you - some tin horn, making frivolous statements about things you know very little about.

Get lost.

The data as presented by them is just to Push India towards another test.. which is not required.
Intended yield of the bomb was 43-45KT.. and 30KT output was obtained which is a good output considering it was the 1st test.
Newer designs are being worked upon.
The production of Thermonuclear weapons are going on right from the Kargil war.

The test validated the miniaturization process of the warheads.. If you have seen the warhead.


Which produced 30KT is as small as artillery round..... and its bigger version weights as much as 270kg.. making it possible to mount several of them on a single missile.

And what do you know about me to conclude my description.. the parrot of the fortuneteller on the footpath.

Yup. The question raised were on the intended yield of the device and not whether they detonated at all. Fissioned material in the Hirishima and Nagasaki bombings were also pathetically low, yet they were enough to level both cities.

Many prominent Indian scientists also refuted the purported claims that were made which is something that never registers with you folks, nah? Either way, we always have our plain fission devices to burn people with :whistle:

Who care when it can be done the conventional way.

HEMRL develops worlds most powerful nonnuclear explosive
The data as presented by them is just to Push India towards another test.. which is not required.
Intended yield of the bomb was 43-45KT.. and 30KT output was obtained which is a good output considering it was the 1st test.
Newer designs are being worked upon.
The production of Thermonuclear weapons are going on right from the Kargil war.

The test validated the miniaturization process of the warheads.. If you have seen the warhead.

Which produced 30KT is as small as artillery round..... and its bigger version weights as much as 270kg.. making it possible to mount several of them on a single missile.

And what do you know about me to conclude my description.. the parrot of the fortuneteller on the footpath.

Who care when it can be done the conventional way.

HEMRL develops worlds most powerful nonnuclear explosive

I said what I said. And I know what I am talking about - you don't, because the language you use to explain all this displays this fact.

No you are not the parrot, you are the one who squat beside the cage and opens the door for the parrot to come out.
Don't owe explanation to Uneducated people.

Yes we do not , not specially to those who are making fantasy statements and ridiculous claims about things that exist not and having a false sense of security :azn: ...

I have posted some of your finest comical comments for everyone to see :P ... Hope they enjoy that ...
Who care when it can be done the conventional way.

HEMRL develops worlds most powerful nonnuclear explosive

CL-20 was invented and synthesized by A T Nielsen in 1987 at the US Navy test center, China Lake, that is why the name CL. :rofl:

Keep your comical comments coming , at least we can have a good laugh

P.S What happened to your 7 operational FBR's ? :azn: ... I just noticed they simply vanished from the discussion :lol: Kid , tell you what , changing topics and going round and round in circles and merely posting a lot of irrelevant information even with big pictures :P isn't going to help you here ... Didn't you learn this lesson when I refuted your ridiculous claims about FBR's ? :azn:
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