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Pakistan's terrible idea to develop battlefield nukes

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O.K , your choice.

When you are fully mentally-ready to be annihilated , just send your boys over the border. We'll do the rest to cause Sub-continent to be doomed forever.

On a serious note : bhartis don't have enough balls to mess with Pakistan , in any case. Your generals like their heavy pays , your bureaucrats like their kickbacks in defense deals , and your politicians like their black money..that they extract from the already starving masses of india. So though you are ready for "MAD" , I don't think the people mentioned above are ....


You are breaking bhartis' hearts ...

Indians are brainwashed into believing myths....don't give them too heavy dose of reality :lol:

They brought it unto themselves.
Well Obviously, unlike you we are not suicidal bunch of maniacs..but neither we will tolerate you providing nuclear umbrella to your terror activities.

So the question remains are your ready to see, your entire country destroyed, just to support a bunch of terrorists?

Your Nuclear brinkmanship is useless beyond a certain thresh hold level.

As if you and your General(who live far more luxurious life than Indian genreals) will have the balls to nuke India..especially after knowing the fact..that this will be last thing they will ever do!!

Test us , and we'll all burn together.

Test us , and we'll all burn together.

As has been proved over Hundred times and time and again that any tactical nuke whatsoever would result in massive second strike Destroying entire Pakistan from Land, sea, air and underwater... the whole world would back India in that case.

All of the Military, Civil and Administrative facilities of Pakistan would be taken out all at once in one go.

Some people might argue over the option Pakistan has to retaliate with a similar force.. however not going into detail about the quality of the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan.. I would like to open their eyes to the fact that Pakistan lack early warning or satellite surveillance capabilities which means any massive second strike by India would be unknown to them... until the Public watches the white smoke in the sky.

Hence the tactical nuke idea is nothing but BS... any strike if 1st must be aimed at India's nuclear facilities... as much as they can... at least they would provide some damage before massive Indian 2nd strike wipes them from this dimension.

That is why it may not be a solely tactical nuke strike against Indian troop concentrations, and could be one massive strike against 100s of Indian cities as well as tactical nuclear strikes against Indian troop concentrations because of nearness of Pakistani border.

As soon as the tactical nuke is fired, expect the order to go out to the Strategic Command to start assembling the strategic nuke. Indian nukes are kept in separate components like Pakistan, it would take them approximately the same time to assemble their nukes as Pakistan. I doubt it if Pakistan will take any chances after firing a tactical nuke and would want her nuclear forces to be trigger ready.
As has been proved over Hundred times and time and again that any tactical nuke whatsoever would result in massive second strike Destroying entire Pakistan from Land, sea, air and underwater... the whole world would back India in that case.

All of the Military, Civil and Administrative facilities of Pakistan would be taken out all at once in one go.

Some people might argue over the option Pakistan has to retaliate with a similar force.. however not going into detail about the quality of the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan.. I would like to open their eyes to the fact that Pakistan lack early warning or satellite surveillance capabilities which means any massive second strike by India would be unknown to them... until the Public watches the white smoke in the sky.

Hence the tactical nuke idea is nothing but BS... any strike if 1st must be aimed at India's nuclear facilities... as much as they can... at least they would provide some damage before massive Indian 2nd strike wipes them from this dimension.

Oh man we are very scared of your second strike capabilites .What you explained is very eye opening but then what got my attention was having early warning system and having 2nd strike capability are 2 fancy words which you can use because we might not have early warning but guess what our Missile deliever with uttermoist accuracy well i cant say about urs .

I was thinking of a scenario that your generals are going to wipe Pakistan out of this dimension by using 2nd strike capability that mean you are hit pretty bad by Pakistan at first place and then the missle u fire towards Pakistan are going to land in ur terrority because they will malfunction as usual .:woot:

PS: Please save us from the lecture about where did Pakistan got its missiles.We all know from where so please move on.......:no:
As soon as the tactical nuke is fired, expect the order to go out to the Strategic Command to start assembling the strategic nuke. Indian nukes are kept in separate components like Pakistan, it would take them approximately the same time to assemble their nukes as Pakistan. I doubt it if Pakistan will take any chances after firing a tactical nuke and would want her nuclear forces to be trigger ready.

Why not have strategic nuke already assembled, prior to firing a tactical nuke?
As soon as the tactical nuke is fired, expect the order to go out to the Strategic Command to start assembling the strategic nuke. Indian nukes are kept in separate components like Pakistan, it would take them approximately the same time to assemble their nukes as Pakistan. I doubt it if Pakistan will take any chances after firing a tactical nuke and would want her nuclear forces to be trigger ready.

All nukes which are to be used in case of a nuclear conflict are assembled (mobilized) as soon as the situation deteriorates beyond a certain escalation level. In other terms, they are to be ready before a conflict even starts.
As has been proved over Hundred times and time and again that any tactical nuke whatsoever would result in massive second strike Destroying entire Pakistan from Land, sea, air and underwater... the whole world would back India in that case.

Only a fool would think that the world will back India in this case. The world will intervene to stop the madness that both India and Pakistan want to descend into. I have a hard time believing why the world will back India when her Armoured Columns are the aggressors and are present in the sovereign territory of another State. This is against the principles of International Law, your statements simply defy the field of logic.

All of the Military, Civil and Administrative facilities of Pakistan would be taken out all at once in one go.

And you think India will come out unscathed. Pakistan is in possession of nuclear weapons that number in triple digits, thats more than enough to fry India. The appropriate logic would be that both sides will be exhumed in hot air.

Some people might argue over the option Pakistan has to retaliate with a similar force.. however not going into detail about the quality of the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan.. I would like to open their eyes to the fact that Pakistan lack early warning or satellite surveillance capabilities which means any massive second strike by India would be unknown to them... until the Public watches the white smoke in the sky.

Here's a little fact for you. During the Kargil Skirmish and the build up to 2001, Pakistan was receiving live intelligence and feed from a satellite belonging to a friendly nation. I am not at the liberty of disclosing which nation it was but the fact of the matter is that Pakistan Army does have access to real time satellite feed.

Indian nuclear components are kept in separate storage form, as soon as the signal goes out to start assembling them, this is something you cannot simply hide under the rug considering the fact that the Big 5 will be monitoring everything from the sky.

Hence the tactical nuke idea is nothing but BS... any strike if 1st must be aimed at India's nuclear facilities... as much as they can... at least they would provide some damage before massive Indian 2nd strike wipes them from this dimension.

Tactical nuke in my opinion is a wonderful idea. It stops the war short of a full scale nuclear war. This scenario leaves it upto Indian High Command whether they want to risk frying up 1 billion people for the loss of an Armoured Corp. The biggest flaw in your assumption is that India will come out unscathed. As soon as the tactical nuke is fired, expect the Strategic Command to start assembling our strategic nukes with finger on the trigger. Anyways, you are free to prove me wrong as your analysis is extremely one sided and totally negates what the enemy can do.

Why not have strategic nuke already assembled, prior to firing a tactical nuke?

The assembling of a strategic nuke cannot be hidden from the eye in the sky. The Big 5 will be monitoring the situation closely and they might decide to intervene if Pakistan is seen assembling strategic nukes while India refrains from it.
Tactical nuke in my opinion is a wonderful idea. It stops the war short of a full scale nuclear war.
The ultimate purpose of Pakistani tactical nukes remains: to destroy Lahore in an Indian offensive. Other nuclear responses to Indian aggression do not involve tactical nuclear weapons.

True, the war might not escalate further, since Pakistan is using nukes on its own territory. But, knowing this, how can you continue to classify Pakistan's deployment of a tactical nukes as "a wonderful idea"? Wouldn't agreeing with India to ban the mutual development and deployment of such weapons be a far better idea? Because of the quirks of geography such a move would be to Pakistan's tactical advantage.
Tactical nukes provide two advantages:

1. Deterrence of limited conflicts.
2. Providence of step-wise escalation levels for nuclear response.

So, instead of breaking all hell loose in an attempt to decapitate the enemy by a first strike, some "warning shots" can be used. Here is the million dollar question for Indians who are so fond of "massive retaliation" in reply to any kind of nuclear assault by the enemy:

In a possible scenario being discussed here, does the Indian National Command Authority possess the will to authorize a full-scale nuclear strike on Pakistan, in response to a single tactical nuclear weapon explosion? Provided the fact that majority Pakistan's nuclear weapons are deliverable by Mobile TELs, which can survive a first strike and hit back because of the extreme mobility and that Pakistan's third nuclear leg might already be in place and that there would be massive International Pressure to end the crises after Pakistan uses the tactical option.
Tactical nukes provide two advantages:

1. Deterrence of limited conflicts.
2. Providence of step-wise escalation levels for nuclear response.

Exactly. In Pakistan's specific circumstances tactical nukes do not provide these advantages unless Pakistan can convince its adversary that it is willing to sacrifice Lahore.
Exactly. In Pakistan's specific circumstances tactical nukes do not provide these advantages unless Pakistan can convince its adversary that it is willing to sacrifice Lahore.

What exactly did that comment had to do with Lahore even ambiguously ? Deterrence and level wise escalation of the conflict he mentioned !

Really ? What do you know of the geography of Pakistan and PA's conventional capability to think that IA can reach Lahore in hours and then Pakistan would have to use its tactical nukes on its very own city ? :azn: ... Are you typing under the influence since you posted the very same comment nth time ? :D
Really ? What do you know of the geography of Pakistan and PA's conventional capability to think that IA can reach Lahore in hours and then Pakistan would use its tactical nukes on its very own city ?
In 1965 it didn't take very long for the Indians to reach the outskirts of Lahore, did it? And if you're talking conventional capability then you're not talking about tactical nukes, are you?
The ultimate purpose of Pakistani tactical nukes remains: to destroy Lahore in an Indian offensive. Other nuclear responses to Indian aggression do not involve tactical nuclear weapons.

How did you come up with this conclusion?

Why in the world would Pakistan use a tactical nuke to strike Lahore when the cream of Indian Armoured Core are present in the Thar desert. The tactical nuke is aimed at an Armoured Column and not Mechanized or Infantry troops. Lahore is in Punjab and Punjab serves a natural barrier to any fluid armoured warfare. The terrain, land, topography and the environment serve as a natural barrier to any advancing Indian Armoured Columns. Pakistan will likely use a tactical nuke in the Desert Thar where the environment is fluid and PA and IA will be allowed to slug it out.

True, the war might not escalate further, since Pakistan is using nukes on its own territory. But, knowing this, how can you continue to classify Pakistan's deployment of a tactical nukes as "a wonderful idea"? Wouldn't agreeing with India to ban the mutual development and deployment of such weapons be a far better idea? Because of the quirks of geography such a move would be to Pakistan's tactical advantage.

I fully agree with you. If it was upto us Pakistanis we would have scrapped nuclear weapons long time ago, but it appears that our Indian friends are not ready to give them up. This is why they introduced nuclear weapons in the subcontinent even though they never faced nuclear war against any adversary. Please don't say China as the Chinese never threatened India with their nukes, they were saving their precious nukes for the Big Bad Red Bear. Pakistan had no choice but to follow suit and pursue nuclear weapons as the balance of power would have entirely shifted in India's favour.

In 1965 it didn't take very long for the Indians to reach the outskirts of Lahore, did it? And if you're talking conventional capability then you're not talking about tactical nukes, are you?

This is not 1965, look at the balance of forces now and look at the fortifications that PA have built up.
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