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Will Indians backstab china if China is militarily conflicting with Japan?

First of all India do not belive in Chinese. Chinese are the main reason for Nuclear Pakistan and still they are assisting pakistan by providing arms and ammunations.
Secondly Chinese are cunning, They will show their intentions else where and attack another country. Last month they sudenly moved their armoured brigades towards Vietnam Border and now they are talking war with Japan. Who knows they may have plans to attack India in this guise.
Thirdly Chinese are by nature resource and land grabbing nation just like their strategies in Chinese Checkers.

If China attacks Japan or confronts Japan over Senkaku Islands India should condemn it and India should support Japan in this case. I donot belive 2000 Year Han fake Chinese history, Imperial Japan controlled these Islands and after World war 2 US got them. Recently Japan is reclaiming them and their claims are legitimate.

How can you expect India to side with you or do military exercises when You people are arming Pakistan.

First of all, it is not called senkakus island, but diao yu island. We discover it at least 600years before Japan, and we perform it's right of jurisdiction since Ming Dynasty, this was all recorded in the ancient literature.
Let Pakistan take care of its sovereignty the way it feels appropriate. You may not agree with - please don't.

Yes i agree..Why would i have a problem with it.My intention was to only show the Chinese dude a much clearer picture than what he had.
First of all India do not belive in Chinese. Chinese are the main reason for Nuclear Pakistan and still they are assisting pakistan by providing arms and ammunations.
Secondly Chinese are cunning, They will show their intentions else where and attack another country. Last month they sudenly moved their armoured brigades towards Vietnam Border and now they are talking war with Japan. Who knows they may have plans to attack India in this guise.
Thirdly Chinese are by nature resource and land grabbing nation just like their strategies in Chinese Checkers.

If China attacks Japan or confronts Japan over Senkaku Islands India should condemn it and India should support Japan in this case. I donot belive 2000 Year Han fake Chinese history, Imperial Japan controlled these Islands and after World war 2 US got them. Recently Japan is reclaiming them and their claims are legitimate.

How can you expect India to side with you or do military exercises when You people are arming Pakistan.

Asal masla to ye hai.

This is the actual problem.

And then Indians say to the world - de-link us from Pakistan.

Yes i agree..Why would i have a problem with it.My intention was to only show the Chinese dude a much clearer picture than what he had.

OK .........
When history proves we were never the aggressor wrt to Pakistan............Why is there a need deter and indian attack on Pakistan ?? Sharing Nuke tech and missile tech also comes under the banner ???
Pakistan build it's own nuclear weapon by it's own without our help, will Russian help India developing nuke weapons? Definitely NO!
Sino_indian relationship was a model relationship in human history ..apart from last five decades of mistrust we had cordial relationship ..

There is a proverb "distant hill always looks attractive ".. Japan or for that matter usa does not share border with us ..
It is china which has to initiate policy shift vis a vis india , i am sure india will reciprocate with humility ..
Better relationship with china will have greater effect than say excellent relationship with japan ..we have to live side by side through out our existence .. So there is a immediate need to fill the trust deficit ..
Backstab? that is a wrong word here. Backstabbing is something China did to India or Pakistan and USA keep doing to each others.You should have asked 'will Indians take military advantage if China is conflicting with Japan.'

Definition of backstabbing
the action or practice of criticizing someone in a treacherous manner while feigning friendship.

Coming to the question, I don't think India will do that although I wish India should; to take back Indian territoy, and if possible to help Tibet. China is an enemy.
We are not China to backstab, when somebody is at the weakest.
We have to assure Pakistan has enough firepower to deter India attack , I mean potential attack. This is not showing our hostility toward India, but our admit and responsibility to Pakistan. We did not sigh treaty with Pakistan as of japan With USA.

China should get out of any developement in Pakistan Kashmir as India claim that. Even world respect that.

Diamer-Bhasha: WB links dam
Simply impossible. India's international behavior, our relations with Japan and China, India's internal politics, Indian people's interest in such a conflict, india's military posture - not ONE thing makes the suggested a possibility.
Backstab? that is a wrong word here. Backstabbing is something China did to India or Pakistan and USA keep doing to each others.You should have asked 'will Indians take military advantage if China is conflicting with Japan.'

Definition of backstabbing
the action or practice of criticizing someone in a treacherous manner while feigning friendship.

Coming to the question, I don't think India will do that although I wish India should to take back Indian territoy, and if possible to help Tibet. China is an enemy.
I don't think India is china's enemy, whatever you think. Tibet don't need your help, cause it belongs to people's republic of china. As to who backstab who is no longer important here and won't be figured out as what we told is always not the same story .we need to look forward to the future.
Any attack on Japan, china will face serious consequences from American side. I don't think India will or have too get involved in this foolish act.

Plus this will not happen in near future. I am really happy with china growth and military expansion. But annoyed on other hand everyone taking U.S.A not seriously or lightly when it comes to China.

Keep in mind U.S.A is still the most powerful nation in this world and will remain so for long.

On other day i was doing some research looking at wikipedia not sure how credible it is, but i saw

U.S. has:

F/A-18 Hornet - around 800
F-16 - around 800
F-15 - around 400
F-22 Raptor - around 200

And who know what else they have.

U.S. Air Force plans to buy around 2500 F-35 Lightning..

Unless until u come close to it in numbers or technology its foolish to even compare U.S.A and China military.

oops i forgot to mention US is also a NATO member.

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