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Will Indians backstab china if China is militarily conflicting with Japan?

Indian response will the same she had in Korean war.

A military conflict between China and Japanese will get international with USA joining in.

India's primary objective will be to reduce tensions on both side through diplomacy so that military conflict doesn't become a global war, coming towards India's doorstep
Don't want no war on our doorsteps but yes India will like to draw something for itself from the conflict
Don't want no war on our doorsteps but yes India will like to draw something for itself from the conflict

If you want to gain something through the conflicts, like we should admit South Tibetan belonging to India or what? I really worry lots indian opportunitist will do what happened in 1950s again.
neither India n Japan have very close relations like India n Russia nor we have any intention to unnecessarily derail our economic growth by involving in any military conflict

Secondly, better economic relation with China is more important for India rather than getting involved in other peoples fight

we have already fought many wars n r surrounded by a loving neighnourhood so we r in no mood to create more mess in our neighbourhood :hitwall:
I think India will refrain from interference. Unlike 1971 Chinese behaved responsibly during Kargil conflict but Chinese are getting lot of involvement in Kashmir.
Stupid question. There is no treaty between India and China to support each other or not to attack each other in case or war. So Question of backstabbing China DOES NOT apply here.
Will India government sign the treaty if we bring it up?

I think India will refrain from interference. Unlike 1971 Chinese behaved responsibly during Kargil conflict but Chinese are getting lot of involvement in Kashmir.
We just help Pakistan deter potential India attack , not to help Pakistan overthrow India. Kashmir is the problem between India and Pakistan, its not our business.

Stupid question. There is no treaty between India and China to support each other or not to attack each other in case or war. So Question of backstabbing China DOES NOT apply here.
I change my word backstab to attack, my Fault.
Please discuss

First, lets very briefly analyse as to how a China-Japan military conflict look on ground. Please correct me if I am wrong.

In all likelihood, a war may be initiated because of some disputed Islands.

One of the two may use military strength to strengthen occupation.

Therefore essentially, it will be use of Marines and/or ground landing troops and Navy.

China has around 2 million strong army.

The distance between the two theaters (against India and Northern Eastern China) could be anything between 3500-5000 KMs, depending where the conflict location is.

Will it make any difference on Chinese response capabilities along the Indian theater.

Very limited, if at all.

What would be the objective of Indian military action against China in such an environment. Probably take advantage to Chinese involvement with Japan and retake whole or part thereof, of disputed territory and/or attempt to secede Tibet Autonomous Region from China with internal help.

And if Pakistan also mobilizes its troops, the Indian troops along Pakistani border would be tied down and India would not be able to muster sufficient troops for any meaningful offensive inside Chinese territory, in order to gain undue advantage along the Chinese front.

Considering the odds not favouring Indian offensive design under the circumstances, I really don't think the Indians would probably even attempt such a venture.
If you want to gain something through the conflicts, like we should admit South Tibetan belonging to India or what? I really worry lots indian opportunitist will do what happened in 1950s again.

The so called ''South Tibet'' aka Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of India n is already under Indian control if u didn't knew...:hitwall:

all that India needs to do is develop better infrastucture for easy troop mobility thats all...:coffee:
If you want to gain something through the conflicts, like we should admit South Tibetan belonging to India or what? I really worry lots indian opportunitist will do what happened in 1950s again.

The mishappens of 62 was due to unclear border demarcation thanks to british...........Hence we had no major conflicts..................so whats the issue here for ???
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