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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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What's wrong with Arab? You are a racist yourself man although you have got disappointed by others because "allegedly" they were racists with you. I don't know how to put this, but figuratively, the black people can't be racist with the white ones. You just can't be racist.
You know it all.... PATHANS ARE A WHITE RACE! So does that give me the right to be racist? :blink:

Stay away from our conversation....
So how do you prevent that? For your girls you have these various dress laws. What are the laws that prevent you from oggling our girls?

So how do you prevent that? For your girls you have these various dress laws. What are the laws that prevent you from oggling our girls?

Yes there are instructions for men as well
Ask the Turks on this forum. It is a real problem, and a very dangerous one at that!

The Turks have seen moderation and were not after some crazy/fanatic religious republic idea. Hence the increase in extremism is clearly perturbing them. Turks really know the damage that the Mullahs can do to their country. But unfortunately, it is happening. More everyday. Sad. I really love Turkey the way it is today!!
The Turks have seen moderation and were not after some crazy/fanatic religious republic idea. Hence the increase in extremism is clearly perturbing them. Turks really know the damage that the Mullahs can do to their country. But unfortunately, it is happening. More everyday. Sad. I really love Turkey the way it is today!!
Do you even have the slightest idea of what you are talking about? The increase in extremism? The damage the Mullahs can do? It is happening today? Are you kidding?
1: We don't have "mullahs" in Turkey.
2: There is a decrease in extremism in Turkey.
3: Extremism is when you deny women with scarf entering Universities. It is not extremism when you allow them in. Check your dictionary.

Also if you have no idea about Turkey and its history and people refrain from such moronic posts please.
The Turks have seen moderation and were not after some crazy/fanatic religious republic idea. Hence the increase in extremism is clearly perturbing them. Turks really know the damage that the Mullahs can do to their country. But unfortunately, it is happening. More everyday. Sad. I really love Turkey the way it is today!!

Dude that is not what is happening in Turkey. It is very complicated to explain to an outsider. There are no such "mullahs" in Turkey, who preach hatred.
I do not think it is up to me as a man to pass judgment either way. Take religion out of it. Let a girl dress like the rest of the world does. Or be equal in your enforcement of the rules laid down centuries ago and forbid your men from looking up at any woman. Muslim or non-muslim does not matter. Go through life with head bowed. I don't see your men doing that. No sir. Not even when their black cloaked wives are following meekly one step behind.

You are arguing backwards: you are presupposing that every woman wearing it is subject to coercion and justifying the ban. Any restriction can be justified if argued that way. We have already established that coercion is wrong, just as much as criminalizing it is wrong.

All religious rituals are subject to coercion, whether its peer pressure or direct dogma. Should we criminalize all religious rituals? Or only ones that offend people? Again, who decides what is offensive?
How can the State demand moderation from the mullahs if it itself is repressive in the other extreme by denying individual freedoms?
i am no fond of the governments as they crap to the core. but could you give me an example as i wasnt clear on it.

This is the problem we have in Pakistan where the debate is polarized by both extremes.
But, so called liberal fascists as you are eager to call them, will not impose anytying on anybody , i think you have to recognize it.
You are arguing backwards: you are presupposing that every woman wearing it is subject to coercion and justifying the ban. Any restriction can be justified if argued that way. We have already established that coercion is wrong, just as much as criminalizing it is wrong.

All religious rituals are subject to coercion, whether its peer pressure or direct dogma. Should we criminalize all religious rituals? Or only ones that offend people? Again, who decides what is offensive?

Marriage is a contract between equals. At the very least therefore, if I see a Hijabi walking down the main street with her husband, I would expect the husband not to be checking out everything in swishing skirts passing by.
But, so called liberal fascists as you are eager to call them, will not impose anytying on anybody , i think you have to recognize it.

Yeah, I am waiting for the same acknowledgement. Those, of-the-cuff-remarks by Developereo, in itself are a testament of things to come!
i am no fond of the governments as they crap to the core. but could you give me an example as i wasnt clear on it.

Apparently, in Turkey (and in France), you cannot enter an educational institution while wearing a head scarf. The State is forcing children to chose between their two basic rights: religion and education.
Apparently, in Turkey (and in France), you cannot enter an educational institution while wearing a head scarf. The State is forcing children to chose between their two basic rights: religion and education.
@Turkey has been changed, however, at a cost to the secular foundations of Turkey. Now religious seminaries, funded by you know who.... are propping up.... all over Turkey....., you ask why? I'll tell you why.... because.... @supressed want to get even with the @opressors by eating away at the foundations.........now............. imagine Turkey in 20 years.....

My PoV, never ever mix religion with politics, EVER!
@Turkey has been changed, however, at a cost to the secular foundations of Turkey. Now religious seminaries, funded by you know who.... are propping up.... all over Turkey..... imagine Turkey in 20 years.....
Well you see it is all about supply and demand. You should know better, since apparantly you are a "successful" businessman.
Well you see it is all about supply and demand. You should know better, since apparantly you are a "successful" businessman.


There is no need for anyone to get EVEN with each other. Live in peace and don't confuse religion with state. This way, everyone gets education, and no one has to feel BAD and to be left out. Perfect harmony!

To be more clear:

I like the policies of AKP, where injustices have been removed, HOWEVER, I don't like the vendetta which is being pursued, aggressively, this is alienating the other HALF.

They just need to learn to let go of the past, fix the problems, and move on and focus on economy and development!

Does that clarify where I stand?
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