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Pew Survey: Pakistanis Strongly Believe in Working Hard to Succeed

That's the problem with being hate filled bigot sans all facts.

It takes away the faculties and the person needs to get ever more ridiculous to justify the original ridiculous premise. ;)
Talking about ablution, avg Indian knows nothing about cleanliness. India's rivers have been turned into open sewers by 638 million Indians without access to toilets, according to rural development minister Jairam Ramesh. He was reacting a UNICEF report that says Indians make up 58% of the world population which still practices open defection, and the sense of public hygiene in India is the worst in South Asia and the world.


Haq's Musings: India Leads the World in Open Defecation


India's population control has been done mainly by killing female fetuses and baby girls.

The land of former Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi is killing its daughters by the millions. Economically resurgent India is witnessing a rapid unfolding of a female genocide in the making across all castes and classes, including the upper caste rich and the educated. The situation is particularly alarming among upper-caste Hindus in some of the urban areas of Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, specially in parts of Punjab, where there are only 300 girls for every 1,000 boys, according to Laura Turquet, ActionAid's women's rights policy official.


Haq's Musings: Female Genocide Unfolding in India

Indophobic retardation of epic proportions.

Are you trying to tell us all that drop in Indian fertility rate, which has gone down from 5.87 to 2.63 in the last five decades is attributed to female infanticide. :lol:

Either you must have gone completely bonkers in your Indophobic fantasies, or you must take us for Zaid Hamid audience type to gobble any nonsense you spout. :rofl:

World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance - Google Public Data Explorer

As to jobs, Pakistan has created more jobs for its population than India in the last decade, according to World Bank.


Haq's Musings: India and Pakistan Comparison Update 2011

That brings the question what was state of employment a decade ago in India and Pakistan.

Besides, You have not answered my question.

For the fifth time, what do you call a Pakistani Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer who earns less than Indian code coolie ? :lol:

Are going to make me ask you again for the 6th time? :woot:
Now HDI is wrong! :laugh:

What next ?, Is failed-state index too wrong now? :rofl:

This person is proud when Pakistanis are the second fastest increasing Asian community in USA (escaping to a kaffir country!).

But when Indians are so successful in USA and everywhere, they are "escaping the country".

Even now it is difficult to understand how they programme them in the Madressas!
This person is proud when Pakistanis are the second fastest increasing Asian community in USA (escaping to a kaffir country!).

But when Indians are so successful in USA and everywhere, they are "escaping the country".

Even now it is difficult to understand how they programme them in the Madressas!

He exhibits the same characteristics as that Aryan_B chap.

He spams the thread with outdated data on maladies in India from a blog,

Then when confronted with arguments questioning the data, Raiz too scurries away like a rat escapes into to gutter.

Atleast that Aryan_B chap didn't advertize his own blog.

I'm asking him a question for 5 time yet no positive reply

PS: Why blame a Madrassa for someones Indo-phobic fetish.
But when Indians are so successful in USA and everywhere, they are "escaping the country".

Here's a Times of India story on Indian exaggeration of Indian professionals in US:

It's an Internet myth that has taken on a life of its own. No matter how often you slay this phony legend, it keeps popping up again like some hydra-headed beast.

But on Monday, the Indian government itself consecrated the oft-circulated fiction as fact in Parliament, possibly laying itself open to a breach of privilege. By relaying to Rajya Sabha members (as reported in The Times of India) a host of unsubstantiated and inflated figures about Indian professionals in US, the government also made a laughing stock of itself.

The figures provided by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development Purandeshwari included claims that 38 per cent of doctors in US are Indians, as are 36 per cent of NASA scientists and 34 per cent of Microsoft employees.

There is no survey that establishes these numbers, and absent a government clarification, it appears that the figures come from a shop-worn Internet chain mail that has been in circulation for many years. Spam has finally found its way into the Indian parliament dressed up as fact.

Attempts by this correspondent over the years to authenticate the figures have shown that it is exaggerated, and even false. Both Microsoft and NASA say they don't keep an ethnic headcount. While they acknowledge that a large number of their employees are of Indian origin, it is hardly in the 30-35 per cent range.

In a 2003 interview with this correspondent, Microsoft chief Bill Gates guessed that the number of Indians in the engineering sections of the company was perhaps in the region of 20 per cent, but he thought the overall figure was not true. NASA workers say the number of Indians in the organization is in the region of 4-5 per cent, but the 36 per cent figure is pure fiction.

The number of physicians of Indian-origin in the US is a little easier to estimate. The Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) has 42,000 members, in addition to around 15,000 medical students and residents. There were an estimated 850,000 doctors in the US in 2004. So, conflating the figures, no more than ten per cent of the physicians in US maybe of Indian-origin – and that includes Indian-Americans – assuming not everyone is registered with AAPI.

These numbers in themselves are remarkable considering Indians constitute less than one per cent of the US population. But in its enthusiasm to spin the image of the successful global Indian to its advantage, the government appears to have milked a long-discredited spam - an effort seen by some readers as the work of a lazy bureaucrat and an inept minister.

The story has attracted withering scrutiny and criticism on the Times of India's website, with most readers across the world trashing it. "The minister should be hauled up by the house for breach of privilege of parliament (by presenting false information based on hearsay). We Indians are undoubtedly one of the most successful ethnic groups in USA, be it in Medicine, Engineering, Entrepreneurship. BUT, that does not translate to those ridiculous numbers that have been presented....this is a circulating e-mail hoax," wrote in Soumya from USA, who said he worked at the NASA facility in Ames, California, and the number was nowhere near what was mentioned in the figures given to Parliament.

India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - Times Of India
He exhibits the same characteristics as that Aryan_B chap.

He spams the thread with outdated data on maladies in India from a blog,

Then when confronted with arguments questioning the data, Raiz too scurries away like a rat escapes into to gutter.

Atleast that Aryan_B chap didn't advertize his own blog.

I'm asking him a question for 5 time yet no positive reply

PS: Why blame a Madrassa for someones Indo-phobic fetish.

He is doing what he has been trained for.

And debating is not a skill he has been trained for. ;)


Now the same pathetic post! Ever more ridiculous and pathetic!

No logic and no debating skills. How do they even allow such people in USA?

We all know it is a myth. No Indians here post it or believe it.

Now this is a fact:

Indian Americans, along with other Asian Americans, have one of the highest educational levels of all ethnic groups in the U.S. Almost 67% of all Indians have a bachelor's or high degree (compared to 28% nationally and 44% average for all Asian American groups). Almost 40% of all Indians in the United States have a master’s, doctorate or other professional degree, which is five times the national average.[23][24] Thomas Friedman, in his recent book, The World is Flat, explains this trend in terms of brain drain, whereby the best and brightest elements in India emigrate to the U.S. in order to seek better financial opportunities.

Educational Attainment: 2010[26]

(25 and Older) Ethnicity Bachelor's Degree or Higher
Indian 70.8%
Egyptian 67.2%
Pakistani 53.2%
Bangladeshi 48.6%
Iranian 63.9%
Asian 49.9%
Non-Hispanic White 29.5%
Total US Population 28.2%

Washington: The 1.5 million Indian Americans in the US continue to top the US Census charts as the best-educated, highest-paid and top-placed community among the 38.1 million foreign-born population in the country.

As per a fresh analysis of data on the foreign-born population from the 2007 American Community Survey, 74 percent of Indian-born US residents had bachelor's degree or higher, which was far more than the figure for people born in any other foreign country.

This was also nearly three times the 27 percent of the foreign-born and about 28 percent of the natives having bachelor's degrees, showed the new analysis that was released by the US Census Bureau of the Commerce Department.

These figures come from the new detailed characteristic profiles on the foreign-born population, or people who were not US citizens at birth, available on the basis of their countries of birth.
Here's a Times of India story on Indian exaggeration of Indian professionals in US:

It's an Internet myth that has taken on a life of its own. No matter how often you slay this phony legend, it keeps popping up again like some hydra-headed beast.

But on Monday, the Indian government itself consecrated the oft-circulated fiction as fact in Parliament, possibly laying itself open to a breach of privilege. By relaying to Rajya Sabha members (as reported in The Times of India) a host of unsubstantiated and inflated figures about Indian professionals in US, the government also made a laughing stock of itself.

The figures provided by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development Purandeshwari included claims that 38 per cent of doctors in US are Indians, as are 36 per cent of NASA scientists and 34 per cent of Microsoft employees.

There is no survey that establishes these numbers, and absent a government clarification, it appears that the figures come from a shop-worn Internet chain mail that has been in circulation for many years. Spam has finally found its way into the Indian parliament dressed up as fact.

Attempts by this correspondent over the years to authenticate the figures have shown that it is exaggerated, and even false. Both Microsoft and NASA say they don't keep an ethnic headcount. While they acknowledge that a large number of their employees are of Indian origin, it is hardly in the 30-35 per cent range.

In a 2003 interview with this correspondent, Microsoft chief Bill Gates guessed that the number of Indians in the engineering sections of the company was perhaps in the region of 20 per cent, but he thought the overall figure was not true. NASA workers say the number of Indians in the organization is in the region of 4-5 per cent, but the 36 per cent figure is pure fiction.

The number of physicians of Indian-origin in the US is a little easier to estimate. The Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) has 42,000 members, in addition to around 15,000 medical students and residents. There were an estimated 850,000 doctors in the US in 2004. So, conflating the figures, no more than ten per cent of the physicians in US maybe of Indian-origin – and that includes Indian-Americans – assuming not everyone is registered with AAPI.

These numbers in themselves are remarkable considering Indians constitute less than one per cent of the US population. But in its enthusiasm to spin the image of the successful global Indian to its advantage, the government appears to have milked a long-discredited spam - an effort seen by some readers as the work of a lazy bureaucrat and an inept minister.

The story has attracted withering scrutiny and criticism on the Times of India's website, with most readers across the world trashing it. "The minister should be hauled up by the house for breach of privilege of parliament (by presenting false information based on hearsay). We Indians are undoubtedly one of the most successful ethnic groups in USA, be it in Medicine, Engineering, Entrepreneurship. BUT, that does not translate to those ridiculous numbers that have been presented....this is a circulating e-mail hoax," wrote in Soumya from USA, who said he worked at the NASA facility in Ames, California, and the number was nowhere near what was mentioned in the figures given to Parliament.

India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - Times Of India

That was well known hoax, but as expected from your cherry picking skills.

Let me post the other side of the coin.


and not surprising you were among those numnuts thanking this post, which had no logical backing :lol:


Oh yeah! :D

For the sixth time, what do you call a Pakistani Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer who earns less than Indian code coolie ? :laugh:
It exposes the inadequacy of HDI as a reliable indicator.

HDI ignores somethings as basic as hygiene and hunger.

How else could a nation made up of mostly hungry open defecators be classified higher than any of its neighbors.

Haq's Musings: India Leads the World in Open Defecation

Wow.. Because it disagrees with a delusional mind of a Pakistani oldie, the world wide accepted indicator of UNDP must be flawed.. :rofl:

Arent you the one who goes around the town talking about same UNDP's multi dimensional poverty indicator .. where India does figure lower than Pakistan..

I would have thought that old age would have given you some ability to be subtle about your hypocrisy and try to hide it a little.. But looks like most wanna be haters, you are proud of your hypocrisy .. :lol:
Wow.. Because it disagrees with a delusional mind of a Pakistani oldie, the world wide accepted indicator of UNDP must be flawed.. :rofl:

Arent you the one who goes around the town talking about same UNDP's multi dimensional poverty indicator .. where India does figure lower than Pakistan..

I would have thought that old age would have given you some ability to be subtle about your hypocrisy and try to hide it a little.. But looks like most wanna be haters, you are proud of your hypocrisy .. :lol:

Naked display of Riaz's cognitive dissonance :laugh:
This statement about Punjabis alone as milk drinkers exposes your false flag.

The fact is that milk consumption is at least twice India's in all four provinces of Pakistan....and growing faster.


I stand by my statement about the Punjabis (on both sides of the border) & their dairy-centric food culture.

"The fact is that milk consumption is at least twice India's in all four provinces of Pakistan....and growing faster ": Where is the data to support this claim? The link you have provided is just an advertisement brochure for some multinational company and it does not provide any data about provinces or India......

Try comparing the following:

1) Our Punjab to India's Punjab
2) Our Sindh to India's Gujarat or Rajputana.

Do you see anything? That is the Punjabi-effect of which I was speaking......
I stand by my statement about the Punjabis (on both sides of the border) & their dairy-centric food culture.

"The fact is that milk consumption is at least twice India's in all four provinces of Pakistan....and growing faster ": Where is the data to support this claim? The link you have provided is just an advertisement brochure for some multinational company and it does not provide any data about provinces or India......

Try comparing the following:

1) Our Punjab to India's Punjab
2) Our Sindh to India's Gujarat or Rajputana.

Do you see anything? That is the Punjabi-effect of which I was speaking......


There's very small difference of about 10Kg per capita with Punjab at 180 Kg per person vs Sindh at 170 Kg per person in 2000.....more than twice India's.

See figure 9 in the following report:

This person is proud when Pakistanis are the second fastest increasing Asian community in USA (escaping to a kaffir country!).

But when Indians are so successful in USA and everywhere, they are "escaping the country".

Even now it is difficult to understand how they programme them in the Madressas!

Brain drain has always been a problem for all South Asian countries. Here is the latest World Bank Data for the percentage of all college-educated (tertiary-educated) people of South-Asian countries who are leaving their country of origin.

Brain drain has always been a problem for all South Asian countries. Here is the latest World Bank Data for the percentage of all college-educated (tertiary-educated) people of South-Asian countries who are leaving their country of origin.


An data on how many come back?

There's very small difference of about 10Kg per capita with Punjab at 180 Kg per person vs Sindh at 170 Kg per person in 2000.....more than twice India's.

See figure 9 in the following report:


Punjab 1960: 110 kg
Sindh 1960: 45 kg

Punjab 1972: 80 kg
Sindh 1972: 30 kg

Since then Punjabi settlers having been moving in to occupy Sindh and have changed the demographics.

This statement about Punjabis alone as milk drinkers exposes your false flag.

The fact is that milk consumption is at least twice India's in all four provinces of Pakistan....and growing faster.

Dairy consumption? Punjabis? False-flaggers?

Snap out of it. Pull yourself together. We don't want to descend helplessly into a Pathopsychological state of Paranoia.

You think I am a false-flagger who bears enmity towards the Punjabis? We do have a problem with all this finger-pointing and your posts are not helping. Watch this....

Is pakistan going to break again?/God forbid. - YouTube

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