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Indian Censorship reaction: Cover up of internal failures

What censorship is this ?

Blocking sites which target your own country with malicious &ill intended posts is well within the rights of a Govt. Nations block the air waves and TV channels.

The primary social network sites like FB, twitter etc are untouched.

By those counts we don't target India at all - our target is Pakistani affairs... But were short listed as well. Already Indian commentators are saying this a thinly veiled attempt to cover internal failures. The bulk of the panic that occurred was due to internal SMS that were circulated.

FB, twitter, and youtube were sent notices, the rest were not. its not like they were untouched either.

The primary diff between India & China is that there is we have chronic instability while they do not.

As a nation we need to look after ourselves first. This ' chalta Hai' approach has led us to this situation where ppl sitting miles away can create turbulence within us.

Firm measures are needed - pro actively.

Famous last words - all subsequent words were censored :)
The primary diff between India & China is that there is we have chronic instability while they do not.

As a nation we need to look after ourselves first. This ' chalta Hai' approach has led us to this situation where ppl sitting miles away can create turbulence within us.

Firm measures are needed - pro actively.

Then we can start with banning private news channels and be DD be the sole provider of news in this country.

Again I ask you why should the whole nation suffer for the problems of a few?
By those counts we don't target India at all - our target is Pakistani affairs... But were short listed as well. Already Indian commentators are saying this a thinly veiled attempt to cover internal failures. The bulk of the panic that occurred was due to internal SMS that were circulated.
FB, twitter, and youtube were sent notices, the rest were not. its not like they were untouched either.
Famous last words - all subsequent words were censored :)

Can you for sure reject that there could have been SMS' inspired by the online content, it's not really so impractical, such acts can indeed have a exponential growth.
India blocks more than 250 Web sites for inciting hate, panic - The Washington Post

India blocked about 250 Web sites and social networking sites Monday, accusing them of spreading inflammatory content that triggered panic among thousands of workers and students from the country’s eight northeastern states last week.

The government’s blame list ranged from Facebook to fundamentalist Pakistani sites, Twitter to text messages, and Google to YouTube videos. Authorities also barred the sending of text messages to more than five people at a time for two weeks.

Thousands of people from northeastern India fled several cities in the south and west of the country last week after text messages circulated warning that they faced reprisal attacks from Muslims over recent ethnic clashes in the northeastern state of Assam.

The government said a number of Web sites had deliberately tried to inflame passions, hosting morphed videos of violence against Muslims in Burma and asserting that they were filmed in Assam. The images went viral and provoked riots by Muslim residents of Mumbai just over a week ago.

“We have blocked a number of sites. We have also identified a number of sites which were uploaded from Pakistan,” Home Secretary R. K. Singh told reporters in New Delhi on Monday.

Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik has asked India for evidence about the alleged Pakistani Web sites, which Singh said he would share.

Although some analysts said the curbs were justified because the sites posed a threat to public order, others said the actions were a knee-jerk response from a weak government unable to effectively assuage the concerns of its frightened citizens.

“This is a government that is trying to hide its incompetence by blaming everybody but unwilling to look at itself for failure to protect its citizens,” said a government official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to talk to the media.

Others said that by cracking down on Web sites and social media, the government was dodging the deeper issue of the racism and alienation felt by many people from the northeastern states, who are routinely denigrated by their fellow Indians for supposedly being more Chinese or Southeast Asian in appearance.

But India’s relationship with Internet freedom has become increasingly troubled.

In the past year, the government has locked horns with Google, Yahoo and Facebook, as well as with local activists and bloggers, over censorship and content screening. Analysts then accused the government of trying to silence middle-class critics at the height of a national anti-corruption movement.

The government has been holding public meetings on proposed rules to prohibit Web sites and service providers from hosting information that could be regarded as “harmful,” “blasphemous” or “insulting.”

Last year, India topped the list of countries that routinely ask Internet companies to remove content, according to the Google Transparency Report.

Although Internet penetration is still low in India, the country has the third-largest number of Web users in the world, with more than 100 million people accessing the Internet. A new report says that Indians spend one in every four minutes online visiting social networking sites.

Some free-speech activists fear the events of last week may have provided the government the justification it was seeking to increase Web censorship.

“I have fears that the present situation should not cause a disproportionate response which affects freedom of speech online,” said Apar Gupta, a lawyer and advocate for free speech online. “Historically, a national security argument is very tough to dislodge the competing interests of freedom of speech.”

Other advocates of Internet freedom say the government is justified in the crackdown but could have opted for a more nuanced approach.

“A blanket ban does not necessarily lead to a reduction in the circulation of rumors because people become more vulnerable in a communication vacuum,” said Sunil Abraham, executive director of the Center for Internet and Society, an advocacy group based in the southern city of Bangalore, which experienced a mass exodus of frightened northeasterners last week.

Abraham said the government sent out broad instructions to Web sites to block all hate speech, without giving specific definitions or examples. “The government could have done this in a more sophisticated manner, like putting up banner notices on Facebook and Twitter; blocking text messages that had certain key words; or warning the sites to proactively dismantle some content.”

The Indian Department of Electronics and Information Technology said in a statement Monday that it had been working with international social networking sites on the issue but that “a lot more and quicker action is expected from them to address such a sensitive issue.”

A Google India official said that “content intended to incite violence is prohibited on YouTube, and we act quickly to remove such material flagged by our users.”

My very best to all Indians in fighting this scourge of censorship.
Then we can start with banning private news channels and be DD be the sole provider of news in this country.

Again I ask you why should the whole nation suffer for the problems of a few?

so acc to u northeast india's problem is not india's problem?
Can you for sure reject that there could have been SMS' inspired by the online content, it's not really so impractical, such acts can indeed have a exponential growth.

You can create any number of domains right now and publish content. The internet is open the general public. We cannot prevent posting of content from general public, only act after the fact and minimize it.

So its mostly just stupid the way Indian government is reacting and as Indian commentators have pointed out its, its all about shifting the focus from its own failure to prevent riots, its own failures of alienating large sections of its population, its shifting the blame to some internet forums.
My very best to all Indians in fighting this scourge of censorship.

This statement of yours is extremely biased, without even knowing which sites, you have declared censorship as unreasonable...
Kamal hai..aaj sab Pakistani Bhai log ko India main censorship ki badi chinta hai... Kabhi thoda apne dash ke liye bi soch liya karo.....
This statement of yours is extremely biased, without even knowing which sites, you have declared censorship as unreasonable...

Defence.pk was blocked according to some of our Indian members here. Who bypassed the blockade to report it to us.

Which immediately tells me how honest this blockade really is.
You can create any number of domains right now and publish content. The internet is open the general public. We cannot prevent posting of content from general public, only act after the fact and minimize it.

So its mostly just stupid the way Indian government is reacting and as Indian commentators have pointed out its, its all about shifting the focus from its own failure to prevent riots, its own failures of alienating large sections of its population, its shifting the blame to some internet forums.

To some I agree but you cannot generalise to all the sites... Regarding failures, this is quite common and does not mean that steps are just for covering up...

Defence.pk was blocked according to some of our Indian members here. Who bypassed the blockade to report it to us.

Which immediately tells me how honest this blockade really is.
I have reported it myself, so was many site last time like pirate bay and torrent.eu, our courts took care of it by ruling that specific links could be blocked but not the entire sites... It will happen for defence.pk too, give it some time...

You cannot expect them to scan the complete site that soon and make a fair case every time... They found some objectionable content and blocked..
I do not concur

I think the Govt is doing the right thing.

Next time don't criticize cs is Chinese government..or Iran's internet censorship..

However assam's population is too poor to spend hours in front of the computer browsing internet..
the problem is diferent that what the \\\indian government is trying to show the world....

To some I agree but you cannot generalise to all the sites... Regarding failures, this is quite common and does not mean that steps are just for covering up...

I read everyday on the internet that "Pakistan's nuclear arsenel is unsafe" and terrorists can snatch the atomic bomb and shoot them ob people..
But i dont see any mass exodus from any part of Pakistan based on this
Next time don't criticize cs is Chinese government..or Iran's internet censorship..

However assam's population is too poor to spend hours in front of the computer browsing internet..
the problem is diferent that what the \\\indian government is trying to show the world....

I read everyday on the internet that "Pakistan's nuclear arsenel is unsafe" and terrorists can snatch the atomic bomb and shoot them ob people..
But i dont see any mass exodus from any part of Pakistan based on this

where will pakistanis go?
Next time don't criticize cs is Chinese government..or Iran's internet censorship..

However assam's population is too poor to spend hours in front of the computer browsing internet
the problem is diferent that what the \\\indian government is trying to show the world....

Assamese are generally more mobile phone savvy than many in India, that is a fact I have observed...

I read everyday on the internet that "Pakistan's nuclear arsenel is unsafe" and terrorists can snatch the atomic bomb and shoot them ob people..
But i dont see any mass exodus from any part of Pakistan based on this
comparing apples and oranges... There is morphed content being passed around of imaginary events which are happening not something which might happen.. There is a big difference...
GoI needs to address the problem rather than shifting blame on Pakistan, in an attempt to unite the populace. Banning the websites is not an efficient tool either since the ban can easily be overridden through proxies.
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