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The Difference Between Muslims and Sikhs.. Misses the Point

You are exaggerating. Your comments seem to suggest that Sikhs have an anti-Muslim agenda and and are now trying to take advantage of this calamity by mounting an anti-Muslim attack. While some victims and Sikh community leaders in the media have sought to differentiate themselves from Muslims, its unfair to say all have toed the same line of argument.

There are many others who have come on TV and talked of the peaceful and good aspects of the religion and its followers in the US, which is the right thing to do. But you have clearly chosen to disregard it.

it actually tells the extreme cowardice of people who ever they are
Romney calls Sikhs "Sheiks"

U.S. Republican Party presidential candidate Mitt Romney confused the word "Sikh" and "Sheik" when speaking to supporters in Iowa.
He was expressing his condolences to the families of those killed in the shooting at the Sikh temple in Wisconsin. However, he called the place a "Temple of the Sheik’s."

Romney added that "The Sheik people, as well as their religion, are one of the most peaceful."

A spokesman for the Republican, Rick Hill, explained that the politician was just tired and incorrectly used words that are similar in pronunciation.

German eh?

Yep, with due diligence and a dark sense of humor.

But it also doesn't hurt to know what's going on on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. :usflag:

I mean, this for example is so awful, Obama boot licking an Indian politician:

Obama Calls Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Over Wisconsin Shooting
Racially motivated crimes are usually crimes of opportunity, very much like petty theft, meaning that the perpetrator will seek out the nearest target of a racial perspective and commit.

My take -- I doubt that this man is confused between a Sikh and a muslim. The Sikh temple just happened to be the most visible and largest congregation of 'aliens' nearby.
The killer was a NEO-NAZI.

To those guys, all non-white people are the problem.

He was an Army Veteran, do you think he couldn't tell the difference between Muslims and Sikhs? He checked out the place multiple times while planning his attack.

The point is he didn't care.
If they cant differentiate btw sikhs and muslims despite listening every day about war, muslims, islam etc then i can only say in sure that they are the most foolish people on planet.
Fact is they are the most racist people in this earth hiding their terrorism in the way they want
Not really...
They are just telling "we are not Muslims"..
Hell lot of difference in that and saying "See he is a Muslim"

See the difference between green and the red....
So your image doesnt put it very correctly.... :coffee:

You are missing the point entirely. Instead of focusing on "we are not Muslims", the debate should be about "we are all Americans". The ideology that drove the shooter was against anyone who is not white. He could have killed hispanics or Muslims (who are also hispanics, white, asian etc. etc.), or Hindus or Jews.

Because of this act, I would suggest that all minorities in the US are "Sikhs" today. Anyone of them could have been targeted. So to differentiate by saying "we are not Muslims" tends to send a message, don't bother with us, we are not the ones you should be targeting. Instead of condemning this entire hate movement that cares for no one but the White race (and fortunately, most White people do not adhere to this fringe mentality).

If they cant differentiate btw sikhs and muslims despite listening every day about war, muslims, islam etc then i can only say in sure that they are the most foolish people on planet.
Fact is they are the most racist people in this earth hiding their terrorism in the way they want

DM one point and I have to pick on your statement, although you may not have meant it this way. The shooter's logic is probably not too different than yours. See you start off with war, then tie in Muslims and then Islam. That in itself is a problematic line of thinking. Those involved in fighting are less than 1% of the entire Muslim population of 1.4-1.6B people. However as is the case with your statement, he probably figured, non-white, foreigner, (Muslim, Jew, Hindu etc. etc.), all the same.
No body wants to associate with muslims. Sikh's are miss understood of being muslims. they are making it clear.
Whats wrong in it..

Not all people are smart. Even Bush confused with shia sunni.

Well whatever but this is the message for peaceful Sikhs from the skinheads like the killer.

“Take your dead and go back to India and dump their ashes in the Ganges, Sikhs,” wrote Alex Linder, the foul-mouthed neo-Nazi who operates the racist website Vanguard News Network (VNN), on his forum. “You don’t belong here in the country my ancestors fought to found, and deeded to me and mine, their posterity. Even if you came here legally, and even if you haven’t done anything wrong personally. Go home, Sikhs. Go home to India where you belong. This is not your country, it belongs to white men.”

White supremacists react to Sikh massacre | Southern Poverty Law Center

Now what are your views about such people. They don't care whether you are muslim or sikh or hindu. They want you to get lost from their country and go to hell.
^^^ Exactly. If Sikhs think they are not a target of Neo-Nazis, and that they will somehow benefit to pointing out the actual Muslims instead, they are wrong.

Neo-Nazis could not care less about such differences.

CNN PRODUCER NOTE amandak41 posted this photo of her daughter, Harpreet, who is starting college this fall and wanted to send a message to the public. Harpreet posted the photo on Facebook and Twitter, and her mother sent it to CNN.

Harpreet told us: 'With this image I wanted to let my community know that yes my skin is brown and my hair is dark but that does not make me and my family muslims or terrorist, and we are just as American as the people that immigrated here when America was first established.

'In this small community that I live in, most people are small minded, they do not see anything further then the city limits, or the church on the corner. Most believe that there should be no other way other then the Christian way of living. I am not saying that they are wrong because just like me they have the right to believe in anything that satisfies them, but they do not need to say others are wrong for believing in other things.'

Hear Harpreet in her own words, and see other testimonials from Sikhs around the country.
- dsashin, CNN iReport producer

One Young Sikh Voice - CNN iReport.

WOW....I am speechless.
Sikhs have a history of mudering Muslims and serving the white man. This mentality is still with them. I'm not sure why you are shocked socom.
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