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The Difference Between Muslims and Sikhs.. Misses the Point

How many muslims will say something different if they were mistaken for jews and attacked?

We would defend the Jews and go after the racists.


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These muslims(read Pakistanis) should be feeling guilty for letting the Sikhs pay the price for mistakes done by people of their community.

Chal bai chal. Get lost and come back when you can control your hate for others.
Even if they don't call themselves Indian. It take a lot of efforts to elicit information that they are Pakistani. Most of them just don't answer and evade. This is my personal experience.

Whats is your point? Pakistan = Islam/Muslims. Many Americans have never met a Muslim and the only knowledge of Muslims they have had is from the news. And the news ONLY gives attention to the radical individuals. And the news makes it appear that ALL Muslims are like this.

Thus majority of Americans feel that ALL Muslims are terrorists. In U.S. Islam and Muslim has a severe negative connotation associated with it.

U.S.A. since 9/11 is not a Muslim friendly country, whether it be government/civillian/media or otherwise.

Islamaphobia also is rampant in the U.S. Congress.

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But Pakistanis, Indonesians, African Muslims, Iranians, Afgans, Arabs, Turks can blend in to society which is why you hardly see any attacks on Muslims in U.S. The same can't be said for you indians as you people have dark brown skin and sick out in the crowd and are often mistaken as "media Arabs." Which is why you people have to go on media campaigns to say you aren't Muslim.
what's wrong in it ? The sikhs consider them as shameful to be identified with muslims.. They have their own honour !!
I see the point the article is trying to make and I think it is right but I also think it is fair for the Sikh community to try and rais awarenss of their own religion. Sikhs have litteraly fought for hundreds of years to differentiate themselves from all other religions, Sikhs are welcoming of all regardless of faith but are a proud people who deserve to have their own identity recognized. The bigger issue is that because of ignorance too many in the West fail to see the differences between Sikhs and Muslims and this hurts as they are robbing Sikhs of their own culture and blaming Sikhs, wrongly, for the crimes of others. As a Sikh I am all to familiar with this and it is more than a little insulting to be robbed of your own proud culture, identity and history. Of course it would be equally as sad for a Mosque to have been targeted in this way but for Sikhs to be targeted through nothing else but pure ignorance is so wrong. The fact is time an again Sikhs are targeted out of pure ignorance because they are perceived to be Muslims Sikhs have been murdered and Gurdwaras burnt down because they are thought to be Mosques. It is like these idiots targetting Jews or Hindus for thiniking they were somehow Muslims.

Sikhs in the West should have the right to their own identidy and not constantly be mistaken for Muslims. Or anescestors fought and died for this right and our religion it is criminal that people in the 21st still can't tell the difference between a Sikh and Muslim.

Sikhs aren't saying kill the Muslims but are saying stop attacking us because you think we are Muslims.
I see the point the article is trying to make and I think it is right but I also think it is fair for the Sikh community to try and rais awarenss of their own religion. Sikhs have litteraly fought for hundreds of years to differentiate themselves from all other religions, Sikhs are welcoming of all regardless of faith but are a proud people who deserve to have their own identity recognized. The bigger issue is that because of ignorance too many in the West fail to see the differences between Sikhs and Muslims and this hurts as they are robbing Sikhs of their own culture and blaming Sikhs, wrongly, for the crimes of others. As a Sikh I am all to familiar with this and it is more than a little insulting to be robbed of your own proud culture, identity and history. Of course it would be equally as sad for a Mosque to have been targeted in this way but for Sikhs to be targeted through nothing else but pure ignorance is so wrong. The fact is time an again Sikhs are targeted out of pure ignorance because they are perceived to be Muslims Sikhs have been murdered and Gurdwaras burnt down because they are thought to be Mosques. It is like these idiots targetting Jews or Hindus for thiniking they were somehow Muslims.

Sikhs in the West should have the right to their own identidy and not constantly be mistaken for Muslims. Or anescestors fought and died for this right and our religion it is criminal that people in the 21st still can't tell the difference between a Sikh and Muslim.

Sikhs aren't saying kill the Muslims but are saying stop attacking us because you think we are Muslims.

This post is contradicting beyond imagination.

Identifying the problem as “mistaken identity” is just plain wrong. “Mistaken identity” implies that there is a “correct” target, and it further implies that hate violence should rightfully be directed at Muslims. This is absolutely unacceptable.

“Mistaken identity” also misses the bigger picture; violence against Muslim, sikh, and anyone else is in any form is unacceptable.

Additionally you people are missing the bigger picture here. You people are assuming the shooter mistook the sikhs for Muslims without any clear evidence to back this up. The naiveness; the arrogantness in thinking that no one could possibly have any ill will towards them, and that they are perfectly acceptable in all parts of the world is a typical indian trait and is beyond anyone's imagination. You people cannot get over the fact that you aren't liked and treated equally everywhere. Thus going on a media Muslim mistaken identity spree only serves to suit your kinds infeority complexes.
The shooter was a white supremacist and it clearly said "Sikh temple" outside the building. The shooter was also military intelligence, which suggests he probably knew the difference and just wanted to kill non-whites.

BUT, Sikhs have every right to differentiate themselves from the Muslim community, but to think that this was mistaken identity is wrong

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