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Why are germans so anti Turk..

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Couple of reasons:

1) Turks don't integrate that well in Germany. Difficulties with education and work.
2) Turks are relatively speaking overrepresented in criminal statistics.
3) Friction between different cultures.
4) Racism.

Yes i admit a average PERSIAN integrates in germany (not iranian) compared to us. But thats because the turk in eu are easterners in the villages not an Izmir liberal or an Ankara intellectual or an istanbul cosmoplitan.
You indians are so luck. Tucked away in the pacific and the south asian regions simply mind your own business. In turkey we deal with narrow minded arabs, racist persians, attacks from the far right in the EU. If India swapped Turkeys geographical position would you do so? :-D

Grass is greener........ for us arabs, iranis and europeans seem quite resonable people. :)
Yes i admit a average PERSIAN integrates in germany (not iranian) compared to us. But thats because the turk in eu are easterners in the villages not an Izmir liberal or an Ankara intellectual or an istanbul cosmoplitan.

Thats right indeed. You can't expect that people who were brought from small villages to a completely different world and wouldn't face difficulties in that integration process.
A comment in the article you sent says that they are mostly Kurds. What do you think about it?

Could be, but it's hard to find any source for that. From my experience those criminals are both Kurds and Turks.
Thats right indeed. You can't expect that people who were brought from small villages to a completely different world and wouldn't face difficulties in that integration process.

I think the main reason why Persian are better of in a western society is the hatered of theocray and religion and politics put together. Something we turks granted for..
Damn when i read you people i realize how low some are. You don't even embrace your own people and then come here and talk about your love for your country. I am sorry to bring you this amazing news, but Turkey's population consists of at least 90% Muslims. That islamophobes have gathered here doesn't mean you represent Turkey.

Coming to the matter in question. There are many factors for racism, here are few:
1: Turks in Germany are relatively uneducated compared to the native German. Hence they remain isolated in their little own community, and not much integration happens. The first workers who came to Germany to work did not learn Germany's langauge because of Germany DID NOT do anything about this. They just wanted workers in their factories. Hence the failure in integration goes both ways, but the state has a bigger share in its failure than the community.
2: The ongoing demonizing of Islam and Muslims on the media helps boost racism against Muslims as a whole and not just Turks.
3: Some people in Germany still continue their nazistic legacy, hence Turks being the biggest minority are often targeted for hate crimes and racist abuses.

Lastly, the ones who call Turks in Europe yobaz are themselves yobaz in the highest degree. My generation in Europe is way above the young Turks in Turkey when we talk about education, experience and multilingual capacity. That is thanks to Turkey's failure in higher education. Which is a proven fact.

Edit: Our parents may have come from poor environments in Turkey but their children have not. Remember this yobaz
Rapid reproduction of Turks :coffee:
Could be, but it's hard to find any source for that. From my experience those criminals are both Kurds and Turks.
To the average German...a Turk from Turkey and a Kurd from Turkey would be a "Turk",
To the average German...a Turk from Turkey and a Kurd from Turkey would be a "Turk",

That is why i'm wondering the numbers... Because Kurds in Turkey also has higher criminal records compared to Turks.
To the average German...a Turk from Turkey and a Kurd from Turkey would be a "Turk",

That's the case with Indians also, many westerns could not distinguish between regional cultures of India and think every Indian speak Hindi.
such a stupid Question !!!

everybody knows that what does it mean : Racism

Ya ! they want U OUT !!!

it is clear ...

young germans want job ! you know what i mean :coffee:
Turks and Persians lack the east asian work ethics. We need such a work ethics to give us a good name.
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