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Nearly 80 killed as Pakistan bombs madrassa

Sounds kind of a flimsy excuse. If there was no ban, then there was no ban. If some reporter was stopped then he probably didn't play his game right. All reporters are stopped EVERYWHERE.

Try getting close to Beyonce to ask a question or two...
Sounds kind of a flimsy excuse. If there was no ban, then there was no ban. If some reporter was stopped then he probably didn't play his game right. All reporters are stopped EVERYWHERE.

Try getting close to Beyonce to ask a question or two...

its not journalist's job to play games. Their job is to report facts as they see them on the ground. Proclaiming no ban...but enforcing it by people on the ground are tactics of people who have something exceptionally shameful to hide.
Every journalist has to jump through hoops to get the story. The story just doesn't come to his or her lap.

Only this guy was banned while all the others with cameras managed to go in early after the attack and then as with the bbc guy, even later?
Al-Zawahri past visitor to Pakistani madrasa

By Anwarullah Khan

KHAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Al Qaeda Number Two Ayman al-Zawahri was a past visitor to a madrasa destroyed by a Pakistan Army helicopter attack, but he was not there when the missiles struck on Monday, senior Pakistani security officials said.

Several other al Qaeda luminaries had passed through the religious school run by pro-Taliban cleric Maulana Liaqatullah, who was killed in the airstrike along with around 80 of his followers, the officials told reporters a day after the attack.

Among the other known militants to have frequented the madrasa at Chenagai village, near the Afghan border in the Bajaur tribal region of northwest Pakistan, was Abu Obaida al-Misri.

An Egyptian, like Zawahri, al-Misri was identified as the mastermind of a plot to blow up U.S.-bound airliners flying from London's Heathrow airport that was foiled earlier this year.

The officials say he was a mentor to Rashid Rauf, a British Muslim arrested in Pakistan in August, who was said to be a key figure in the conspiracy.

No major militant figure was believed to have been present when the army attacked, and orders for the assault were given in anticipation that the militants were about to be sent to fight -- possibly to launch suicide attacks on NATO and Afghan forces.

"The madrasa was under surveillance since July when the activity started picking up pace," said a senior official.

Last January, a CIA-operated Predator missile attack targeted Zawahri in Bajaur's Damadola village near the Afghan border.

Intelligence officials said a handful of al Qaeda operatives at a parley hosted by Liaqatullah were killed. But Zawahri was a no-show and reports that al-Misri was killed proved incorrect.

The Pakistan government had been trying to persuade militant tribesmen to agree peace terms along the lines of accords brokered earlier in the two most restive tribal regions -- North and South Waziristan.

But officials said Liaqatullah and his comrade Maulana Faqir Mohammad, who rallied fighters at the site of the destroyed madrasa immediately after the attack, ignored all warnings.

The officials showed reporters aerial footage shot through a night vision lens of rows of men exercising before daybreak, just an hour before the missiles struck the compound.


Tribesmen said the dead, mostly young men aged between 15 and 25, were merely students. But, President Pervez Musharraf, speaking at a seminar in Islamabad, said they were all militants.

"We know who they were. They were doing military training," Musharraf said.

More than 15,000 armed tribesmen protested against the attack in Khar, Bajaur's main town, and Islamist politicians stoked anti-Western and anti-Musharraf sentiment among ethnic Pashtuns in several towns around North West Frontier Province.

Nowhere is Musharraf's alliance with the United States more unpopular than in the Pashtun tribal belt straddling the Pakistan-Afghan border.

The tribesmen in Khar showed their loyalty with shouts of "Long Live Osama" and "Long Live Mullah Omar."

"Our jihad will continue and God willing, people will go to Afghanistan to oust American and British forces," Maulana Faqir Mohammad, a pro-Taliban cleric, told the crowd of turbaned tribals, many carrying Kalashnikovs and wearing bandoliers, and a few shouldering rocket launchers.

A mountainous region that is difficult to access, Bajaur lies across from the eastern Afghan province of Kunar, where U.S. troops are hunting al Qaeda and Taliban militants.

In contrast to Waziristan, the army has so far not put troops on the ground in Bajaur, though they man border posts there.

Islamist politicians said the attack on the school was really carried out by a U.S. Predator drone aircraft, but Pakistan's military spokesman and a U.S. spokesman in Kabul denied it.

"The entire operation was carried out by our forces. All resources including intelligence was our own," Major-General Shaukat Sultan said, though officials said the intelligence came from various sources.

Some one said that they want madrassaras to be cloesd down.

Frankly, iam with that person, as much as we as muslims would hate to do it, these days, people like bin laden are using islam as their sheilds and are disgracing us muslims around the world. What's sad it that sometimes, some extermists madrassas teach that too. And in islam we are told to gain knowledge, gain knowledge till the day we die, weather you're are male of a female. So if instead of madrassas, we teach islam in public schools, people will not only learn about their religon but also worldy eduction, and when they would compare islam with things like scince, ecomany, etc, they all would relise that islam is a true religon and not that extermist, backward religon the western media tells us.
U can't close a madrassa, because our future religious leaders are trained their, yes some might go over board, so aswell as christians, it's kind of amazing cause in the minor signs of ahadith, it says a time will come when people will gather for prayer and their will be no one to lead it, and a lie will be seen as telling the trurth and the person telling the truth as a lier, i don't need to bring a link just go and goolge minor signs of day of judgement, so bother plz open ur eyes, these kids come and learn the quran, by heart in madrassas, don't act like a west retard religon comes first no matter what, this life is for the kufars let them enjoy this life, our turn to enjoy life will come in the afterlife in'shallah. So don't talk this rubbish of clossing the madrassas, these kufars are affraid of muslims and it states that in the quran. they just want us divided, so don't let this get to u.
And most of all America bought this **** on to themselves, if they had good policies and not one sided, these problems wouldn't have happened, so don't blame religious people...all these world events have been building up, as muslims out goal is to support another muslim without any question during Jihad aganist kufars!
Some one said that they want madrassaras to be cloesd down.

Frankly, iam with that person, as much as we as muslims would hate to do it, these days, people like bin laden are using islam as their sheilds and are disgracing us muslims around the world. What's sad it that sometimes, some extermists madrassas teach that too. And in islam we are told to gain knowledge, gain knowledge till the day we die, weather you're are male of a female. So if instead of madrassas, we teach islam in public schools, people will not only learn about their religon but also worldy eduction, and when they would compare islam with things like scince, ecomany, etc, they all would relise that islam is a true religon and not that extermist, backward religon the western media tells us.

Well said Thunder, I second that.

For the sake of Islam, close these madrassah's before they cause more damage to this great religion.
then how will u learn islam, that where it's learned u can't close them...and they wouldn't be closed.

and most of all u think u can learn islam on ur own yes u can but not everything sunna and ahdith are thought their...

stop acting like a kufar
And Neo I don't think ur a muslim so u shouldn't comment on this if u are talk to ur parents cause u might have some mental problems.
then how will u learn islam, that where it's learned u can't close them...and they wouldn't be closed.

and most of all u think u can learn islam on ur own yes u can but not everything sunna and ahdith are thought their...

I went to a modern private school in Karachi and learned everything on 'Islamiyaat' including the Holy Qu'an teachings there.

stop acting like a kufar
Most madrassa'h's today are being misused by deranged warriors like Mullah Omar and others like him.
That's what I call kufr!
Madrassah should be a secular institute to teach religion and its wisdom instead of brainwashing fundamentalists to get them ready for sueside terrorist attacks in the name of Jihad. :disagree:
Excellent Reply Neo brother. Yes Madrassahs should provide religious education rather than encouraging people for murder across Pakistan. If they provided only religous education it would save the name of Islam and Pakistan.
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