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Sheikh Mujib's birth history

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1. In 1923 Bhandaria was neither a PS nor a PO. It was under Pirojpur PO&PS of Bakerganj Distt. That was the official name of Barisal then. This is a bogus document.

2. Sheikh resembles his late father, late brother Sk Nasser and the whole extended family have a remarkable resemblance with each other.

3. Let us sit back and consider coolly who is to benefit by creating controversy about a person declared as Father of the Nation? Who is to gain by maligning this lofty institution of BD? One after other all our great leaders and heroes are being character assassinated so that a vital pillar of the nation is weakened.

4. Sheikh was no angel. He had many faults/defects not unknown to men who rise in power. But for the sake of the nation's health, security, progress and even existence we need to protect him.

5. However, we need to highlight the facts truthfully as they occurred. If the Sheikh had told the truth that he never wanted to breakaway from Pakistan at that time and in that fashion, then the things would be different. But Sk Moni was openly calling him a Razakar. Gen Uban warned him not to tell the truth but to go along with BAL official line of declaration of independence, etc. Under no circumstances would India allow to show that he still supports the Two Nation Theory.

You are right. I was watching a holud trailer of the daughter of 1st cousin of Shaikh Mujibor Rahman. I was quite surprised they resemble almost same to each other. It points out that the story was completely fabricated.

It seems like the act of some Pakistani/Jammati or BNP supporter the same way some low life BAL supporter spreading lots of lie and scandal regarding Begum Khaleda Zia and her past.

As a Bangladeshi we may have difference with political parties but spreading or posting this sort of hoax is nothing but showing of low level of mentality.

I request mod to delete the thread as it has no relation to any business/ defense or foreign relation nor with politics.
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I saw some one mention in an earlier post that both Mujib and Bhutto's mothers were Hindu by birth. So I got a little curious and started searching. That is when found that dailydeshbangla website was hacked by Burmese hackers. But I found this info in other websites:

Mother Name of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Sayera Khatun
In early nineteen twenties, one Mr. Chandi Das was a practicing lawyer in the Civil Court at Kolkata. He had a young beautiful daughter named Gouribala Das. One Mr. Aronnyo Kumar Chakravarti was working as a junior assistant to Mr. Chandi Das. Mr. Chakravarti had a free access to Mr. Das's residence at his will and used to visit the family frequently. In the process he developed intimate personal illicit relationship with Gouribala. Consequentially, Gouribala became pregnant. When pregnancy was confirmed Gouribala and her father started pressing hard on Mr. Chakravarti to get married. But Mr. Chakravarti being a high cast Brahmin was not only outraged and flatly denied his illicit relationship but audaciously refused to marry Gouribala who belonged to a lower cast. He also disowned the claim that the child was sired by him. Such behavior from Mr. Chakravarti came as a rude shock to the entire family particularly to Mr. Das and he became seriously ill thinking about the ill fate of his beloved daughter's future.
Finally, Gouribala gave birth to a son on 12.12.1920. The son was named after Mr. Aronnyo Kumar Chakravarti as Dev Das Chakravarti. Thereafter, Mr. Das persistently kept on requesting Mr. Aronnyo to accept Gouribala as his wife and Dev Das as his son but of no avail. In this melee the boy became three years old.
At that time, having no way out Mr. Das begged Mr. Sheikh Luthfur Rahman, his Muhuri (Document Writer) to marry Gouribala. The obedient Muhuri obliged Mr. Das and married Gouribala after she and begotten son Dev Das, sired by Mr. Chakravarti got converted into Islam taking the Muslim names Sahera Begum and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accordingly.
An affidavit No118 dated 10.11.1923, was registered with the Kolkata Magistrate Court in this regard.

Big question is would india release this affidavit No118 dated 10.11.1923, was registered with the Kolkata Magistrate Court? Or india will use it to blackmail Sheikh Mujib family and his cult?
Without higher level of IQ and intelligence nobody can be as big of a leader as him. He can be defined as bad or good according to perspective you look at him. He had only 2 and 1/2 years in power and judging him based on his short tenure in office is ridiculous. Even our last CG was in power as long as Mujib himself.

so you saying Altaf hussain has very high IQ??
Being a Pakistani I have no interest with Sheikh Sahab, he did what he felt suitable for him. but to call him great leader is a bit too far fetched.
Big question is would india release this affidavit No118 dated 10.11.1923, was registered with the Kolkata Magistrate Court? Or india will use it to blackmail Sheikh Mujib family and his cult?

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's, birth, mother, birth certificate, his grandfathers birth certificate, What has it got to do with the great mans struggle for bangladesh, it's liberation and then finally his ultimate sacrifice. It is shameful that OP is trying to malign one of the greatest leaders of bangladesh.

I think we should investigate this matter of his birth and clear it up, as these questions has been raised by some people and we really don't know who they are.

How does circumstances of someone's birth affect the leader

Truth should come out regardless of consequences. If you want to protect Mujib that shows your loyalty to him and his party, not to Bangladesh and its people.
You sound like republican a$$holes asking for obama's birth certificate, More importantly try getting an account of khaleeda zia's son's wealth amassed.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's, birth, mother, birth certificate, his grandfathers birth certificate, What has it got to do with the great mans struggle for bangladesh, it's liberation and then finally his ultimate sacrifice. It is shameful that OP is trying to malign one of the greatest leaders of bangladesh.

How does circumstances of someone's birth affect the leader

You sound like republican a$$holes asking for obama's birth certificate, More importantly try getting an account of khaleeda zia's son's wealth amassed.

If Indians like and defend a Bangladeshi leader more than most Bangladeshi, then there is something wrong with this picture. It means that this leader was good for India but may be not so good for Bangladesh.
This is the picture of the 1st cousin of Shaikh Mujibur Rahman taken from the 2nd video that I posted at 1:04 min.


This is the picture of Shakih Mujibur Rahman


Now compare this 2 picture. If this supposed story of hindu father is true then how come such similarity is there with 1st cousin let alone all the brothers and other extended family members.

Those who insult national leaders with some low propaganda propagated by some pakistani or jammati or BNP supporters are nothing but low life scum.

This is same as the awami league supporters those who are propagating low and mean type lie and scandal regarding past of Khaleda Zia in youtube.

Be it of any political party supporter no one will tolerate any insult of this type be it shaikh mujir, ziaur rahman, ershan, khaleda or hasina.

Every man/woman has good or bad and they can be criticized on it but launching propaganda of this type is no way acceptable in an international forum which is doing nothing but insulting Bangladeshis.

Same will be my response if any one post those youtube videos regarding Khaleda Zia.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's, birth, mother, birth certificate, his grandfathers birth certificate

Until india releases affidavit No118 dated 10.11.1923, was registered with the Kolkata Magistrate Court without any forgery indians has nothing acceptable to say in this matter, period.
guyz. it is disgraceful to the great man who fought for liberation of bangladesh. OP get a life.
Those who insult national leaders with some low propaganda propagated by some pakistani or jammati or BNP supporters are nothing but low life scum.

Why Capt. you calling me a "low life scum"? I did not write those info on these websites, I posted those as I was surprised to come across them, so I am sharing them with other people and just asking questions if anyone knew anything about them. We have the right to ask questions, no? Or do you think the whole world is living under Bakshal dictatorial idiocy so you can muzzle our mouth by force?

That said, it is very much possible that this is all a big fat lie and it should not be hard to prove, since Mujib family members and close relatives would surely know about it, if something like this were true. But your facial resemblance logic does not cut it, many brahmin's have Aryan/Persian blood and some look like Muslims. We need an investigative report by a neutral entity.

guyz. it is disgraceful to the great man who fought for liberation of bangladesh. OP get a life.

As far as I can see he conspired with Indian intelligence, deceiving the masses with a fake 6-point "autonomy" movement to instigate a civil war mayhem that killed many people on both sides, Bengali and non-Bengali. I personally do not think very highly of him.

His own followers Shawkat Ali and his daughter, Hasina, admitted as much.
1. In 1923 Bhandaria was neither a PS nor a PO. It was under Pirojpur PO&PS of Bakerganj Distt. That was the official name of Barisal then. This is a bogus document.

2. Sheikh resembles his late father, late brother Sk Nasser and the whole extended family have a remarkable resemblance with each other.

3. Let us sit back and consider coolly who is to benefit by creating controversy about a person declared as Father of the Nation? Who is to gain by maligning this lofty institution of BD? One after other all our great leaders and heroes are being character assassinated so that a vital pillar of the nation is weakened.

4. Sheikh was no angel. He had many faults/defects not unknown to men who rise in power. But for the sake of the nation's health, security, progress and even existence we need to protect him.

5. However, we need to highlight the facts truthfully as they occurred. If the Sheikh had told the truth that he never wanted to breakaway from Pakistan at that time and in that fashion, then the things would be different. But Sk Moni was openly calling him a Razakar. Gen Uban warned him not to tell the truth but to go along with BAL official line of declaration of independence, etc. Under no circumstances would India allow to show that he still supports the Two Nation Theory.

Excellent Posts Sir.
Why Capt. you calling me a "low life scum"? I did not write those info on these websites, I posted those as I was surprised to come across them, so I am sharing them with other people and just asking questions if anyone knew anything about them. We have the right to ask questions, no? Or do you think the whole world is living under Bakshal dictatorial idiocy so you can muzzle our mouth by force?

That said, it is very much possible that this is all a big fat lie and it should not be hard to prove, since Mujib family members and close relatives would surely know about it, if something like this were true. But your facial resemblance logic does not cut it, many brahmin's have Aryan/Persian blood and some look like Muslims. We need an investigative report by a neutral entity.

As far as I can see he conspired with Indian intelligence, deceiving the masses with a fake 6-point "autonomy" movement to instigate a civil war mayhem that killed many people on both sides, Bengali and non-Bengali. I personally do not think very highly of him.

His own followers Shawkat Ali and his daughter, Hasina, admitted as much.

yes you are low life scum. It is internet, you get what u search/look for. Only low life idiots, search for those info.
There are many biographies of Sheikh Mujib yet you would not see any of these mention about his maternal ancestors, that says a lot.
yes you are low life scum. It is internet, you get what u search/look for. Only low life idiots, search for those info.

When you spit in the air, it falls on your face. And why so much worry and venom from an Indian about a Bangladeshi leader who is dead and long gone?

Someone mentioned in a post in another thread that both Bhutto and Mujib had Hindu mothers, that is the reason I looked, as it is the first time I came across this allegation.
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