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Fuss on alcohol clouds Istanbul music festival

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Sizin yaptiginiz nedir peki? Vatani ne pahasina olursa olsun kurtarmaya calisan bu asil sehitlere, bir gun savastigimiz batinin pis fikirlerini kendi oz ulkulerimizden ustun tutup onlara ihanet etmektir. Kendi benliginden utanan bir toplum, kole olmaya, batiya hizmet etmeye mahkumdur. Turk milleti koleligi red ettigine gore, bir gun elbet sizin gibileri de yok olup gidecek ve Turk milleti kendi oz kulturune yeniden kavusacaktir.

Onun icin beni Izmirle tehtid etme. Izmir sizin gibilere kalmamistir.

Ne tehdit edicem ben seni ya. Sana yazı yazmaya bile üşeniyorum, içindeki pislik muhtemelen suratına vurmuştur, görmek istemem. Sadece Izmire git, Kordonda konuş böyle. Sırf içki içiyorlar diye insanları hain olmakla suçla, şehitlere saygısızlık ettiklerini falan söyle ne bileyim müzik dinlemeyin çok günah falan de. Bakalım birinin yumruğunu boğazından aşşağı sokması kaç dakika alacak.

Siz derken neyi kastediyorsun? Ben senin aksine herkesin inancına, giyimine kuşamına, ne içtiği yediğine saygı duyan bir adamım. Sen nesin? Alkol alıyor diye insanları ahlaksızlıkla suçlamaktan çekinmeyen bir ahlaksız yobaz!
People keep the discussion civil please and write in English, there is the Turkish thread if you want to continue your discussion in Turkish.
People keep the discussion civil please and write in English, there is the Turkish thread if you want to continue your discussion in Turkish.

I did this already before you write this post.

I am leaving this thread.
Back to topic.

Since this so called festival takes place in EYUB and not a different place. People of the drinking society, the atheists, kemalists, secularist should prepare them self for the future.

They will be offended and treated like they did back in time.

No mercy.
In Eyub mosque the morning prayers are so beautiful, it is near dreamlike :smitten:
Back to topic.

Since this so called festival takes place in EYUB and not a different place. People of the drinking society, the atheists, kemalists, secularist should prepare them self for the future.

They will be offended and treated like they did back in time.

No mercy.
I called you guys many things before but primitive wasn't one of them.
Funny thing is, the people you call "primitive" are the ones sitting on power at the moment and they have done a great job in the economic sphere, much better than your short-sighted secularists. And it seems these people will stay there for decades, for better or for worse. I don't like AKP very much, but when i see people calling my religion primitive i am happy that they are there :whistle:
Who called your religion primitive?
Indeed, intolerant primitive people has no place in modern societies, go back to your cage.
It's like the world went back by 2 centuries Ideology, but still advancing scientifically. I though after the cold war and fall of the Berlin wall that economics and golablisation would be the arena for clashes. That seemed true in the 90s in the Gulf war and Post-colonial africa, but then came 9/11 and religion once again got its seat back. This is ridiculousness. Did you ever saw videos of Pre war Afghanistan in the 60s. Compare that to now. Cavemen. Did you see Somalia in the 80s. Compare that to now. What did the Iranians gain from their ''Revolution''. Death and Intimation. The shah was terrible yes. But the Iranic population was educated and had a growth rate faster than South korea or Singapore. Now look at Nation... I wonder why Denmark keeps such yobaz..

Funny thing is, the people you call "primitive" are the ones sitting on power at the moment and they have done a great job in the economic sphere, much better than your short-sighted secularists. And it seems these people will stay there for decades, for better or for worse. I don't like AKP very much, but when i see people calling my religion primitive i am happy that they are there :whistle:

No one gives a sh** about your thoughts, don't enforce on others.
Who called your religion primitive?

So TurAr, hows life ? Been doing anything fun and exciting lately ?

Indeed, intolerant primitive people has no place in modern societies, go back to your cage.

So how far does this 'admiration' for Star Wars extend ? I'll ask you a question to find out : Whats the home-world of Borsk Fey'lya ?
It's like the world went back by 2 centuries Ideology, but still advancing scientifically. I though after the cold war and fall of the Berlin wall that economics and golablisation would be the arena for clashes. That seemed true in the 90s in the Gulf war and Post-colonial africa, but then came 9/11 and religion once again got its seat back. This is ridiculousness. Did you ever saw videos of Pre war Afghanistan in the 60s. Compare that to now. Cavemen. Did you see Somalia in the 80s. Compare that to now. What did the Iranians gain from their ''Revolution''. Death and Intimation. The shah was terrible yes. But the Iranic population was educated and had a growth rate faster than South korea or Singapore. Now look at Nation... I wonder why Denmark keeps such yobaz..

No one gives a sh** about your thoughts, don't enforce on others.

Who are you, are you even Turkish? And who is enforcing thoughts on others? You newbies need to learn how to conduct arguments. Before writing utter bs, try to comprehend what i write.
Who are you, are you even Turkish? And who is enforcing thoughts on others? You newbies need to learn how to conduct arguments. Before writing utter bs, try to comprehend what i write.

So Zulkarneyn...any chance of visiting Pakistan ?
''Learn how to conduct arguments'' then answer my statements above.. the evolution one...
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